Celebration of the Resurrection’s Not Canceled

Celebration of the Resurrection’s Not Canceled, Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash


A word wiped from our vocabulary as events wiped clean from our calendars.

Because events worth celebrating disappeared from our day-timers and lives with little warning. Like weddings, graduations, sports championships, family gatherings/vacations, and church worship services—in person with our brothers and sisters in Christ.

“Celebration canceled” hoovers over our present world crisis and maybe some of our own personal ones. 

While we live in unprecedented and downright scary times. Although life seems less than stable and celebratory.

Even though we all took a crash course we never signed up for on how to manage current life. 

There’s no better time to deeply celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Celebration: God Bankrupted Heaven to Send a Rescuer

Those daydreams of shining knights coming to save the day and us. The people we hope will swoop in as a hero over our difficult circumstances and life’s unexpected curve balls. They all have cracks in their armor or holes in their capes. 

But Jesus steps in and rescues us from areas in our life marked: Rescue needed. 

These are our real needs. These are the areas where a true rescue needs to take place. Such as forgiveness, mercy, and grace for sin. Like unconditional love and real peace only found in our Savior.

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” John 3:16 ESV.

Let’s celebrate how Jesus saves! 

Celebration: An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Place

Christ willingly emptied Himself on a cross to pay for our sins and fill the emptiness of our souls.

Jesus suffered to comfort us in suffering, beaten and broken to put us back together. Separated from His Father so He connected us in relationship with God—never distanced like social distancing, but always near.

Maybe our life feels empty from a world turned topsy-turvy. Perhaps store shelves display the barrenness of our current situation. We discussed last week, Why “Full” Runs Out at the Bottom of Human Buckets.

When everything familiar seems stripped away, remember the stone supernaturally rolled away. Jesus Christ rose from the dead, leaving behind an empty tomb, so we are able to leave behind empty from our past or present. 

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay”  Matthew 28:6 NIV.

When everything familiar seems stripped away, remember the stone supernaturally rolled away. “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay”  Matthew 28:6 NIV. #HeIsRisen #Resurrection Click To Tweet

Celebration: Jesus Gave His Life Away to Give Us Life

Celebration of the Resurrection’s Not Canceled, Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash

Made for more, we realize there’s more to this life. Christ came to give us more…to give us what is missing. 

Jesus Christ came to give us a whole lot more than eternal life. He gifts us with a better life. He came not only to give us an eternal future, but to also gift us with a better present—to redeem our story. 

Yet, we must keep our eyes on the Savior who is the culmination of the “more” we need. If we immerse ourselves in godly things, in spiritual things, and even in ministry but miss Jesus, we miss it. We miss our reason for rescue. 

And if we miss celebrating the resurrection this year since we’re not sitting in a building with other believers. Or because we forfeit long-celebrated Easter activities and traditions we think define the holiday. We end up missing the greatest celebration of all time.

We may forfeit long-celebrated Easter activities and traditions. But if we miss celebrating the resurrection, we end up missing the greatest celebration of all time. He is risen! #HeIsRisen #Resurrection Click To Tweet

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live’” John 11:25 ESV.

Things Canceled

No, celebrating the resurrection’s never canceled. But some things are.

Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace.

God canceled our former life. The resurrection gave us new life.

Our Father canceled the enemy’s bondage. The resurrection gave us freedom.

The triune God canceled our eternal punishment and death. The resurrection gave us everlasting life.

Celebrating the resurrection's not canceled. But these things are: our sin debt, our former life, the enemy's bondage, eternal punishment and death. #HeIsRisen #Resurrection Click To Tweet
Celebration of the Resurrection’s Not Canceled, Photo by Mads Schmidt Rasmussen on Unsplash

Prayer: Heavenly Father, during this pandemic, draw me closer to You. Teach me what’s missing from my life that I desperately need, but I’m unaware of. Help me point others to hope in Christ. Thank You for raising Jesus from the dead, forgiving my sins, and giving me new life. Give me the joy to fully and deeply celebrate the resurrection as never before! He‘s risen! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


April 9, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Our Easter celebrations may be different this year, but the reason for celebration remains the same. He is Risen! Amen.

Karen says:

Melissa, it absolutely remains the same reason we celebrate a risen and triumphant Savior! He is risen indeed!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Hallelujah and amen. He is risen from the grave to conquer death once and for all. Thanks

Karen says:

Oh, what a Savior and what wonderful, amazing grace! “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live’” John 11:25 ESV.

Yes, so many things might be canceled or put on hold, but that doesn’t stop any of us from celebrating Jesus’ resurrection and all the blessings He’s given to us. We should be absolutely focused on that, rejoicing in the better life Jesus gives us here on earth, and thankful that we will share eternal life with Him.
Blessings, Karen, and Happy Easter!

Karen says:

Martha, I’ve been reflecting on how the Lord wants us to use this current situation to center our lives on Him, focus on what truly matters like eternity, and how He helps us overcome present suffering. We may forfeit long-celebrated Easter activities and traditions. But if we miss celebrating the resurrection, we end up missing the greatest celebration of all time. He is risen! Happy Easter!

As we so often hear around the CHRISTmas holiday, this year we have the opportunity to reflect upon the real “Reason for the Season” Ms. Karen. Let us not lament over what worldly things we can’t do right now, but focus on the greatest event in history when our God defeated sin and death for each of us (John 3:16). Thank you; and God’s blessings young lady.

Karen says:

Yes, J.D. We focus on our victory in Christ as we celebrate all these years later: “He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay” Matthew 28:6 NIV. Because it trumps anything else the world offers us to celebrate Easter anyway. Nothing can outdo the resurrection power of Jesus Christ!

Great post! If we focus more on what has been canceled for eternity than on the canceled activities around us right now, what joy that brings!

Karen says:

Agree, Stephanie! A thousand Hallelujahs!

Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace.

God canceled our former life. The resurrection gave us new life.

Jessica Brodie says:

Great piece, Karen. There is SO MUCH to celebrate. I’m so grateful for Jesus and the gift He has given us all.

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Jessica. If we miss celebrating the resurrection this year since we’re not sitting in a building with other believers. Or because we forfeit long-celebrated Easter activities and traditions we think define the holiday. We end up missing the greatest celebration of all time. He is risen!

Julie Dibble says:

Good afternoon, sister,
Oh praise His holy name! I needed this today. All that His victory did to cancel former lives and bondage! Your wording is powerful Karen. May God bless the time you spend celebrating with your loved ones this coming weekend. Love in Christ, Julie

Karen says:

Hey, Julie! Yes, thankful for the victory we have in Christ. When everything familiar seems stripped away, remember the stone supernaturally rolled away. Hallelujah! Our God is mighty to save! He is risen! Hope your celebration is blessed this weekend too!

I loved this Karen! It hit close to home, as I had planned a surprise birthday party for my husband last month that I had to cancel. So this was a perfect way for me to remember God’s power!

Karen says:

Emily, I’m sure it was hard to cancel the party. Yet, it seems to be where we are right now in life. Thankful celebrating the resurrection of Christ is still front and center.

I love this, Karen! This will be so much more like the first Easter.

Karen says:

Barbara, I never thought about it that way, but, yes, so much more like the first Easter when there wasn’t all the distractions we normally have in our present age.

What a glorious post fixing our eyes on the Savior! I was feeling so sad that we wouldn’t be singing the triumphant praise music of his resurrection with other brothers and sisters in Christ this year in church, the first year of my sixty years that this would be the case, and then, I read this: “And if we miss celebrating the resurrection this year since we’re not sitting in a building with other believers. Or because we forfeit long-celebrated Easter activities and traditions we think define the holiday. We end up missing the greatest celebration of all time.” The celebration of Jesus’ resurrection still exists, and we will sing at the top of our lungs in our living room while watching our worship service on Facebook. BUT, it will be all about Jesus, not our circumstances, and not this virus. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Karen says:

Melinda, I like how you said this Easter and Resurrection Sunday “will be all about Jesus, not our circumstances, and not this virus.” I hope God’s people discover this truth like never before when all we know about celelbrating this weekend is stripped away and all that’s left is Jesus Himself. He is risen!

Beautiful post, Karen. Let’s fix our eyes and our hearts on celebrating what Jesus did for us!

Karen says:

Beckie, thanks so much. Hope you had a blessed Resurrection Sunday. So grateful to celebrate how Jesus suffered to comfort us in suffering, beaten and broken to put us back together. Separated from His Father so He connected us in relationship with God—never distanced like social distancing, but always near.

Linda Stoll says:

Thanks for this lovely reminder that the most essential Celebrations are in no way cancelled, Karen!

A great perspective shifter to what’s important and vital in our hearts.

Easter blessings to you and yours …

Karen says:

Linda, I pray we keep our eyes on the Savior who is the culmination of the “more” we need. If we immerse ourselves in godly things, in spiritual things, and even in ministry but miss Jesus, we miss it. We miss our reason for rescue.

Karen, it can be so easy to get distracted by the horizontal, earthly concerns. But we must keep our eyes vertically towards our Heavenly Father and to the Cross. For when we do we become rooted in the truth of Jesus’s life, suffering, death on the Cross and the resurrection. For this allows us to celebrate regardless of what is going on around us and the circumstances we find ourselves in. Blessings to you this Good Friday.

Karen says:

So true, Anne. “Heavenly Father, Thank You for raising Jesus from the dead, forgiving my sins, and giving me new life. Give me the joy to fully and deeply celebrate the resurrection as never before! He‘s risen! In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Karen, I love this!!! Oh my, you captured so many profound understandings in this one post. I’m still taking it all in. How we all long for a hero and Jesus that greatest rescuer of all time. When we feel like our lives are stripped down, as you remind us here, the stone supernaturally rolled away. This is our story, too! Because Jesus died for the sins of the world and all who receive Him are children of God! I loved this line: “Jesus Christ came to give us a whole lot more than eternal life. He gifts us with a better life. He came not only to give us an eternal future, but to also gift us with a better present—to redeem our story.” It’s true, the abundant life in Christ is not just for heaven, but also for here and now. He makes all things new now and forever. Even if every other celebration is canceled the celebration of all time is still happening in our hearts! The Lord bless you and your family!

Karen says:

Melissa, thanks for your kind encouragement friend. I asked the Lord this year to help me focus on really celebrating the resurrection like never before and celebrating what He has canceled.

Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace.

God canceled our former life. The resurrection gave us new life.

Our Father canceled the enemy’s bondage. The resurrection gave us freedom.

The triune God canceled our eternal punishment and death. The resurrection gave us everlasting life.

Amen, sister. Thanks for this encouraging post.

Karen says:

Thanks, Candice. “Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live’” John 11:25 ESV.

Yes, Yes, Yes!
Perhaps the silver lining to all this is that we’re finally celebrating the Resurrection instead of celebrating the celebrations!

Karen says:

Thanks, Ava. I like that “finally celebrating the Resurrection instead of celebrating the celebrations!” Amen!

Gail Johnson says:

Thank you for the encouraging words, Karen. Great post. I loved this: An Empty Tomb for Every Empty Place. We all have empty places in need of filling, and He alone is able to fill them. Blessings.

Karen says:

Hi Gail, I’m so grateful Jesus left behind an empty tomb so we can leave behind empty places in our lives. And then let Him fill them. God bless.

Kristi Ann says:

Amen-Amein Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua is RISEN and ALIVE Hallelujah and Maranatha Amen-Amein!! Updated Three Christian Video’s!! ~> ( https://kristiann1.com/2016/03/10/jyche/ )!!

( Romans 8:34 KJV ) “Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua that died, yea rather, that is RISEN AGAIN, who is even at the Right Hand of GOD, who also Maketh Intercession for us.”!! Hallelujah and Maranatha!!

( John 11:25-26 KJV ) “Yeshua-Jesus Said unto her, I AM the Resurrection, and the Life: HE that Believeth in ME, though HE were dead, yet Shall HE Live: And whosoever Liveth and Believeth in ME Shall Never die. Believest thou This?”!!

These are just some of the Holy Bible Verses on my Website Above!! Enjoy Please Everyone!!

Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕 is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore Everyone!!

I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! 💕 Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

“Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only GOD keeps You Going.”!! Amen-Amein Praise Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Hallelujah!!

[…] Read my post for more on freedom in the resurrection, Celebration of the Resurrection’s not Canceled. […]

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