Only in the Movies—and the Sovereignty of God (Part 1)

Sovereignty, Adobe SparkToday’s post comes from a longtime friend, mentor, and author. Please welcome, Dianne Barker.

Have you ever felt as if you’ve been cast in an old James Bond movie, caught in a midnight car chase speeding toward infinite blackness?

You’re wondering…who wrote this plot and how did I get in it?

Only in the Movies

Joseph, one of my favorite Bible friends, found himself in a circumstance he didn’t see coming. His life wasn’t moving at breakneck speed—but by camel crawl. I wonder what he was thinking as the Ishmaelite caravan carried him away from home and family to a bleak unknown. Let’s review his story in Genesis 37-50.

A little innocent boasting put Joseph on his older brothers’ hit list. One of twelve sons born to Jacob (son of Isaac and grandson of Abraham), Joseph became his father’s favorite without even trying. He was born when Jacob was old, the son of his beloved wife Rachel, who died after giving birth to her second child, Benjamin.

After Jacob made Joseph an ornamental coat, his older sons hated the boy because their father loved him most. The family dynamics went further downhill when Joseph related his two strange dreams implying the brothers would someday bow down to him.

Jacob sent Joseph—just seventeen—to check on the older boys, who were off grazing sheep. They saw that annoying dreamer coming and plotted to kill him. Reuben, who seems to have had a soft spot in his heart, suggested throwing his little brother in a pit. He intended to rescue him later, but the plan changed.

The Sovereignty of God 

Seeing a caravan of Ishmaelite merchants headed to Egypt, the brothers sold Joseph for twenty pieces of silver. To explain his disappearance, they killed a young goat, dipped Joseph’s coat in the blood, and took it to their father, who concluded a beast had devoured his beloved son.

The suspense escalates like a made-for-television movie. Watch these clips.

Potiphar, an officer of the king, bought Joseph to work in his house and soon Sovereignty, Adobe Sparkrecognized the Lord gave the young servant success in everything he did. He placed Joseph in charge of his entire household.

Potiphar’s wife had a lust problem and enticed Joseph, “Lie with me.” Although he refused to betray his master and commit a grievous sin toward God, the woman pursued him daily. One day when no other servants were in the house, she caught Joseph by his cloak and persisted, “Lie with me.” He ran out, leaving the garment in her hands. She showed it to her husband and lied, accusing Joseph of trying to take advantage of her.

Potiphar had Joseph thrown in prison; but even there, God gave him favor. The warden put Joseph in charge of all the prisoners. When the pharaoh’s butler and baker landed in prison for offending the king, both had a mysterious dream the same night. Joseph—relying on God—explained the meaning: in three days, the butler would be released and restored to his position; the baker would be put to death. That’s exactly what happened.

Relying on God’s Sovereignty

Joseph asked the butler to mention him to Pharaoh and get him out of prison. He forgot.


I love this story because it shows the Director’s creativity. Who knows what would have happened to Joseph if the Ishmaelite caravan hadn’t arrived? As for prospering in prison—that happens only in the movies—and the sovereignty of God.

Don’t you think it’s about time Joseph got a break? I’ve read the script, and we’re about to see an astonishing turn of events. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.

Only in the Movies—and the Sovereignty of God (Part 2) coming to a theater near you.

So, perhaps not a theater. But join us back here. To be continued next week. Sovereignty, Dianne Barker

Dianne Barker is a radio host, speaker, and author of eleven books including the bestselling Twice Pardoned (life of Harold Morris). She’s a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Christian Authors Network, and Christian Women in Media Association. This post is adapted from Cabbages and Kings—Reflections on Living Abundantly in Christdiannebarker.com

© 2017 by Dianne Barker, All Rights Reserved

Blog images courtesy of Adobe Spark.


July 20, 2017 at 10:00 am | Uncategorized

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[…] Read part 1 here, Only in the Movies—and the Sovereignty of God (Part 1). […]

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