Bless My Heart: 6 Greatest Joys in Being a Pastor’s Wife

Pastor's Wife, text courtesy of Adobe Spark“Honey, bless your heart!” The response when announcing I’m a pastor’s wife. At least sometimes here in the southern part of America.

And to be fair, not only does bless your heart carry the connotation of empathy for the person’s situation. But it’s also admiration for courage or honor in taking on certain roles—bless your heart for doing that.

Last week I shared, My Top 6 Confessions About Being a Pastor’s Wife.

Part 2: Joys of a Pastor’s Wife

So, I identify myself as a pastor’s wife in every venue and at every corner of life. Further still, my family’s blessed with three of us. Yes, three. My twin sister, Sharon, is a pastor’s wife. And my younger sister, Wendi, is married to a pastor.

Also, we’re all different denominational churches. Yet, “in Christ.” And you can count on this, three Christian women who function as a triple threat to spiritual darkness.

In addition, the position comes with bragging rights. When an athlete or musician successfully achieves an ambition or wins a competition, it merits bragging rights. Great things they can boast about.

I haven’t achieved greatness or won a competition in these areas. But I know the One who’s great and victorious over this world, the enemy, and spiritual death. Rather, I boast about my Lord.

Christians have bragging rights. Boasting in a Mighty God who's done great things. #Christianity Click To Tweet

6 Greatest Joys and Their Blessings:

  1. Knowing Jesus and making Him known. I became a Christ-follower at sixteen. In college, I felt a call on my life to ministry. As a pastor’s wife, I help serve a local body of believers and a community in making Jesus known. Along with my husband Mike, we’ve served in three states in ministry positions, and ministered across the United States and overseas. Blessing: Spiritual influence. To know Christ and the power of His resurrection (Philippians 3:10). Yet, we do not boast in our wisdom, riches, or strength, but in knowing the Lord (Jeremiah 9:23-24). To help spread His name in our community and around the world.
  2. Spreading the gospel and people coming to Christ. Kingdom work. And spiritual offspring, not by physical descent, Pastor's Wife, text courtesy of Adobe Sparkchildren of the promise (Romans 9:8). As God’s offspring, believers play a vital role in lives brought into the kingdom. Most of all, in the Holy Spirit’s power we boldly proclaim that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:13). Blessing: Spiritual offspring. Because blessed are those who worship the Lord and delight in His commands…his spiritual offspring shall be mighty upon earth and his generations blessed (Psalm 112:1-2).
  3. Following Jesus and making disciples. We enjoy doing life with other believers and pouring our lives into men and women. I think of Jonathan, a passionate follower of Christ in the church when Mike was his Youth Pastor. And now Jonathan is the Youth Pastor at the same church. God gives us pastors and leaders in the faith for our spiritual maturity. But follow Jesus first, then follow the leadership of those who have counted the costs and bear a cross (Luke 14:27). Blessing: Spiritual growth. Grow in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and men (Luke 2:52).
  4. Teaching God’s truth and equipping people for service. Truth is being questioned daily in our world. We’re not called to “tickle ears” with what people want to hear—culture’s doing the tickling. Since we’re ministers and wives, we proclaim God’s Word, build up the body of Christ, encourage others with good teaching, and fight the good fight (Ephesians 4:11-13,1 Timothy 4). Blessing: Spiritual fruit. God’s truth bears fruit (John 15:7-8).
  5. Serving God and ministering to the least. God appoints pastors as servants for our good. Godly leaders and wives serve in love and humility. But we not only talk about grace. We give grace because God extended grace to us. And ministering to the widows, orphans, homeless, and those suffering and in need, “the least of these” (Matthew 25). Blessing: Spiritual service. Serving others is faithful stewardship of God’s grace. Also a faithful servant for the master to say, “well done” (1 Peter 4:10, Matthew 25:23).
  6. Standing firm in the faith and against the enemy. We stand firm in our position in Christ. Victors because He was victorious. Over-comers in the blood of the Lamb. Strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Therefore, spiritual leaders gladly take our place on the frontline of the battle, always clothed in the Lord’s armor. The battle belongs to the Lord (2 Chronicles 20:15). Blessing: Spiritual victory. More than conquerors (Romans 8:37).

Appreciate your pastor. Be thankful for him and his wife. Bless their hearts for “doing that” ministry.

Bragging rights. Blessings. Joys. God has done great things!

© 2015 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


February 2, 2017 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Joyce Page says:

Enjoyed this article Karen. Greatest joys in being a Pastor’s wife. I’m sure it isn’t easy but serving the Lord out shines it all.
I’m so proud to say I have three sons-in-law that are preacher men! Also proud to say they married a good woman. You three daughters are a blessing to me. Keep up the good writings! I love you. Mom

Karen says:

Thank you, Mom. No, it’s not easy, but often the road to following Jesus isn’t easy for any of His followers. And ministry can be tough. Yet, the joys and blessings are priceless and outweigh any hardships the enemy throws into our path. It is a blessing to have 3 pastors and pastor’s wives in our family. So special and unique. Thanks for commenting, for being proud of me, and for being my mom. Love you.

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