Beat the Valentine’s Day Blues: Here’s How

Valentine's Day, courtesy of Adobe Spark“I’m skipping Valentine’s Day this year!”

When February 14 comes near, I hear and see the sting of broken hearts disenchanted with the whole “will you be my valentine?” charm or its absence.

As a young and vulnerable heart, Valentine’s Day without a boyfriend seemed ghastly to me. The Valentine’s Day blues at its peak. A girl in love with love.

Does Valentine’s Day define us?

Why do we think being someone’s valentine defines us? At least thinking it’s the tell-tale sign of who we are in regards to having and owning love. Like the cliche’. “I’m lucky in love.”

For the security of celebrating the day-of-love holiday, I often see girls and women date someone other than their “first pick” until after the holiday. Guys do this, too. Settle. To fill the spot for grandiose images of candlelight, romance, flowers, and chocolate.

Yet, I’ve always wanted close relationships with people who really get me. To know my heart as much as a person can know another human heart. Do they know what makes me smile, moves me to tears, causes me to laugh out loud, brings me to sadness, or throws me into a tizzy?

To understand me and love me. For. Me. As. Me.

3 valentines I always wanted to be:

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February 9, 2017 at 10:46 am | Uncategorized