Smell Good and Stand Tall in Jesus’ Name

Stand, by Adobe Spark“You smell good. You’re tall. That’s a pretty name.”

Is it just me or do you sometimes feel compliments ring of empty flattery? Maybe we receive or even give insincere comments meant to gain favor or win someone’s approval.

But this time the words came from a sincere place. You see, a special young man, Jason, spoke the words to me during a ministry event—authentic and from his heart.

And by the end of the night, the Lord not only nudged my soul about the deeper spiritual meaning, but He also asked me to write about it…how to smell good and stand tall and be known by name.

Flattery and Smooth Talkers

The Bible warns of flattery and smooth talkers who dazzle with flowery verbiage. (Psalm 5:9, Psalm 12:2) Yet as believers, Scripture encourages words spoken in truth and speech full of grace. (Ephesians 4:15, Colossians 4:6)

A few years ago, I spoke at a women’s event where I met Jason. Jason’s mom brought him along to help tear down and clean up at the conclusion.

When the program ended, I mingled and chatted with the ladies.

But then I noticed a young man in his mid-twenties blowing out the autumn candles decorating each table. Smiling, he approached me and the pastor’s wife. He possessed an endearing charm and a fun persona.

And Jason has a unique view of the world. He overcame tremendous disadvantages and obstacles in life. A childhood full of abuse and heartbreaking circumstances.

Still, Jason loves to tell his story and the good life he has now. God used this man to teach me a few lessons.

That is so like God. To use those dear to His heart to show us the way. So…

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October 12, 2017 at 10:24 am | Uncategorized