10 Amazing Benefits When We’re on Team Jesus

10 Amazing Benefits When We're on Team Jesus

We live in a time of ample opportunity for choosing a team to represent. Sports and reality shows afford us a team choice. And with the Super Bowl coming up, fans are choosing sides.

But life also boils down to choosing sides on spiritual matters.

As believers, we can stay loyal to Jesus or other gods—things the world offers us.

Amazing Benefits

(1.) Jesus wrote the playbook. In Christ dwells truth and knowledge of all things.

Culture attempts to set the boundary lines for marriage, sex, godliness, and who we worship. It’s time to draw a line in the sand, admit we’re on team Jesus, and make no apologies.

Culture attempts to set the boundary lines for marriage, sex, godliness, and who we worship. It’s time to draw a line in the sand, admit we’re on team Jesus, and make no apologies. Click To Tweet

This makes Jesus best suited to call all the plays in our life. “For in him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28 a (ESV)

(2.) Jesus embodies perfection. Whether in sports, music, talents, or career, the old adage says, “Practice makes perfect.” But practice never made anyone perfectonly better. The bottom line?

Nobody bats a thousand except Jesus. His ways and Word are perfect (see Psalm 18:30).

(3.) Jesus never sits on the sidelines. He is never absent from our lives. Even if we don’t see the hand of Christ in our circumstances, we trust His plan.

Jesus is the Goal

(4.) Jesus defends His team. He guards us against our main opponent, Satan—not a worthy opponent. Worthy is the Lamb who was slain!

Still further, Christ defends our cause with our enemies. So when others wrongly accuse us, abuse us, and we take hits from the opposing team, Jesus is our defender (see Psalm 35).

We let go of worry, anxiety, and emotional hurt when we’re not holding on to anything but Jesus.

(5.) Jesus is the goal. Team members often lose our way. Maybe we forget to keep our eyes on the goal. Perhaps, we turn back worried about what lies ahead. But when Jesus himself remains our goal, we regain our focus.

“I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 (ESV)

10 Amazing Benefits When We're on Team Jesus

(6.) Jesus beats the odds. The odds are often stacked against usBut members on team Jesus trust His supernatural power.

Because Christ defies the natural realm.

Amazing Benefits With Jesus

(7.) Jesus carries team members. He carries our load, burdens, sorrows, and us on His strong shoulders. Religion never carries us. Religion demands our tireless effort. But we rest in Jesus.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

“Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows,” Isaiah 53:4 (ESV)

Jesus carries team members. He carries our load, burdens, sorrows, and us on His strong shoulders. Religion never carries us. Religion demands our tireless effort. But we rest in Jesus. Click To Tweet

(8.) Jesus rescues us. We mess up, miss the shot, drop the ball, fumble, foul, or run the wrong way. But, Jesus is always the star player. And He’s the MVP of our lives.

Jesus rescued us from sin, the clutches of a ruthless adversary, and from ourselves—posing as our own god, wanting to be the star player.

“Who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age.” Galatians 1:4 a (NIV)

(9.) Jesus always wins. He stands as victor in the past, over the present, and into the future. Jesus won on the cross. Christ conquered the empty tomb. He champions every spiritual aspect of our lives.

Jesus’ victory on the cross makes us team champs spiritually. So when we need strength, peace, love, hope, mercy, grace, or comfort, Jesus reminds us the battle’s already won.

Jesus’ victory on the cross makes us team champs spiritually. So when we need strength, peace, love, hope, mercy, grace, or comfort, Jesus reminds us the battle’s already won. Click To Tweet

Amazing Benefits to Celebrate

(10.) Jesus chooses us. Remember those school days of choosing teams? Team captains picking kids for dodgeball in the gym or softball on the playground? No one enjoys hearing her name called last.

Jesus fills the role of team captain with His disciples. And He never, ever leaves anyone out. Instead, Christ desires for all people to hold a spot on team Jesus. He chose me. He chooses you. Have you heard Him calling your name?

Let’s celebrate these 10 amazing benefits that give us so much more support than anything the world offers.

10 Amazing Benefits When We're on Team Jesus

Featured photos courtesy of our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Last week’s article, How God Provides the Best Refuge for Our Soul.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2024 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


February 8, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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God is the only one. The only place to go for help, provision, and protection. Thanks, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

He is, Nancy! Grateful to be on team Jesus!

With Super Bowl weekend approaching, this is the perfect analogy as to how all of us are on a winning team when it’s led by Jesus, Karen. How can we lose?

Karen says:

Martha, we can’t lose! Jesus always wins. He stands as victor in the past, over the present, and into the future. God bless!

J.D. Wininger says:

Such an encouraging post ma’am. Great reminders of why we must proclaim Him loudly in every aspect of our lives. So that others might see all He can do for them also.

Karen says:

Appreciate you, J.D. Yes, I want others to know I’m on team Jesus and want to join too. Jesus IS the goal. “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14 (ESV)

Jessica Brodie says:

So encouraging, Karen! Being a part of “team Jesus” brings so many benefits. Amen to this!

Karen says:

Thanks, Jessica! Jesus’ victory on the cross makes us team champs spiritually. So when we need strength, peace, love, hope, mercy, grace, or comfort, Jesus reminds us the battle’s already won.

Melanie says:

Thank you Karen. I have been feeling ‘left out’, ‘different’, and that I’ve shared too much of myself with unbelieving neighbors. Also that instead of leading them on the road to heaven was my sharing off-putting so that they will not believe? And there was your post to remind me of God’s superabundant mercy and grace. He does carry us and knows exactly what we need and when we need it.

Karen says:

Melanie, He is full of mercy and grace in abundance. He carries our load, burdens, sorrows, and us on His strong shoulders. “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (NIV) God bless! #teamJesus

David says:

every day we need the Word of God with a pure and open heart, with sincerity, to allow the Holy Spirit of God to speak to us through His Word. Focus on what God your Father says about you in His Word. Don’t listen to other voices telling you negative words in your mind. It is important to pray and speak God’s Word full of life and authority over our body and mind every day, morning, afternoon and evening. Fight the good fight and overcome evil with good, I am more than victorious in Jesus Christ name.

Karen says:

Yes, In Christ dwells truth and knowledge of all things. He is the way, the truth and the life. (John 14:6)

Amen. He carries us through the good and the bad. We can find refuge in the Father. Have a blessed day!

Karen says:

The benefits on team Jesus bring me so much comfort and strength, Melissa. God bless!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Thank you for the encouragement Karen. We are all part of team Jesus

Karen says:

Best team for life, Yvonne. God bless!

Sandra Arbeni says:

Amen to all of this wonderful post.
One thing I’ve noticed by getting older with several health problems, I rely more on Jesus and have drawn closer to Him than I could have imagined.

Karen says:

Hey Sandra, it’s a great place to be and where the Lord wants us-totally dependent on Jesus for our everything. He is our everything!

Karen, this is so timely. And what a powerful analogy! Culture is definitely trying to redefine every boundary set by God. In fact, I would say we are witnesses mankind in full rebellion against their Creator. May we remember our Savior’s sacrifice. We are honored to be set apart for His team. No apologies, as you say. Powerful truth here!

Karen says:

Melissa, We are set apart for #teamJesus. And not only for the amazing benefits to His followers, but also to stand for truth. God bless!

[…] Last week’s post, 10 Amazing Benefits When We’re on Team Jesus. […]

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