This Babe So Small: Christmas Nativity Story

This Babe So Small: Christmas Nativity Story, Photo by Shelby Miller on UnsplashImagine the nativity story told through the eyes of the inn-keeper’s young daughter. This is a wonderful children’s book by my friend, Jann.

Jann and I met online several years ago through Twitter. And with Christmas coming soon, I asked her to tell you about her book.

Welcome, Jann.

Has God asked you to do something that you really didn’t think you could do?

Let me take you back to 2006. I needed a story to read on Christmas Eve, and couldn’t find one. I looked on all of the different websites for a new book to read. Feeling frustrated I sat back and asked God what I was going to do. His reply was that I was going to write it.

Mine was, right, I have no idea how to write a book.

Not wanting to be rebellious, I said a prayer for help and started to type. I ended up with a story called That Wonderful Night, the nativity told through the eyes of the innkeeper’s daughter.

This Babe So Small. The nativity told through the eyes of the innkeeper’s daughter. #book @JannWMartin Click To Tweet

A Nativity Story for Christmas

I read the story at the family service on Christmas Eve. The children sat quietly as I read to them. Greeting the people as they left church several asked where they could get the book. I told them that I had written it and could print them a copy. They said that I should get it published, that it was the best story I had read.

Having no idea on how to publish a book I soon forgot about it. Then in February 2007, God started opening doors. I met an author. She introduced me to her publisher. Then in September I had my books in my hands, with the new title This Babe So Small. The publisher told me that God must really want this book published. She had never had a first-time author published so fast.

Then it was time to see if I could sell them. It seemed like everyone I called had me come to have a book signing and presentation on publishing books. I ended up with 58 book signings between Thanksgiving and Christmas, almost selling 2,000 books.

This Babe So Small: Christmas Nativity StoryThe End of the Story

Here is the ending:

The shepherds finish their prayers and stand. One of them says, “We will go and tell everyone we see that God has sent His Son, as He promised. Others will want to come and worship Jesus. Important people. Maybe even kings.” The shepherds leave the stable.

      Kings? Come here to see the baby?

      Joseph says, “Would you like to come out and see Jesus?”

      I come out and give Mary my blanket. She thanks me. I kneel by the baby. Jesus is so beautiful! He seems to shine like a star. With one finger, I touch his hand. His tiny fingers curl around my finger. I feel different inside. It is almost like I am being held and comforted by Papa, only better. This is Emmanuel. I do not need signs–my faith tells me.

I kneel by the baby. Jesus is so beautiful! He seems to shine like a star. With one finger, I touch his hand. His tiny fingers curl around my finger. #childrensbook @JannWMartin Click To Tweet

Stories Through the Eyes of a Child

In 2009, we moved from Michigan to Florida. This was when I found out that God wasn’t done with me writing books. He orchestrated me joining Word Weavers, a Christian critique group. Through them I attended Florida Christian Writers Conference. This was where I met a publisher and acquired my agent.

In 2016 I had my children’s series Bible Characters Through The Ages, published. It’s a time travel series where two children go back in time to meet the Bible characters and tell their stories through the eyes of a child. They get to go on many adventures. They will be relaunched soon with some updates.

The agent also has me working on a new book series Jann’s Basics book one is a beginner quilting book. I’m praying that there will be many more hand craft sewing books in the future.

Prayers for Life Adventures

When you pray asking for help, be careful you may end up taking steps in a direction never before dreamed of. This can begin an adventure of a lifetime.

What prayer is on your mind for a new life adventure?

This Babe So Small: Christmas Nativity StoryJann W. Martin—author, teacher, speaker and blogger— Her dream is to captivate the hearts of children, by writing stories that teach them of the Bible through the eyes of a child. Jann grew up in the 50’s in Detroit Michigan. She has always loved being around children, teaching in a pre-school, as well as all ages in the churches she attended.

Jann has a B.A. in Early Elementary Education from Michigan State University (1972) and a retired Commissioned, Associate in Ministry from Trinity Lutheran Seminary (1999). She began a writing career when needing a book to read on Christmas Eve at the family service. God inspired her to tell the nativity story through the eyes of seven-year-old Joanna, the inn keeper’s daughter in This Babe So Small. Visit Jann’s website. 

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Debbie Kitterman/#Dare2Hear, Lori Schumaker/#momentsofhope, Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.

*Featured/top photo by Shelby Miller on Unsplash.


December 6, 2018 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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What a great story of obedience! I love when God surprises us by telling us to do something we’ve never thought possible. And then giving us the strength and ability to do it! Thanks for sharing this and encouraging me! Enjoyed being your neighbor on #MomentsofHope today. 🙂

Karen says:

Hello neighbor. And me too, Emily. Amazing how the Lord brought Jann’s obedience full circle in allowing her to be published.

What an inspiring story of a first-time author following God! Love the book idea as well, I know my kids would really enjoy it. Thanks for sharing this!

Karen says:

You’re welcome, Laura. I love this inspirational story too. And yes, the book is wonderful. Thanks for commenting.

I love the idea of imagining life through the eyes of a child. Innocence and humility. What a beautiful message!

Karen says:

Melissa, I agree. I think imagining the nativity and other Bible stories through the eyes of a child brings in a child-like faith and perspective. Thanks!

Rebecca Jones says:

What a great story, and He works it out in His time.

Karen says:

Rebecca, I like how Jann says, “God wasn’t done with me writing books.” So glad she obeyed the call to write. 🙂

Dear Karen, what a wonderful story of how Jann’s book came to be. It’s always a good idea to see the Christmas story and the Good News through the eyes, mind, and heart of a child.
Blessings ~ Wendy Mac

Karen says:

So true, Wendy! Children certainly see glimpses of things we would surely miss. Thanks for commenting!

Karen, thank you for introducing us to Jan and her books! They all sound great, but the Bible Characters Through The Ages really intrigues me.

Karen says:

I know, Beckie, that book project is intriguing. Blessings, friend. Appreciate you stopping by to leave your thoughts.

Rachelle Craig says:

What a precious book! Thank you Karen, for introducing us to Jann and her books! I just placed my order and will read this book to my grand-girls on Christmas Eve! Have a very Merry Christmas!

Karen says:

Yay, Rachelle! So glad you have the book for Christmas Eve! I know those girls will enjoy it as well as you!

What a wonderful, inspiring interview! Pinning and tweeting. Merry Christmas to you both!

Karen says:

Thanks, Sarah! Merry Christmas to you!

Kristi Woods says:

What a beautiful story of obedience–one that champions with hope. I’m so glad you shared it, Jann. To God be the glory. And Karen, thank you for sharing your blog space.

Karen says:

Thank you, Kristi. I love Jann’s story and her book. Merry Christmas!

Brittany says:

Wow! Looks like a wonderful story Karen. I want to run to the store and purchase it for my children. Thanks so much for sharing. And her words at the end. God can truly take you in a completely different direction than you have in mind. Really speaks to my heart chords.

Karen says:

Isn’t that the truth, Brittany, how God takes us in different directions that how we imagined it?! I hope you get Jann’s book for your kids. It’s beautiful.

Carl Wright says:

This is really amazing. What an incredible ride it must have been to have 58 book signings in just over a month. I love the perspective, to view the birth of Christ through the eyes of a little 7 year old girl. Thank you for introducing Jann.

Wishing you a blessed Christian season Karen! 🙂

Karen says:

Hey Carl, It is an amazing story and the book is as well. Merry Christmas and Holy-day to you, Carl. 🙂

Dear Karen, what an amazing real life story of God’s hand at work! I love this. It is a joy to hear of Jann’s heart for the Lord and for His children. Thank you for sharing. God bless you both!

Carl Wright says:

Thank you Karen! 🙂

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