Dear Modern Martha: You are a Daughter Not a Slave

Dear Modern Martha: You are a Daughter Not a SlavePlease welcome my friend, Katie Reid. Today she shares with us from her new book, Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done.

I recently read Katie’s book during every spare moment I found in my schedule. Why? Because I’m a Martha. Perhaps, you are too.

Like Katie, I felt sad and even discouraged at the bad rap Martha often gets in sermons and church circles.

Not only because I’m a doer, but also because I enjoy sitting at the feet of Jesus…too. Find encouragement in this post, buy and read Katie’s book.

Dear Modern Martha:

For years you’ve lived like a slave, trying to please your Master. You’ve worked hard…striving to be enough, trying to earn favor, and stay in good graces.

You’ve tried to obey and you’ve tried to honor Me.

Your try-hard soul is weary from hustling to measure up. You get frustrated when you fall short and discouraged when you fall down. You are fed up with this “never enough” lifestyle.

I invite you to get off of the treadmill of toil. There is a better way to live. And it doesn’t require more discipline, more effort, or more sweat.

I invite you to get off of the treadmill of toil. There is a better way to live. And it doesn’t require more discipline, more effort, or more sweat. @Katie_M_Reid Click To Tweet

It starts with a change of heart. And then a name change. Since you are in Christ, you are no longer a slave, My child. You are a daughter. My Daughter.

Everything I have is yours.

You are not sinner but saint, not prodigal but pardoned, not hired-help but royalty.

Remember...You are not sinner but saint, not prodigal but pardoned, not hired-help but royalty. @Katie_M_Reid Click To Tweet

You already have My pleasure, My favor, and My grace. Lavished. Loved. Never alone.

Your try-hard soul is free from measuring up because My Son already measured up by overturning the scales of sin and shame. When you fall short or fall down, Jesus’s robe of righteousness remains on you—like a coat of many colors, reflecting My delight in you.

Dear Modern Martha: You are a Daughter Not a SlaveEnjoy the benefits of being adopted into My family, purchased by Jesus’s blood: the inheritance given freely, purchased at a great price, for you. The signet ring of My Spirit, sealing you with love, proof of your ransom.

Partake of the feast prepared in celebration of your return.

Unlock the shackles ’round your feet by receiving the truth that I sing over you. Be released from your imprisonment. Walk free, daughter.

My faithful love lasts forever.

You are chosen, accepted, enjoyed. You are Mine. There is nothing you can do to please Me more because Your Redeemer (Jesus) has pleased Me and He resides within you, through faith.

I am not leaving. I’m not exasperated with you.

Rest, Daughter. Settle into My Love. Relax in My care. No more slavery, no more striving.

Rise, Daughter. Dance for fun. Sing for joy. Laugh from a lighthearted place.

You don’t have to strive for that which you already have.

You don’t have to strive for that which you already have. @Katie_M_Reid Click To Tweet

Sure, there are things to be done, but you don’t have to do them in order to be loved. You are already loved.

Your identity as daughter should determine your outlook—hope is on the horizon…and within you.

Go forward, knowing who I am and who you are.



Dear Modern Martha: You are a Daughter Not a SlaveKatie M. Reid is a devoted wife, mom to five loud and wonderful children, and a fan of cut-to-the-chase conversations over iced tea. Katie is also a speaker, bible study facilitator, and author of Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done (which includes a 5-week bible study for individuals and groups). She encourages others to find grace in the unraveling of life at katiemreid.com. Subscribe to Katie’s site to receive free resources to help you breathe deeply and walk freely.

Purchase Katie’s new book today, Made Like Martha: Good News for the Woman Who Gets Things Done.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Kelly R Baker/#BV Network Party, Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.

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September 6, 2018 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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I love this topic. I agree that Martha has gotten a bad rap over the years, and it’s nice to validate her heart as well as her deeds. There is a balance between Mary and Martha that I think we all should respect. Thank you for the post !

Karen says:

I love how you said it validates her heart as well as her deeds, Lisa. So true. That’s what I related to most about Katie’s book. Not feeling shameful because I’m a woman who likes to get things done. And celebrating who I am in Christ in my labor while also enjoying sitting at the feet of Jesus. Which I love to do, too.

Katie Reid says:

Thanks so much for hosting me, Karen!

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing this wonderful and powerful letter to us modern Martha’s. I pray the book continues to set free those of us carrying shame or striving without cause. May we celebrate the Martha in us and rest in being His daughter.

Katie Reid says:

Hi Lisa:Thanks for reading. Yes, the world needs both types, doesn’t it? 😉 Hope you have a great day.

I like Lisa’s idea about balancing Mary and Martha 🙂

Karen says:

Hi Edna,

I’ve always said that anything is a balance and not to be extreme on either side of any issue, including this one. Sometimes we are both a Mary AND a Martha. We sit at Jesus’ feet because we know it brings the most value to our lives. But as women, we also consider ourselves business women, hospitable, involved in community, engaged with others, and want to serve others out of our love for Christ. So, it’s not always just about appearances, but also the unseen…the heart.

Blessings, Karen

I come from a long line of Martha’s. It’s hard to break the mold. But it can happen. Rest is wonderful. Work and rest balance–that’s what we Martha’s need to find. Thanks for a great post.

Karen says:

So glad this resonated with you, Nancy. As Katie said it, “Rest, Daughter. Settle into My Love. Relax in My care. No more slavery, no more striving.” 🙂

Becky Smith says:

LOVE this line: “You don’t have to strive for that which you already have.” Powerful words!

Karen says:

Aren’t they, Becky? We can do the work that needs to be done without equating it to how much God loves us or earning His love. He already loves us as much as possible now and “before” our striving.

Milton Goh says:

So powerful! I can already foresee spirits of slavery turning into spirits of sonship crying out “Abba, Father!” Praise the Lord for this anointed word!

Karen says:

Yes! Like Katie put it, “Your identity as daughter should determine your outlook—hope is on the horizon…and within you.” Or in your case, son. 🙂

Annie Rim says:

I read “Made Like Martha” this summer and loved the freedom Katie reminded me of living into my Martha-ness rather than feeling shame. I’m glad she’s over here, Karen! 🙂

Karen says:

Me too, Annie. I love how Katie points us to embrace our inner Martha and thrive there while we also rest in who we are in Christ. Thanks so much for commenting and glad you read the book.

This post hit me hard today. A word right on time to speak to my soul. Especially the reassurance that “I am not leaving. I’m not exasperated with you.” And “Sure, there are things to be done, but you don’t have to do them in order to be loved. You are already loved.” Its things like that my mind knows, but my heart hasn’t understood. Your book has been added to the top of my reading list! Thank you!

Katie Reid says:

Glad you were encouraged, Jennifer. You can find more info about the book (and Chapter 1 for free) over here: https://www.katiemreid.com/made-like-martha/

Katie Reid says:

Hi Annie: Nice to see you over here. Thanks again for being a fantastic member of Team Martha. 🙂

Katie Reid says:

What a powerful picture, Milton!

Katie Reid says:

Hi Becky: So glad you were encouraged. Thanks for reading.

I absolutely love this…thank you Karen for sharing this. “It starts with a change of heart. And then a name change. Since you are in Christ, you are no longer a slave, My child. You are a daughter. My Daughter.

Everything I have is yours.

You are not sinner but saint, not prodigal but pardoned, not hired-help but royalty.”
I will have to get this book for sure!!! <3

Karen says:

Marla, you’re welcome and I can’t say enough about how life-changing the book really is. And remember…

“You are chosen, accepted, enjoyed. You are Mine. There is nothing you can do to please Me more because Your Redeemer (Jesus) has pleased Me and He resides within you, through faith.”

“You already have My pleasure, My favor, and My grace. Lavished. Loved. Never alone.”

I love this line. Stress melted from my shoulders as I read it. Thank you for sharing. Such a beautiful post. Sometimes there is a little Mary in Martha in all of us.

Karen says:

Hallelujah, Stephanie! That line stirred my soul as well. And because we “already have,” we can enjoy the pleasures of being one of God’s adopted children. 🙂

Yvonne Morgan says:

I too can be a Maratha and this really spoke to me. Jesus is in control and I only need to do my part, not all of it. I do already have everything because I have Jesus. Thanks for the refreshing words. I plan to take them to heart.

Karen says:

Right, Yvonne. As Katie conveyed, “You already have My pleasure, My favor, and My grace. Lavished. Loved. Never alone.”

I love the story of Martha and Mary. Both bring insight into our lives. Surely, I get Martha. Because I like getting things done. But I get Mary, too, for I love my still quiet moments in God’s word and in His presence. Balance among the two is not always achieved, but both are very necessary for our life. Thank you for the uplifting post. I must get the book! 🙂

Karen says:

We are definitely kindred-spirits, Marcie. The balancing act between Mary and Martha is not easy, but concentrating on who Jesus is brings the most balance.

I was blessed to be on Katie’s launch team for this book. I was amazed how sometimes I am more like Martha and other times, I am more like Mary. Most important is to remember I am God’s child. 🙂

Karen says:

Amen, Melissa! We are God’s children and His sons and daughters. May we find peace and rest there.

I realize I represent the minority here, but I appreciate the women of the Bible like Martha. The lessons are equally applicable to all people. God’s truth is amazing like that. E.g., a Martha way about me is I don’t like to burden others in favor of doing it myself. But that’s not how God’s community works. Thanks for posting this Karen and Katie.

Karen says:

The lessons are applicable to all, including our men-folk. I so relate to your comment, Stephen. I do things myself instead of appropriately delegating to not burden others (and honestly, for it to be done right, :-)). It’s not how God’s community works. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Katie says:

Stephanie: So glad to hear stress melted off your shoulders. 🙂

Heather Hart says:

This: “There is a better way to live. And it doesn’t require more discipline, more effort, or more sweat.” I love that. I fail so much and if it was up to me, I would never make it on my own. No matter how hard I try, I will never be enough. I’m so thankful Jesus doesn’t ask us to be enough. He doesn’t ask us to try harder. It’s enough to bring me tears of joy and releif. So thankful for Him.

Paul Zunker says:

We already have His pleasure, favor and grace! What a great thought. We don’t need to work to earn any of those things because He has freely given them to us is we are one of His children! Calling it “modern Martha” is so so accurate also! Sometimes I think we leave the characters of the Bible and their personalty traits there and don’t see how we can be doing the same things! We are so often caught on the “treadmill of toil” that we can’t see that Jesus just wants us to chill out and rest in HIM!!! Thanks for these challenging thoughts!

Karen says:

I agree 100%, Paul. We do sometimes leave the people of the Bible on the pages as just mere stories and forget they are there for a reason…for us to learn biblical truths.

Katie says:

You are welcome, Paul.

Thanks, Katie, for this reminder to the Marthas of the world, myself included. We are cherished and loved, even as we serve with all our might and even if we can’t do it all any longer. It took a chronic illness knocking me flat and removing me from all my Martha positions and ministries for me to comprehend that the Lord loved me deeply, even if I couldn’t do all of that ministry. Now, from the quiet of a chronic life, I seek the heart of a Mary, reminding myself of the previous lessons learned and recognizing my deep need for Jesus.

Karen says:

Such a great and powerful testimony, Melinda. Once your life changed so drastically, you had to be more intentional in Mary-attributes. And I love how Katie reminds us the good in Martha as well as Mary.

Laura Thomas says:

I had the absolute joy of being on the launch team for this amazing book! So much solid encouragement. I talked about it so much, my husband is buying himself a copy as he thinks he’s a male version of Martha (thoughts on a boy book: Made Like Martin perhaps? 😉) Blessings to you, friend!

Karen says:

I love that your husband is buying a copy, Laura! That is so great! Made like Martin…haha! Blessings to you!

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