An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Space

An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Space

God provided an empty tomb for every empty space in our lives.

Does it ever seem like you took a crash course on how to manage current life that you never signed up for? The sinking feeling of emptiness that seems to linger on and on.

I experienced emptiness from an empty womb after I lost a baby to miscarriage, an emptiness from a broken heart when my father died, and plenty of other empty spaces throughout the years.

Whether it was the loss we experienced during the pandemic, a natural disaster, a family trauma or inner turmoil, you and I know how much empty wreaks havoc on our minds and hearts.

Because we can almost always mark a moment when empty made an entry point in our story.

Still, empty doesn’t define who we are, we were misinformed by the enemy of our souls.

Empty Tomb: Jesus Steps Into Our Empty

Those daydreams of shining knights coming to save the day and us. The people we hope will swoop in as a hero over our difficult circumstances and life’s unexpected curve balls. The ones we want to fill in our empty.

They all have cracks in their armor or holes in their capes. 

But Jesus steps in and rescues us from areas in our life marked: Empty found, Rescue needed.

These are our real needs. These are the areas where a true rescue needs to take place. Like how Jesus offers to fill our emptiness with living water and soul refreshing. Such as forgiveness, mercy, and grace for sin. And unconditional love and real peace only found in our Savior.

Jesus offers to fill our emptiness with living water and soul refreshing. Such as forgiveness, mercy, and grace for sin. And unconditional love and real peace only found in our Savior. Click To Tweet

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16 (ESV)

An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Space

An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Place

Christ willingly emptied Himself on a cross to pay for our sins and fill the emptiness of our souls.

Jesus suffered to comfort us in suffering, beaten and broken to put us back together. Separated from His Father so He connected us in relationship with God—never distant, but always near.

Maybe our life feels empty from a world turned topsy-turvy. Perhaps our soul displays the barrenness of our current situation. 

When everything familiar seems stripped away, remember the stone supernaturally rolled away.

Jesus Christ rose from the dead, leaving behind an empty tomb, so we are able to leave behind empty from our past or present, and even into our future. 

Jesus Christ rose from the dead, leaving behind an empty tomb, so we are able to leave behind empty from our past or present, and even into our future.  Click To Tweet

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.”  Matthew 28:6 (NIV)

Empty Tomb: Jesus Gave His Life Away to Give Us Life

Made for more, we realize there’s more to this life. Christ came to give us more…to give us what is missing and to fill our emptiness.

Jesus Christ came to give us a whole lot more than eternal life. He gifts us with a better life. He came not only to give us an eternal future, but to also gift us with a better present—to redeem our story and redeem our empty. 

Yet, we must keep our eyes on the Savior who is the culmination of the “more” we need. If we immerse ourselves in godly things, in spiritual things, and even in ministry, but miss Jesus, we miss it. We miss our reason for rescue. 

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.’” John 11:25 (ESV)

Prayer for Our Empty

Heavenly Father, Teach me what my real needs are and how Christ is the only one who fills my emptiness with what lasts forever: mercy, grace, hope, love and peace. Thank You for an empty tomb that overcomes every empty place in my past, present and future. Thank You for raising Jesus from the dead, forgiving my sins, and giving me new life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, Teach me what my real needs are and how Christ is the only one who fills my emptiness with what lasts forever: mercy, grace, hope, love and peace. In Jesus’ name, Amen. Click To Tweet
An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Space

Featured images taken when filming for our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Last week’s post: We Already Possess Power Over Fear.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


October 6, 2022 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Such great inspiration! Thank you Karen.

Karen says:

When everything familiar seems stripped away, remember the stone supernaturally rolled away.

J.D. Wininger says:

What a wonderful thought; “Jesus fills our emptiness.” Thank you for this inspiring message this morning ma’am.

Karen says:

Appreciate your encouragement, J.D. I’m so grateful Jesus fills us like nothing or no one can.

Yes! Jesus emptied Himself that we might be filled . . .
Wonderful reflection today, Karen. Blessings!

Karen says:

Thank you, Martha. Jesus suffered to comfort us in suffering, beaten and broken to put us back together. Separated from His Father so He connected us in relationship with God—never distant, but always near. God bless!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Amen. Jesus does fill all our empty places. Great message Karen

Karen says:

Thanks, Yvonne. “Heavenly Father, Teach me what my real needs are and how Christ is the only one who fills my emptiness with what lasts forever: mercy, grace, hope, love and peace.”

Jan says:

Jesus steps into our empty-love this!

Karen says:

Hey Jan, glad that spoke to you. The truth behind it really brings me comfort.

I love how you put this post together, Karen. Always encouraging. God bless!

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Nancy. Jesus Christ rose from the dead, leaving behind an empty tomb, so we are able to leave behind empty from our past or present, and even into our future.

Amen to your prayer! You couldn’t have phrased it any better. What would we do without Jesus? He loves us enough that He died for us. He wanted to spend eternity with us, so He rose from the dead and awaits us in heaven. And thus, He makes it possible for us to be born again through the work He completed on earth, on the cross, and with His resurrection. I’m so grateful for Jesus!

Karen says:

I’ll forever be amazed by Jesus and His grace. So glad He steps into our empty.

Teresa A Moyer says:

I have been so fatigued the last few weeks. I feel like an empty tomb despite knowing Jesus is there, the Holy Spirit is there. Just an odd fatigue right now that would be so dark but because I have such a close and awesome relationship with Jesus there is still so much light that shines from me to others.

Karen says:

That’s wonderful, Teresa. Thanks for sharing! Jesus suffered to comfort us in suffering, beaten and broken to put us back together. Separated from His Father so He connected us in relationship with God—never distant, but always near.

Love this quote: “Jesus steps into our empty.” Yes!

Jessica Brodie says:

Amen, Karen! More of me, less of Him. Jesus fills the empty with His love, light, and truth.

Karen says:

Yes, Jessica! Christ willingly emptied Himself on a cross to pay for our sins and fill the emptiness of our souls.

Linda Stoll says:

Karen, I so appreciate this sacred reminder that Christ steps into those empty, broken spaces as we invite Him to. How much time have we wasted looking for earthly ways to fill those aching voids.

Thank you for these wise and apt words.

Weekend blessings to you.

Karen says:

Linda, I agree we waste so much time filling our empty with things of this life that expire and never bring long-lasting satisfaction.

Beautiful, Karen! He filled my emptiness. Amen!


Karen says:

Thank you, Tammy! Jesus offers to fill our emptiness with living water and soul refreshing. Such as forgiveness, mercy, and grace for sin. And unconditional love and real peace only found in our Savior.

Joanne Viola says:

Karen, I so appreciate the encouragement this post brings. Jesus steps into our empty because He knows what it feels to be emptied. He emptied Himself so we would not need to remain empty. He fills every part of our lives with Himself. Amazing love!

Karen says:

Thank you, Joanne. How amazing and comforting that Jesus took on our empty to make us full in every spiritual blessing in heavenly places.

[…] Last week we discussed, An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Space. […]

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