Hope Lives Closer Than You Think

Hope Lives Closer Than You ThinkI pointed out the window to a community in the country.

“My friend lives there.”

Jenny and I traveled early morning hours to attend a conference near the town I grew up in.

It’s interesting to know where friends or people we meet live and work and worship.

But what if we knew where hope lives?

Because life’s hurts, heartaches, and injustices often leave us feeling overwhelmed and hopeless.

Or, our dreams hunger for fulfillment.

Hope lives closer than you think.

There’s something I want you to know. You are never far from hope. Click To Tweet

Google defines hope, “A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.” All humans hope.

  • I hope to lose weight.
  • My friend carries many hopes in her heart.
  • The pastor said not to give up hope.
  • We hope our brother pulls through this illness.

Yet, sometimes things happen differently than we wanted.

Hope exists in many forms. But when we cling to false hopes, they soon fizzle and leave us empty-handed.

Women often come to me—a pastor’s wife—looking for authentic hope. Did I pray enough? Where is God? Will He come through for me?

These are women in tough places. Hearts broken by tragedy. Languishing dreams with no pillow to lay their heads. And I nod saying, “Me too.”

Finding Where True Hope Lives

Friend, I want true hope. And I’m betting you do.

This desire stirred my heart to search for the long-lasting kind. A quest more than just, come out, come out, wherever you are! And it needed roots in something other than this world. So, I turned to God’s Word.

“For whatever was written in the former days was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4 ESV)

You see, once we tap into the source of real hope, we make another discovery. True hope lives really close by.

Hope Lives Closer Than You ThinkThe God of Hope

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13 ESV)

God’s powerful actions and the work of His hands bring hope into our lives.

First, God fills us with His joy and peace, so that we abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

With help again from Google, abound means “exist in large numbers or amounts.” Synonyms include, “abundant.”

The verbs fill and abound illustrate the abundant life Christ promises believers. Leaving the grandeur of heaven, for our sake Jesus became poor so that we—joint-heirs with Him—become rich. We overflow with abundant hope.

Hope Lives in Us

When Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, He brings hope near. It’s not just around the corner, off in the distance, or on the other side of glory. And hope is not something we muster up in our own power.

But hope’s something we possess—a gift from God.

Our spiritual clothes contain deep pockets with blessings—never short-changed on peace, joy, love, grace, mercy, comfort, or hope. Click To Tweet

We hope in Jesus. And Jesus is our hope. So, He’s the essence of authentic hope.

Just as our driver’s license displays our picture, describes a few of our physical attributes, and notes our address. Our Christian ID card contains descriptive terms: beloved, child of God, saint, in Christ, chosen, and free. Others should say; Oh, she looks like her Father. Hope lives in her. 

Does Jesus live in you? Is your name written in the Lamb’s book of life? If you answered yes, then stop looking for hope’s address. Click To Tweet

Hope lives wherever the presence of Jesus dwells—in you.

Dear brother and sister in God’s family, cling to this: Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27).

Walk forward in the Holy Spirit’s power, believing hope abounds in you, because it does.

Hope Lives Closer Than You ThinkSubscribe by email to this hope community for a free E-devotional, 4 Ways Hope Changes Your Life Forever.

Images are mine and designed in Adobe Spark.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.

© 2018 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


August 23, 2018 at 9:13 am | Uncategorized

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I just got my new driver license in the mail yesterday. So, this section really resonated with me: “Just as our driver’s license displays our picture, describes a few of our physical attributes, and notes our address. Our Christian ID card contains descriptive terms: beloved, child of God, saint, in Christ, chosen, and free. Others should say; Oh, she looks like her Father. Hope lives in her.”
Oh, Father, let it be that others see your light and hope through me. Thank you for this beautiful reminder.

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing about your license, Beckie. So grateful Jesus dwells in us, our name is written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and hope lives in us! Hallelujah!

Annie Rim says:

I love this reminder that hope dwells within us. When I look outward for hope, I’m left frustrated. Have you read “I’m Still Here” by Austin Channing Brown? Her last chapter is all about living in the “shadow of hope.” That we may not see results but that doesn’t mean we lose hope.

Karen says:

Thanks, Annie. No, haven’t read the book, but it sounds wonderful. We really are never far from hope. Ever!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Once again, you provided such great insight into our hopes. I so look forward to reading your blogs. I love the statement, hope dwells within us. That shows me that it is not something the world can take from me because God put His hope deep within us.

Karen says:

Awe, thank you for your kind words, Yvonne. I love reading your blogs as well, so it’s mutual. And, Amen! Since hope lives inside us the world can never take if from us…or the enemy!

Hope lives wherever the presence of Jesus dwells—in you.

“You see, once we tap into the source of real hope, we make another discovery. True hope lives really close by.” Love this thought. Needed it today. God bless!

Karen says:

Nancy, thank you. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13 ESV)

Nan Jones says:

Loved this so much, Karen. Thank you.

Karen says:

Praise Jesus, Nan! So thankful for real hope. “For whatever was written in the former days was written for our instruction, that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.” (Romans 15:4 ESV)

I am thankful for the hope found in Jesus Christ. When times are good and when times are bad, there is always His hope.

Karen says:

That’s right, Melissa. Hope no matter what because we know the source of true hope. Leaving the grandeur of heaven, for our sake Jesus became poor so that we—joint-heirs with Him—become rich. We overflow with abundant hope.

Brittany says:

Hope is so tough sometimes. Especially when we are hurting or feel like we cannot move forward without answers. God has been working on my perseverance. I just have to trust He has it all under control.

Karen says:

It is tough sometimes, Brittany. I think because it’s not tangible. But neither is grace or peace or mercy or so on.

Dear sister in God’s family, cling to this: Christ in you, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). Walk forward in the Holy Spirit’s power, believing hope abounds in you, because it does.

Sydell Alford says:

This is a great message of Hope! Thank you Karen for your words of wisdom. God is with us and lives in us and He is our Hope. Much blessings to you sweet friend ❤️🙏🏼

Karen says:

Thank you, Sydell. I’m so grateful in an uncertain world, there’s an undeniable hope, an unshakable anchor for our soul.

Your posts are always so upbeat and encouraging, Karen! I bet the women in your church love their pastor’s wife! I loved this word picture: “Our Christian ID card contains descriptive terms: beloved, child of God, saint, in Christ, chosen, and free. Others should say; Oh, she looks like her Father. Hope lives in her.” Hope is so important. Otherwise we despair. But Jesus is our hope! Great post!

Karen says:

We do despair without authentic hope, Melinda. I never understood how non-believers manage without it. Thanks for your kind words. Thankful to be connected with you, you bless me.

I love this, Karen! Hope does feel like it’s living in a different zip code sometimes. Thanks for words that fight the lies!

Karen says:

Yes, Michele. A different zip code or is away on vacation for a while. Glad our feelings are not to be trusted since hope is with us regardless of what we think.

God is our hope! As we walk in our Valley’s of Night He gives us light as he dwells in us. Thank you for this reminder this morning as I start out the day. God bless!

Karen says:

Yes! Jesus = hope. Hope = Jesus. There’s no other way to look at it. Thanks for commenting, Jonathan!

Joanne Viola says:

Karen, we truly need to remind ourselves that hope resides within us. Each time I open my Bible, hope springs up within me – enough hope for each day. Beautiful!

Karen says:

“Enough hope for each day.” Love that thought, Joanne. Thanks for commenting.

I love the verse that says our hope does not disappoint. That verse is such a testimony that when our hope is placed in Jesus, we don’t need to fear it being crushed or lost. Loved reading your thoughts on this topic!

Karen says:

Emily, when Jesus lives in us through the Holy Spirit, He brings hope near. It’s a hope we can count on.

Scott Osgood says:

Really great read Karen. Sometimes it is easy forget, but we must always come back to the fact that the giver of everything dwells in us.

Karen says:

Thank you, Scott. Once we tap into the source of real hope, we make another discovery. True hope lives really close by.

Kristi Ann says:

HOPE FATHER and CHARITY ( LOVE ) , the Greatest of these THREE is CHARITY ( LOVE )!!

( I Peter 4:8 KJV ) “And above all things have fervent CHARITY ( LOVE ) among yourselves: for CHARITY ( LOVE ) shall cover the multitude of sins.”!!

( I Corinthians 13:13 KJV ) “And now Abideth FAITH, HOPE, CHARITY ( LOVE ), these Three; but the Greatest of These is CHARITY ❤ ( LOVE ).”!!

( Romans 8:28 KJV ) “And we know that all things work together for Good to them that 💕LOVE GOD,💕, to them who are the Called According to HIS Purpose.”!!

( Deuteronomy 6:5 KJV ) “And thou shalt LOVE the LORD thy GOD with All thine HEART, and with all thy SOUL, and with all thy MIGHT.”!!

GOD BLESS ALL my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and Your Families and Friends!!

I am Pro-Israel-Yisrael / Pro-Christian and Jewish People who STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America / Pro-Zionism / PRO-LIFE / PRO-LIFE!!

Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕💜 is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore!!

I Love you all Everyone through Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua, because HE LOVED 💜💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Karen says:

Amen, Kristi Ann.

Dear Karen!

Your initial blog post paragraph made me think of the saying “Life’s not fair” – I believe that’s a true saying.

Often we feel overwhelmed and hopeless as you say because that’s how life is.

Yet, we have the opportunity to react differently to what happens in our lives. Your blog post was encouraging, and I agree with your idea, hopes lives closer to us than we often realise.

With love!
Edna Davidsen

Karen says:

Hi Edna, I agree, life is not fair. If we wait for life to start looking up, we may wait forever! Our reaction certainly can be based in the truth we know about real hope. Hope in a God who is the true Hope-giver.

Karen, I Love this post! Romans 15:13 is one of my life verses, and I just discovered today that you can order dinner plates with the scripture written on them. Many blessings to you!

Karen says:

Wow, Beth. I didn’t know that Scripture came on plates. I’ll have to check that out. I love it too. Thanks so much for commenting. Blessings!

Kristina says:

Beautiful post! Thank you for the reminder that God’s gift of grace and hope is right under our nose!

Karen says:

I like that, Kristina, “hope is right under our nose.” Thanks for commenting.

susan says:

What a wonderful reminder of what true hope is and the fact that it is always with us in Jesus! I love Romans 15:13, it’s one of my absolute favorite verses.

Karen says:

Mine too, Susan. So comforting to know that God fills us with His joy and peace, so that we abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Lesley says:

It’s so amazing to think that in knowing Jesus we not only have hope, but we have hope living in us!

Karen says:

Yes, Lesley. Christ is our living hope. Praise Jesus!

I love the verse that says our hope in Christ is a hope that does not disappoint. We certainly do have the hope of Jesus living within us, and what a comfort that is each and every day! Thanks so much for sharing your wisdom on this topic!

Karen says:

Thanks, Emily. Hope seems so much of an intangible thing, it’s hard sometimes for us to grasp how real it is. Thankful hope is a person. Jesus. And we possess the real thing.

Hi Karen,
What a beautiful post! Thank you for sharing hope ♥ “So that” – two of my favorite words. Our faith in Christ fills us with hope SO THAT we, in turn can point to Him. I loved visiting here today. Welcome to #MomentsofHope!
Blessings and smiles,

Karen says:

Hey Lori,

Yes, thankful the God of hope fills us with joy and peace in believing “so that” through the Holy Spirit hope abounds in us! Let’s walk forward in the Holy Spirit’s power, believing hope abounds in us, because it does. Hallelujah!

Appreciate what your doing and the link-up. Glad to join the party! Blessings!

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