Applying Self-Control to Every Fruit of the Spirit

Applying Self-Control to Every Fruit of the Spirit

Although self-control begins with the word self, we ourselves can’t nurture it, much less muster up the power to practice it—applying it to our lives.

Because self-control is a fruit of the Spirit.

I’d heard about the “freshman fifteen.” But I set out with ample willpower to avoid gaining fifteen pounds as I entered my first year in college.

And you know what? I didn’t gain fifteen pounds. Instead, I gained a little more. Yikes! 

But here’s something we often fail to understand about self-control from a biblical perspective. 

We don’t possess the power to practice self-control, it comes only through the Holy Spirit.

Galatians 5 encourages us to walk by the Spirit, not to gratify the desires of the flesh (verse 16).

And the chapter provides a list of fleshly desires such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, impurity, rivalry, strife, jealousy, anger, divisions, dissensions, envy, enmity, sensuality “and things like these” (verses 19-21).

But here’s the stark opposite to the works of the flesh. “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23 (ESV)

I’ve often wondered why self-control is listed last.

Perhaps self-control is partly gained from allowing the Holy Spirit to grow and cultivate in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness. 

So let’s compare and contrast the works of the flesh with the fruit of the Spirit through reflective questions and thoughts.

Applying self-control: love over jealousy and envy.

In what areas do I see jealousy and envy in my life? Ask the Holy Spirit to give me self-control to really love others, even enemies, instead of harboring jealousy. This type of love only comes through a relationship with the Lover of my soul.

In what areas do I see jealousy and envy in my life? Ask the Holy Spirit to give me self-control to really love others, even enemies, instead of harboring jealousy. Click To Tweet

Self-control desires true joy instead of false joy. 

Fake joy numbs the pain through alcohol/drunkenness, emotional eating, drugs, including prescription drug abuse, shopping, and so on. How am I currently self-medicating? Ask the Spirit to give me true joy.

Applying self-control brings peace in relationships rather than strife. 

Applying Self-Control to Every Fruit of the Spirit

Am I at peace with myself and the people in my life? Real peace only comes through knowing Jesus Christ. Where can the Prince of Peace work to bring peace to areas that need more harmony, not conflict, in my marriage and relationships?

Self-control grows patience to fight against anger. 

Am I impatient while driving, standing in line, or with my loved ones? Does a lack of patience spur fits of anger in me with road rage, how I treat others in public, and my tone with loved ones? Ask for resurrection power to rise up over any anger in my life while producing a harvest of patience.

Applying self-control: kindness in place of enmity and dissension. 

Am I often in hostile opposition to others, creating dissension between me and them? Whether it’s differing opinions and perspectives, self-control extends kindness, not hostility; kindness, not disagreeing in an unkind manner.

Whether it’s differing opinions and perspectives, self-control extends kindness, not hostility; kindness, not disagreeing in an unkind manner. Click To Tweet

Goodness is self-control gaining ground over impurity. 

Do I struggle with impure thoughts? Pray for the Holy Spirit to replace these thoughts with goodness on a daily basis. Goodness is a virtue snuffing out impurity helping me to think on what is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and commendable (Philippians 4:8).

Applying self-control: faithfulness in battling idolatry and sexual immorality. 

Lack of faithfulness in marriage results in infidelity. Allowing idols to take top spot over God results in idolatry. But self-control through the Spirit helps us remain faithful to our spouse and the Lord. 

Gentleness is self-control instead of division. 

Do others describe me as gentle or abrasive? Do I teeter between gentleness in dealing with others or causing division and discord depending on the circumstances? What does gentleness look like in my marriage, with my kids, and in my life?

Next Step in Applying Self-Control

Applying Self-Control to Every Fruit of the Spirit

Make a compare and contrast list of the works of the flesh versus the fruit of the Spirit. Evaluate where you need help in practicing self-control and ask the Holy Spirit to help you.

Featured images from our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.

Last week we looked at 3 Ways We Follow Jesus With Complete Abandon.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


August 31, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Self control can bring humility and honesty. I know there are areas of my life, especially with food, that I need to use self-control. Thank you for this inspirational message. Have a blessed day! 🙂

Karen says:

Melissa, so many of us deal with self-control in food or other areas. I think it’s so easy to run to something tangeable for comfort when that
is one of the functions of the Holy Spirit living in us. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

A challenging call to put into practice what the Lord has said is right, even if it involves living out the entire list, for all is good here, and instructions from the Lord never fail to guide us!

Karen says:

Melinda, love how you said, “…for all is good here, and instructions from the Lord never fail to guide us!” I hope we continue to make the connection between walking and living in the Spirit and God’s truth to our Christian journey here.

When Jesus is first and foremost in our lives, it follows that self-control would be a natural outgrowth of our love and respect for Him and His desires for us to live full and abundant lives, not tearing down others, but building them up.
Great thoughts here, Karen. Blessings!

Karen says:

Martha, I like how you said self-control naturally grows and shows in our lives when we have that close relationship with Jesus and keep Him first. That’s so true. God bless!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Karen, this is a great way to use the fruits of the Spirit. I love it. Thank you for sharing this inspiring message.

Karen says:

Yvonne, it takes courage, at least for me, to make a compare/contrast list and see where I need help with the fruit of the Spirit versus the works of the flesh.

Lynn says:

You’ve given us a wonderful exercise to apply self-control in our lives. And I like how you pointed out to us that although the word “self” comes first, self-control is nurtured from the Holy Spirit within us. I’m so grateful we do not do life alone!

Karen says:

Amen to this, Lynn, “I’m so grateful we do not do life alone!” So am I! Holy Spirit, fall fresh on us and help us walk in You and the truth so we display the fruit in aspects of our lives.

Jessica Brodie says:

Great post! When we have self-control, we can often see the Holy Spirit produce fruit in our lives!

Karen says:

Well said, it’s a natural overflow of the Holy Spirit.

Lord, pour Your Spirit out on us to give us self-control so we may shine line and honor You.

God bless, Karen, and thanks for this work.

J.D. Wininger says:

While I recognize that I always need more of every Fruit of the Spirit, it is self-control that I struggle with the most I think. To this day, I find myself more reactionary than I want to be. Romans 7:15 rings so true in my life sometimes. Great points Ms. Karen. Thank you ma’am.

Karen says:

I know that feeling, J.D. Sometimes it’s our response that lacks self-control. And while we can’t control the words, actions, responses of other people, we can control “me,” but only when we’re walking in the Holy Spirit. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Nancy Ruegg says:

It makes perfect sense there would be a symbiotic relationship among the fruit of the Spirit since they all come from the same Spirit. Thank you for fleshing out this concept, Karen, and giving us searching questions to pursue!

Karen says:

Thanks for your comment, Nancy. I pray to practice and grow more and more in the fruit of the Spirit and not gratify the works of the flesh. God bless!

Sandra Arbeni says:

I consider myself to be a work in progress. Sometimes I take 2 steps forward and 1 step backwards but at least I’m making progress.
It was another wonderful thought provoking message.

Karen says:

Thank you, Sandra. I think we all feel like that at times, God’s not finished with us and He’s still doing a work in us if we allow Him to work in us through the Holy Spirit living and reigning in us. God bless.

[…] Last week’s article, Applying Self-Control to Every Fruit of the Spirit. […]

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