3 Major Ways to Know God is on the Move

3 Major Ways to Know God is on the Move

Do you believe God is on the move?

Often, we find it difficult to believe something is happening, especially when we don’t see it.

Yet, believing without seeing is the definition of faith in Hebrews 11:1.

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (ESV)

Years ago, I told the Lord I do not like it when I can’t see what He’s doing or how He’s moving.

But that wouldn’t be faith.

Instead, we rest assured that God is working and moving in the heavenly realm and in the world and our lives—no matter what we see or can’t see.

Let’s look at 3 major ways we know God’s on the move.

God is on the move even when we can't see Him moving. Our faith trusts that God moves in the heavenly realm, the world and our lives. Click To Tweet

(1.) God is on the Move Through Prayer

Many times we underestimate the power of prayer to change situations and people…to change us. 

Because we move the spiritual world when we praise the Lord, recognize who God is, petition the Almighty, intercede for others, and speak God’s Word in prayer.

But sometimes our own thoughts, the enemy, or other people trick our heart into thinking God is holding out on us. 

Maybe a prayer went unanswered in how we wanted the situation to turn out. Perhaps we feel God didn’t come through for us in what we wanted to happen. Or, we’ve prayed for something so long, it seems impossible.

Remind your heart: God. Is. Not. Holding. Out. On. Me.

God is on the move working out His best for me. God continues to remind me that His timing really is perfect; His plans for me are always for my good and His glory.

So we don’t stop praying, we pray on. I’m thankful for the power of prayer: mountains still move, seas still part, mana still rains from heaven, and because God can raise the dead, ashes turn to beauty again.

God. Is. Not. Holding. Out. On. Me. God is on the move working out His best for me. God continues to remind me that His timing really is perfect; His plans for me are always for my good and His glory. Click To Tweet

(2.) The God of the Impossible Moves Mountains

“What is impossible with man is possible with God.” Luke 18:27b (ESV)

3 Major Ways to Know God is on the Move

I believe God is able, powerful, and mighty. These characteristics about God not only mean He does the impossible, but also that God’s on the move. And it includes moving in the past, present, and future.

You know those biblical accounts of miracles for God’s people in the Bible? God does them for us. 

God not only moved mountains for His people in the past, He moves mountains now in our lives with no other explanation except, “But God.”

These may be mountains surrounding our health, relationships, finances, circumstances, or spiritual warfare.

Because God is God, He can do anything like moving an obstacle or mountain blocking the way to our own promised land.

We find another important teaching about faith in the Bible. Faith moves mountains. (Matthew 17:20; Mark 11:23)

(3.) God is on the Move by Making a Way

Because nothing is happenstance or coincidence, it’s God working behind the scenes on our behalf. Always.

Our heavenly Father makes a way, carving out a path before us, even when there seems to be no way.

Just like the Lord parted the Red Sea for His people fleeing from the Egyptian army, He parts seas in our situation to make a way to the other side. The Lord parts seas in our lives when there was no other way around the difficult issue we faced. 

And God makes a way in our wilderness. “Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19 (ESV)

Wilderness experiences are no respector of persons. And this includes God’s people as long as we live on the earth. Trauma, great loss, illness, and so on, catapult us into a wildnerness. But God provides in every way, in every wilderness we travel through.

Our heavenly Father makes a way, carving out a path before us, even when there seems to be no way. Click To Tweet

No Doubt God is on the Move

3 Major Ways to Know God is on the Move

God is on the move through prayer. Are we faithful to pray?

God of the impossible moves mountains. Do we have a move-mountains kind of faith in God?

God is on the move by making a way. Do we trust God is working behind the scenes on our behalf, makes a way when there’s no other way, and provides in every way in our wilderness experiences?

Featured images courtesy of our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Last week’s post, 4 Familiar Scriptures and Truths We Often Miss.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2024 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


January 18, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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God is constantly making a way for all of us, no matter how impossible that may seem in the moment, Karen. Let us continue to pray, praise and thank Him for all He has done and will continue to do!

Karen says:

Yes, Martha. I pray that as well! We move the spiritual world when we praise the Lord, recognize who God is, petition the Almighty, intercede for others, and speak God’s Word in prayer.

Loved your message Karen. God is always on the move in our lives and all around us. I really see it as I look back over my life.

Karen says:

Thank you, Yvonne. God is faithful and we can see His movement in our lives past and present and will be able to know He is moving into the future! God bless!

David says:

The Word of God must be Alive and dwell within us. Faith comes from hearing the Word of God but He must be sown within us and watered so that it grows and becomes like a tree with many arms. Every day we must expose ourselves to the Word of God. It must be read and the mind must be taught to meditate on the Word of God day and night. We must train ourselves to watch and be awake because we have an enemy the devil who roars and seeks someone to devour. The Bible says to resist the devil strong in faith and he will flee from us. But how can you resist the enemy, when you plant in you the seed of truth which is the Word of God and water it and let it develop (grow in you) it will bear fruit in you and you will be able to resist the devil much easier then when the Word of God grew and flourished within your being. Our relationship with God must be a way of life a way of living here on earth all the time we should be aware of His presence as He is with us through the Holy Spirit, spend time with Him in reading God’s Word, spend time in prayer , dedicated to God in Spirit and truth every day we must practice these things to be able to reach new levels that God wants for all of us. AMEN!

Karen says:

Amen to all this truth, David. We hide God’s Word in our heart, water it, submit to God so the enemy flees from us. We walk in the spirit and stay close to the Lord. We choose God’s Word over the opinions of the world and we follow Jesus with complete abandon as a true disciple. God bless!

Oh Karen, this message hit home with me! Yes, God is moving even when we cannot see it! Sometimes I have to look back over my life to remember God’s miraculous intervention bringing things together for my eternal good and His glory. God seeks the eternal blessings over earthly blessings. So, this is not always visible in the earthly realm. But have seen His power and His powerful love through Christ’s life, death, resurrection, and ascension. Lord, I believe, help my unbelief! God bless you and your life of faith, Karen!

Karen says:

Yes, eternal blessings are part of “every blessing in the heavenly places.” (Eph. 1:3) This is our inheritance in Christ and I’m so grateful! A promise the Lord will cotninue to fulfill in our lives. Those intangible spiritual things we need most in this life and will be ours in the next. God bless!

Jessica Brodie says:

It really is so incredible realizing the stories we read about in the Bible really can and DO happen for us today, too! Miracles happen all around us.

Karen says:

I believe in God and I believe in miracles. He is the God of the impossible and He still moves in the same ways He always has!

J.D. Wininger says:

I can look back across the pages of my life and I see Him on every page. His message, written in love.

Karen says:

A message written in love for sure. And I can see His goodness and mercy in every chapter. We don’t have to worry about the beginning, middle or ending of our story, we just know He is on the move for our good and His glory.

It is so amazing how God moves and in such surprising ways. I just try to be faithful to pray and leave the results to Him. But sometimes that sounds easier than it is. 🙂

Karen says:

Hey Donna, I like how you said, “be faithful to pray and leave the results to Him.” Yes! It’s not easy, but we were never meant to be in control or manage our own life and circumstances. So grateful I job is to trust and He does the heavy lifting.

[…] Last week’s post, 3 Major Ways to Know God is on the Move. […]

Paula says:

Yes, I do believe God is on the move even when I can’t see it. He’s working behind the scenes for my good and his Glory.
This is so encouraging for me to have read today.
Visiting today from Joanne’s

Karen says:

Thanks for visiting, Paula. Grateful for God’s timing and His goodness in our lives. God bless!

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