God’s Love and Mercy Will Cease…When Pigs Fly


Image courtesy of subscriber Laura, River near her home in France.

In an uncertain world, there’s an undeniable hope in God’s love and mercy. An unshakable anchor for your soul.

A frenzy of emotions strangled my spirit. Tears soaked my face. Joining my husband on the screened-in porch, I fell into a chair and conveyed the frustration.

“Mike, I told the Lord to please end the madness. To stop the hard stuff from happening. I can’t handle anything else. I can’t take any more bad news. And if God’s allowing me to go through harsh circumstances for writing material, then I have enough. I’ll gladly write about fluffy things. Fun, happy, and smiley parts of life.”

A pastor, Mike was sensitive to my hurting heart. “Karen, it’s difficult to try to understand why bad things happen. The Lord already knows what you’re thinking and feeling. But He wants you to tell Him. To cry out to Him.”

After I bared the rawness of my soul, the words seemed to hang in the warm summer air as if I could reach up and grab them.

What caused the sense of hopelessness?

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August 11, 2016 at 7:24 pm | Uncategorized