How to Live the Bible as it Lives in Us

How to Live the Bible as it Lives in Us, courtesy of Adobe Spark

The Bible is alive—the living Word of God. Yet, how does it live in me? And how do I live it? 

I wanna take Your word and shine it all around

But first help me just to live it Lord

In his day, Christian singer and songwriter, Keith Green, was considered a man of No Compromise (album title and book about his life).

So these lyrics from his song, Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful, carry a powerful message. 

Perhaps we also desire to shine God’s Word all around. Maybe we want to live a life of no compromise.

The only way to strive for this kind of life? The Word living in us and us living the Word.

Living Scripture in our daily lives equates with a life of no compromise. Because our goals, desires, values, morals, decisions, relationships, lifestyle, worldview, heart, mind, and so on, stay bent toward scriptural truths. 

Then, we really live the Bible that lives in us.

Desire to shine God's Word all around. Strive to live a life of no compromise. How? The Word living in us and us living the Word. #GodsWord #Bible Click To Tweet

Here are some ways to L.I.V.E. God’s Word.

L-Lighting Our Path With God’s Word Helps Live it

Psalm 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Verse 130 continues, “The unfolding of your words gives light; it imparts understanding to the simple.” 

Even though we may not carry lamps to see where we’re going, we’re all familiar with needing light to find our way in the darkness. Whether it’s a candle, flashlight, or nightlight, they dispel enough of the dark to keep us from tripping.

Likewise, lighting our path with the Word keeps us from spiritually tripping. Through understanding, it drives away the darkness of the evil one, deception, and false beliefs. 

“Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’” (John 8:12). 

When we follow the light of the world, Jesus, the path leads to the light of life—living the Word.

I-Inviting Scripture to Change Us Helps Live it

“…when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers (1 Thessalonians 2:13).

Once we hear, receive, and believe the Word; it’s at work in us, it changes and transforms us. Then, we live it. 

2 Timothy 3:16 states, “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness.”

How to Live the Bible as it Lives in Us, courtesy of Adobe Spark

Notice this verse doesn’t say some Scripture is good for you to live a pleasing life to the Lord. No, “all” Scripture, the whole counsel of God from Genesis to Revelation.

And it’s breathed out (living), and profitable in living the Christian faith. Because it trains us in righteousness. 

V-Valuing God’s Truth in Every Area of Life Helps Live it

Looking again at Psalm 119, here are some ways the truth of the Word lives in us and we live it. 

We are not put to shame (verse 6), keeps our way pure (verse 9), no sin against God (verse 11), counsels (verse 24), gives life (verse 25), strengthens (verse 28), leads (verse 35), helps us trust (verse 42), gives hope (verse 43), good judgment and knowledge (verse 66), a blameless heart (verse 80), held back from evil ways (verse 101), steady steps (verse 133), truth (verse 160), and great peace (verse 165).

Let’s not be Sunday only Christians. Instead, let’s apply the Bible to every part of life: how we stand before God, interact with others, and how we live.

Let’s not be Sunday only Christians. Instead, let’s apply the Bible to every part of life: how we stand before God, interact with others, and how we LIVE. #GodsWord #Bible Click To Tweet

E-Establishing biblical Principles as a Way of Life Helps Live it

James 1:19-25:

“Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. 

Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. 

But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”

The Bible lives in us as the implanted Word. We live the Bible as a doer of the Word who acts on the perfect law of liberty.

The Bible lives in us as the implanted Word. We live the Bible as a doer of the Word who acts on the perfect law of liberty. #GodsWord #Bible Click To Tweet
How to Live the Bible as it Lives in Us, courtesy of Adobe Spark

Finally, let’s remember the only way for the Bible to live in us and us to live the Bible is by reading and meditating on God’s Word.

Which way to live God’s Word resonated with you or what ways would you add?

Last week we discussed Christians as living billboards.

Keith Green and how his music impacted worship.

All Scripture ESV, emphasis added in bold.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


May 28, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Loved your inspiration here today, Karen! Yes, we must embrace the Word of God, ingest it, and live it out without compromise, each and every day. Blessings, my friend!

Karen says:

Thanks, Martha. Glad it inspired you! The Bible lives in us as the implanted Word. We live the Bible as a doer of the Word who acts on the perfect law of liberty. (James 1:19-25) God bless!

Yvonne Morgan says:

The Bible is so alive. It must be part of our daily lives to sustain us in the good times as well as the bad.

Karen says:

Yes, it’s the living Word of God, alive in us. Scripture is breathed out (living), and profitable in living the Christian faith. Because it trains us in righteousness. (2 Timohty 3:16)

Just yesterday I found myself praying to be the Light. I was with a non-Christian friend who got into a verbal altercation with a neighbor. It was embarrassing and unpleasant. I remained calm and tried to deescalate the situation to no avail. I am grateful that I was slow to anger, and I hope I can be light for her in the future.

Karen says:

Wow, Maribeth. That would be a tough situation to be a part of. Glad you can be a light shining the Word all around since the Word lives in you! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy E Head says:

Establishing biblical principles as a way of life is a lifelong quest. Great post, Karen. Daily reading, meditating, studying with others all help us get there.

Karen says:

Nancy, I agree how our way of life based on biblical principles is a “lifelong quest.” It’s all part of the journey as a disciple of Jesus and growing spiritually. God’s Word is the roadmap, the GPS, the instruction manual, and so on, for the directives we need to living the Bible in this life!

Julie Dibble says:

Good morning, Karen, what refreshment I found here. God is working in me, drawing me to His Word more often than ever before. Someone just prayed over me this morning that He and His Word be a lamp to my feet. It saddens me how some followers of Jesus do not open their Bibles except maybe on Sundays. However, not for me to judge, just pray. Have a beautiful day surrounded by His Spirit, sister. Love in Christ, Julie

Karen says:

That’s a great prayer someone prayed over you, Julie. God’s Word lighting our path keeps us from tripping up spiritually. It is sad to be a Sunday only Christian and not absorb the Bible into our soul and let it be lived out in our lives. I want to be a Christian Sunday through Saturday, 24/7. And the only way to strive after this high calling is God’s Word living in me. Thanks for sharing your insight. God bless.

Your messages are truly inspirational. I smile when I see you have posted a new message. You are truly shining the light of Christ. 🙂

Karen says:

Always appreciate your smiling face and kind, encouraging comments here, Melissa. You shine the light of Christ as well sweet lady! When we follow the light of the world, Jesus, the path leads to the light of life—living the Word.

So much truth in this! Thank you, Karen, for sharing this. I love Keith Greene’s music; his lyrics can be soul searching, loving. and gut-wrenching all at the same time.

Karen says:

Hey Stephanie, I know what you said about Keith Green’s music. I just rediscovered it recently and have been listening intently during personal worship and on my playlist when I’m working or writing. Because he was so bold in living that life of no compromise and wanting the same for other believers, it is weaved into his songs.

Such a great post, Karen, filled with so much life-giving truth! I love how you tied the truth from each passage together, so that we could readily see it and comprehend the whole. Also I love your references to Keith Green and how you mixed his words throughout the post. We have pretty much all of his songs stored in our hearts and minds. He was the music of the era when we came to Christ. A focus on the Lord and on his Word will get us through this life, empowering us to walk in obedience and to love him even more. The Bible is the most important collection of books with one Holy Spirit author ever written.

Karen says:

Thanks, Melinda. Celebrated these thoughts, “A focus on the Lord and on his Word will get us through this life, empowering us to walk in obedience and to love him even more. The Bible is the most important collection of books with one Holy Spirit author ever written.”

The Bible is the number one selling book of all time with the greatest author of all time. And we have the chance to live in such a way that it publishes the good news, peace, and God’s Word with His promises through how we live!

Love how you used the acronym LIVE to share truth!

Karen says:

Ava, thank you. I need each of those to let God’s Word do a work in me. The Word living in me and me living the Word.

I’m always amazed at the depth and simplicity of your posts Ms. Karen. I pray that I’ll one day be able to turn a phrase as well as you do ma’am. Loved your post today! I’ll never live the perfect life God’s word prepares us for, in this life anyway, but I pray each day that God helps me to show His word in me to someone who needs it. God’s blessings ma’am.

Karen says:

Appreciate your kindness, J.D. Liked how you said, “I pray each day that God helps me to show His word in me to someone who needs it.” That’s the most powerful prayer, desiring others to see the Bible living in us. Thanks for sharing your insight.

Ava James says:

I really like your acronym Karen and Psalm 119, so much wise advice. And thank you for the reminder that ALL Scripture is relevant!

Karen says:

So true, Ava. The whole Word of God and its counsel is not only relevant at any time in history, but it’s also necessary for the Word to be alive in us!

Jeanne says:

Karen, these truths are spot-on, as usual. Keith Green was one of the first artists I came to know after I became a Christian. And the song you referenced is one of my favorites. May we be intentional about learning God’s word, praying God’s word, and living God’s word.

Karen says:

I remember Keith Green’s songs and influence in my life as a young Christian. And I agree it takes us being intentional to make God’s Word an active and living part of our lives. Thanks for commenting, Jeanne.

Krsiti Ann says:

Amen-Amein Sweet Sister in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Karen!!

ALL LIVES MATTER too Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua~> ( https://kristiann1.com/2016/06/23/almj/ )!!

( Psalms 33:6 KJV ) “By the WORD of the LORD were the Heavens Made; and all the Host of Them by the Breath of His Mouth.”!!

( Psalms 119:105 KJV ) “Thy WORD is a Lamp unto my feet, and a Light unto my Path.”!!

I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! 💕 Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ-Messiah for Today and Everyday!!

“Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only GOD keeps You Going.”!! Amen-Amein Praise Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Hallelujah!!

Love Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Karen says:

Love the Scripture, Psalm 33:6, Kristi Ann. Thanks for sharing and leaving your thoughts. Blessings!

Your title was a great takeoff point for the truth you presented here. I appreciate all your action points. I was pondering elements of your first one–light–yesterday as I was working on a blog post. The light I want and the light God often provides are not exactly the same. (He’s pretty consistent with that still, small thing and I tend to look for the visual equivalent of loud: bright!) He’s good, though, and He leads us gently as he teaches us to follow him. Thanks for sharing over at Lyli’s today!

Karen says:

Natalie, your comment offers such fresh insight. I had to smile since I often look for and want the bright and brilliant light that can’t be denied it’s Him. Many times because I want to run ahead on the path. Yet, your thought of God providing light also in the still, small thing drives home the point of how God’s Word often helps us take one step at a time as the only part of the path we can see.

Jessica Brodie says:

Excellent! What you say about “inviting” Scripture to change us has been key for me.

Karen says:

Thanks, Jessica. Me too. When God’s Word transforms us from the inside out, it’s living in us and through us.

Karen, such an important teaching! I loved your title. That says it all! God’s Word feeds my starving soul and I find with all the tension and conflict rising higher and higher in our culture, our need God’s Word to anchor and cleanse my hurting heart. Your closing comment is critical. “Finally, let’s remember the only way for the Bible to live in us and us to live the Bible is by reading and meditating on God’s Word.” I pray that God will help me carve away more and more time to grow in His Word, that it may grow in me!

Karen says:

Melissa, God’s Word does feed our souls and quench a spiritual thirst with norishment found no where else. It is our sure anchor in an uncertain world. It keeps us grounded on the solid Rock when everything else is crumbling around us. Yes, Lord, help us to crave the truth of Your living and active Word!

I don’t know which is more beautiful- the song or your post! Thank you for sharing this wonderful wisdom that spoke to my heart so much

Karen says:

Thank you, Valerie. I thought about the music of Keith Green and ” Oh Lord, You’re Beautiful,” while reading in Psalms one day recently. Now, I’ve added the song to my play list of worship songs that minister to my spirit and remind me of the truth of God’s Word. I so desire to shine the Word all around and live a life of no compromise by living the Word as it lives in me! God bless!

During these strange and uncertain times, I’ve been convicted of not just being a “hearer” of God’s word but a “doer.” It’s been challenging to put this into tangible practice. I’ve had to be a little more creative to think outside the box for ways to live out His word. Thanks for the acronym rally cry to keep me motivated to live out the word as it lives in me.
Bev xx

Karen says:

Hey Bev, it is challenging to put living the Word into “tangible practice.” I pray to absorb God’s Word into my heart and mind and soul and that it spills out in my attitude, mindset, and actions of love. Thanks for your insight.

Beth says:

I love how you always point us back to God and His word, Karen! And I am a big Keith Green fan. I always felt as if he was a modern-day prophet of sorts. His lyrics were so powerful and his heart was so on fire for God. I’ve read his wife Melody’s biography about his life at least three or four times. Every single time it strips me down and shows me how much further my faith needs to go! Thanks for reminding us of his amazing life and example as well! Hugs to you!

Karen says:

Thank you, Beth. Keith Green left such a legacy of bold faith. His story and song lyrics always make me ask the Holy Spirit to ignite that holy fire in me too. And I agree, he was a modern-day prophet in his day. God bless!

Anita Ojeda says:

If the Bible lives in us, we will do all in our power to support social justice for the disenfranchised, the poor, the powerless, and the marginalized. Over and over again God condemns the Israelites because they fail to fight for justice for others.

Karen says:

I agree, Anita. Lighting our path with the Word keeps us from spiritually tripping. Through understanding, it drives away the darkness of the evil one, deception, and false beliefs. So, if our worldview and heart are bent toward scriptural truths, we can’t help but support the case of those who need us to speak up on their behalf. The Bible alive in us helps us:

See the overlooked.
Love the unloved.
Serve the underserved.

What a simple and profound post, Karen. Each point is so important. I especially liked “I,” invite Him to change us. It really does need to start there, doesn’t it!

Karen says:

Yes! “Lord, we invite You to change us with Your Word so it not only lives in us but we live Your Word out in the world. Amen.”

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