10 Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day

10 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day

There are many things to love about kindness, especially random acts of kindness.

Like how kindness is contagious. Think about a time someone acted kind toward you. Did you want to be kind to that person or pay it forward? 

Also, contrary to what people may say or think, kindness never goes out of style.

Even when society’s pendulum swings toward a me-focused culture, kind acts will always make a difference.

And that’s why God’s people play an important role in dispensing kindness without discrimination or qualification. Our example in this is Jesus and His earthly ministry. 

Because from a spiritual standpoint, kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. Kindness grows in us as we sow it and practice it.

So what is the current state of my fruit of kindness? Have I cultivated it in my daily life and in my family, community, and relationships?

Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. Kindness grows in us as we sow it and practice it. What is the current state of my fruit of kindness? Click To Tweet

Kindness From God

You see, one of the epic reasons kindness makes a difference is because we never earn it. Consider God’s loving kindness toward us. 

It leads us to repentance. “Or do you presume on the riches of his kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?” Romans 2:4 ESV.

His lovingkindness saves us. “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:4-5 ESV

We praise God for His kindness.

“I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us—yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses.” Isaiah 63:7 NIV

Acts of Kindness Make a Difference

My list here is not exhaustive, but gives us some ideas of random acts of kindness that brighten someone’s day. And perhaps sparks your own ideas. 

(1.)  Make extra dinner and drop it off to a neighbor.

10 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day

(2.)  Pay for the order of the car behind you at a drive-through.

(3.)  Tell the person at a store register or your server at a restaurant they are doing a great job and are appreciated. Or, keep a small sticky notepad and pen in your bag or pocket and include an encouraging comment when paying for your order.

(4.)  Leave a special note on the windshield of your spouse or teenage driver’s car. “Hope you have a great day!” “I love you and praying for you today.” 

(5.)  Discover the favorite coffee shop and drink of a co-worker or friend and deliver it to them. 

Acts of Kindness: No Discrimination or Qualification

Kindness is contagious, without discrimination or qualification, and never goes out of style—even when society's pendulum swings toward a me-focused culture. Click To Tweet

(6.)  Text or email someone a prayer that you just prayed over them—unsolicited prayer. 

(7.)  Take your neighbor’s trash to the curb on pick up day. Even a difficult neighbor may be reached.

(8.)  Maybe you own a leaf blower and rake. In a few months, when the leaves are scattered across lawns and driveways, clean up your neighbors leaves too.

(9.)  Here’s an idea if you have a flower or food garden. Do you frequent the same gas station, grocery, pharmacy or other store? Take fresh cut flowers in a mason jar to a female clerk. 

Or, take a small basket of fresh items from your food garden to someone at your church you don’t know well or a widow or widower.

(10.)  Send a small care bag to your child’s teacher at school. Use a small clear or colored bag and stuff with hand sanitizer, hand lotion, chap stick, peppermints, gum, and so on. Tie off with ribbon or a twist tie.

Kindness is Contagious

Remember, kindness is contagious, without discrimination or qualification, and never goes out of style. Kindness brightens our day. Isn’t this one of the great ways we show others the love and light of Jesus in us? 

Kindness brightens our day. Isn’t this one of the great ways we show others the love and light of Jesus in us?  Click To Tweet
10 Random Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day

Do you have a story to share about an act of kindness toward you?

Or, do you have other ideas to add to our list of kindness acts? Tell us in the comments. 

Featured images of our granddaughter and pug.

Last week’s article, Life is Short: Focus on God and Dream with Him.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


September 21, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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I adore the photos of your granddaughter with Big T, Karen! She sure is showing kindness to him, isn’t she? I strive every day to show kindness to others, even if it’s just a smile or a nod of acknowledgement. Being kind to others not only feeds their souls but ours, too.
Loved all the suggestions you made here.

Karen says:

Thank you, Martha, she loves Big T and has several stuffed dogs and pugs named Big T as well. That’s so true, even something as simple as a smile doesn’t cost us anything but can really minister to someone-more than we may ever know. God bless.

Putting this post into action can change the world–one person at a time. Thanks, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

Nancy, I’ve been saying the same thing about kindness changing the world, one person at a time. Thank you.

Karen, I love this list! This blog post is an act of kindness in itself 🙂
Since my diagnosis with stage 4 ovarian cancer in 2021, I have had too many acts of kindness to count! So many prayers, gifts, meals, housecleaning, rides to the doctor, and more. These people are truly the “hands and feet of Christ.” This is what I have reminded myself when I don’t want to accept the help. I mean, someone cleaning your bathroom and changing your sheets can be humbling.
I just pray that our amazing Jesus blesses each and every kindness that I have received.

Karen says:

Hey Beckie, I’m sure you’ve had countless acts of kindness. That’s so great to hear and grateful you continue to have such kindess surrounding you during these difficult circumstances and pray for your healing and recovery. I thank God for His kindness and your witness during your journey with cancer.

Sandra Arbeni says:

What a wonderful reminder. I love the saying that it’s better to give than receive.
Volunteering is another great idea. I retired from teaching English as a foreign language 10 years ago and am still helping my daughter by teaching some of her classes. It’s a brilliant way for me to stay useful and so we both benefit.
I look forward to another inspiring message.

Karen says:

I like your idea of volunteering as an act of kindness. That’s a great way to give of ourselves and expect nothing in return. “I will tell of the kindnesses of the Lord, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the Lord has done for us—yes, the many good things he has done for Israel, according to his compassion and many kindnesses.” Isaiah 63:7 NIV

Simple acts of kindness can change the world and make it better. This is a beautiful message Karen. 🙂

Karen says:

Agree, Melissa. “But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit.” Titus 3:4-5 ESV

Yvonne Morgan says:

Such a wonderful list Karen and 1000s of other ways too. We just need to learn to spread kindness wherever we go so we can reflect the Savior’s love.

Karen says:

It really does reflect the Savior’s love. Lord, thank you for your kindess and help us to show others You through acts of kindness.

J.D. Wininger says:

Kindness, I’ve long thought, is an extension of God’s love in us. Yes, a fruit of the Spirit, but like many others, it is rooted in love. The love that God has for us is manifested in the love we share with others. It’s His, after all, we’re just stewards of His manifold blessings. The ways in which kindness has been shown to us or we have shown it to others seems unlimited, but I think the impetus for showing it is the Holy Spirit. That isn’t to say that unsaved people can’t show kindness, but perhaps they’re unaware of where that noble notion comes from. Our human nature, left to its own devices, is certainly not kind.

As you pointed out, showing kindness to our loved ones is one way of reminding them they are loved and thought about. One of my favorite, shared by my wife and me, is leaving SHMILY notes where we least expect to find them. Open up the K-Cup drawer and you’re greeted with a full drawer and a SHMILY. Rummage through your purse looking for that document, and look, there’s a SHMILY attached to it. Pull out your laptop after arriving at the hotel, and tada, you guessed it, a SHMILY. 😀 They never fail to bring a smile.

Karen says:

I wholeheartedly agree, kindness is rooted in love. When we look at the description of unconditional love in 1 Corinthias 13, “love is kind” is mentioned. And Just like the Holy Spirit empowers us to model Jesus as a “little Christ,” He also helps us to do acts of kindness in His name. I think that’s great how you and Dianne leave the notes around for each other. Awesome! Thanks for sharing and God bless!

Jessica Brodie says:

I love this so much. Kindness is of huge importance. Often, it’s through kindness that people see Jesus for the first time!

Karen says:

Jessica, I love this: “Often, it’s through kindness that people see Jesus for the first time!”

Karen, we need this message so much! A small act of kindness can change a person’s entire day. May people see the kindness of Jesus flowing from His heart, through us to them!

Karen says:

Melissa, I agree, it can really change someone’s day. May the kindness of Jesus overflow in us and spill out onto those around us. God bless.

Joanne Viola says:

Such a wonderful post filled with wonderful and doable acts of kindness. “Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. Kindness grows in us as we sow it and practice it.” May His fruit grow in abundance in our lives!

Karen says:

Joanne, I pray the Spirit grows kindness in us in a world that is me-centered. With Jesus as our example, kind acts can change our communities one person at a time.

[…] Last week’s post, 10 Acts of Kindness to Brighten Someone’s Day. […]

Paula Short says:

Karen, I love this message. These are wonderful kindness ideas. I love doing random acts of kindness. My favorite is talking to elderly people at the grocery store. I’ve also been known to use up quarters in my purse and put them in parking meters surprising someone with extra time.
Visiting today from Joanne’s

Karen says:

Paula, I love your kind acts. I like to talk to elderly people in the store, too. The quarters in parking meters is something I’ve never heard of before! I love that! Thanks for sharing!

Kindness takes relatively little effort but can make all the difference to someone.

Karen says:

So true, Donna. Kindness can change the world, one kind act at a time. And Jesus is our example.

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