If the World Needs Anything Now: It’s Jesus

If the World Needs Anything Now: It’s Jesus

If the world needs anything right now, it’s Jesus. 

The prince of this world deceives Christians and non-believers of our real needs.

But what and who the world needs right now is Jesus.

Even believers must rein ourselves in from everything the world offers.

So how much more do those who don’t know Christ fail to realize real needs.

Still, with all that’s currently going on in the world: evil, suffering, division, hatred, and troubled hearts, it’s no wonder we turn to things appearing to meet our deepest needs.

Let’s look at some of the enemy’s deceptions.

The World Needs More Money

The Bible is clear, not money itself, but the love of money is the problem.

1 Timothy 6:10, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.” (NIV)

Yet, a few verses before notes, “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” 1 Timothy 6:6-7 (NIV)

The chapter encourages believers to flee the love of money and pursue righteousness. (verse 11)

We Want Power, Control, Notoriety

We find an unhealthy hunger for power, control, and notoriety in all walks of life. Like politics, government, leaders, corporate America, small businesses, families, Hollywood, even in ministry and the church.

Perhaps you fight this inner hunger in your life. 

But God never created us for power or control or notoriety. Remember this was Satan’s problem.

God created us to rely on the power and control of the Triune God. He created us to recognize and relish His glory alone.

“It is he who made the earth by his power.” (Jer. 10:12a ESV): “As I have planned, so shall it be.” (Is. 14:24a ESV): Jesus “is the radiance of the glory of God.” (Heb. 1:3a ESV)

God never created us for power or control or notoriety. Remember this was Satan’s problem. God created us to rely on the power and control of the Triune God. He created us to recognize and relish His glory alone. #needs #Jesus Click To Tweet

The World Needs Fleshly Desires/Passions

If the World Needs Anything Now: It’s Jesus

1 John 2:16 describes our desires and passions, “For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.” (NIV) 

In fact, these three areas: lust of flesh, lust of eyes, and pride of life mirror the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden. Genesis 3 notes the forbidden fruit was “good for food” and “a delight to the eyes” and “desired to make one wise.” (verse 6)

So our flesh suit carries this same struggle as we turn to food, alcohol, sexual immorality, shopping—any addiction, including too much television and screen time—or boasting in ourselves. 

God always intended for us to desire and seek Him as we discussed last week.

We Want What Others Possess

Maybe a friend possesses a beautiful home, a neighbor purchases a fancy vehicle, a family member lands a dream job, or someone we know seems to have the perfect life.

So we envy and wish we were her. And we grumble and complain about our life. Again, our enemy blinds us to the truth of what we need and who we are in Christ.

Our Real Need

Our real need? Jesus. 

God’s people, we need Jesus. And we need Him more and more every day.

We need His peace for troubled hearts; His comfort for suffering; His love over hatred, and fellowship with Him and other believers for unity.

Likewise, non-Christians need Jesus for each of these areas and more. First, they need His salvation!

God’s people, we need Jesus. We need Him more and more every day. And non-believers need Jesus. They need His salvation. #needs #Jesus Click To Tweet

But, are we sending this message to the world, You and I need Jesus, in what we say and do?

Are we quick to point fellow believers to more of Jesus, to more of the Word of God instead of what the world offers?

If the world needs anything right now, it’s Jesus. #Jesus Click To Tweet
If the World Needs Anything Now: It’s Jesus


Jesus, oh how I desperately need You!

When I misplace my deepest needs with the things of this world, it leaves me more empty than before.

Remind me how much my spirit, mind, heart, and soul need You every minute of every day.

Jesus, fill me with more of You. I need more of Your power, love, peace, and comfort. Finally, let everything I say and do point others to their need for You. In the matchless name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Please reach out to me through my contact page for more about knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Candidly Christian and Faith On Fire.

© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


February 4, 2021 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Yes, yes, yes!!!
“Our real need? Jesus.”

Karen says:

“Jesus, oh how we need You.”

So very true! Our primary need is Jesus, not the vaccine, not our families around us, not good health, not more money! Jesus is the ultimate solution, the One who brings eternal peace in his presence, the forgiveness of our sins, the power to change our broken habits and ways of living, as well as love and life everlasting. Nothing else compares to Jesus!

Karen says:

Melinda, like how you noted all the “nots” because that’s where we mistakenly put our focus so many times. If only I get married, made more money, then life would be good. Or, when I get the vaccine or _________ then I can be at peace. But it’s all lies from the enemy! Truth has a name, it’s Jesus. And He’s what and who we need!

Today’s world needs Jesus more than ever, Karen. He is the only one who can fill our hearts with peace, comfort and fulfillment. May we seek Him each and every day.

Karen says:

Martha, the world does need Jesus more than ever! The world is in such a crazy and chaotic place and it seems to be spiraling out of control. So thankful for these truths, “It is he who made the earth by his power.” (Jer. 10:12a ESV): “As I have planned, so shall it be.” (Is. 14:24a ESV): Jesus “is the radiance of the glory of God.” (Heb. 1:3a ESV)

Arlene Collins says:

Amen! May the people who see me ~ see Jesus in me!!!

Karen says:

Yes! Jesus in me, the hope of glory. (1 Corinthians 1:27) Oh, how we need Jesus! Blessings, sweet friend.

Lynn says:

I know I can fall into worldly needs you mention when I don’t feel like my desires and needs are being met. I forget to ask what God desires me. Thank you for the beautiful prayer today.

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts, Lynn. It’s a struggle we all face at times in our lives. You bring up a good point, to ask God what He desires and has for us! And Jesus is at the top of the list.

Nancy Head says:

My father told a story once about being a medic in the Navy during World War II in the South Pacific. They were loading wounded onto a plane so they could go home. He wanted to be on that plane. He wanted to go home.

Dad watched the plane take off. But it wavered in the air. It crashed into the sea. Everyone aboard was lost.

“I never again wished I were somebody else,” he said.

Jesus can satisfy even if we’re where we don’t want to be.

Karen says:

Wow, amazing story, Nancy. Thanks for sharing it. I’m starting to settle in a place where I embrace God’s story for me and where He has me. It’s not easy, but the Lord is helping me see the big picture.

Cathy Baker says:

My first thought while reading the blog title was “What the World Needs Now is Love Sweet Love” (which totally reveals my age – ha!), but the second thought superseded the first by declaring that Jesus IS love — and our world desperately needs Him, beginning with me. Thank you for this post, Karen!

Karen says:

Cathy, I remmeber that song, too. I like how you note that Jesus is love. Because love has a name, Jesus. Hope, mercy, grace…all have a name, Jesus. That’s why we need Him so much in our lives and hearts and want to share Him with the world! Thanks, Cathy!

Donna says:

Karen, great post to keep perspective in these current times. We may think we need many things, but all we really need is Jesus. He is the absolute answer for all we see around us today. Thank you!

Karen says:

Donna, Jesus is the answer, isn’t He? If we need more peace, comfort, strength, direction…it’s all found in Jesus Christ.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I think you nailed the problem with this wonderful post. We all need Jesus but we keep trying to find other things to fulfill us. Then we wonder why we can’t find joy. The deceiver has worked overtime to convince us about what we need. Thanks for sharing.

Karen says:

I loathe the deceiver and his constant lies to both Christians and non-belivers. I pray we recognize his schemes and battle them with the Word of God!

You have an old song called I Need Jesus running through my head. It’s so true–we never get over needing Him. We realize our need for Him more and more as we go along.

Karen says:

Don’t think I know that song, Barbara. But the words ring true. We need Jesus every minute of every day!

Amen. The world needs Jesus now and forever. Great message.

Karen says:

I pray to send this message to the world, “You and I need Jesus” in what I say and do!

Lisa Blair says:

Great insight Karen!

Karen says:

Glad this encouraged you, Lisa. We need Jesus. And we need Him more and more every day.

Oh Karen, my heart was singing as I read your words! Yes, yes, yes! Believers need more of Jesus. Nonbelievers need salvation in Christ. Everything this world offers is a counterfeit to that which our soul truly hungers for and that is our Savior, Creator and King. Powerful message for today!

Karen says:

Thank you, Melissa. Yes, the world only offers false hopes and counterfeits to real hope, love, mercy, grace…and Jesus himself! Jesus, oh how we desperately need you!

J.D. Wininger says:

Oh, how my heart has cried out these very thoughts and prayers Ms. Karen. You captured it perfectly ma’am. Very moving! Thank you. My great burden of late is how so many Christians have been deceived. We can’t show Christ in our lives when He’s not there. We can’t show the world His love, grace, and mercy unless we experience it ourselves. We can’t be His “ambassadors” if we lack the moral courage and conviction to live as He guides us and not so as to “fit in” with this world. Too many of us would rather adapt our thoughts, actions, and beliefs than offend someone. As another of our writing friends has often said; “We must become a moral people again. We must become followers of God, not professors of God.” Thank you again ma’am; powerful message here.

Karen says:

“We can’t show Christ in our lives when He’s not there.” Agree, J.D. I continually ask the Lord to help me stand firm in the faith. I’m over the “politically correct” stuff. It’s a misnomer. “Correct” means there’s no margin for error and humans and politics have errors built in almost. I desire to be “biblically correct” and “spiritually correct.” God created us to rely on the power and control of the Triune God. He created us to recognize and relish His glory alone.

So true! Thank you for always sharing truth!

Karen says:

Appreciate your encouragement, Stephanie. I hope to always share God’s truth, know Jesus more and make Him known. Blessings, friend.

Jessica Brodie says:

There is such tremendous truth in this post, Karen. You are right that we often put love of money (or security, or power) above the Lord, and that is a sin. Money becomes an idol. It’s false security.

Karen says:

It is a false security, Jessica. And it never brings long-lasting satisfaction. Only Jesus is 100% satisfaction guaranteed.

How we need Him! Every hour we need Him! I want to fall in love all over again with Jesus. He is our all in all.

Karen says:

Karen, thanks for reminding us of that wonderful hymn. We need Jesus, our all in all!

I wonder if some people just don’t know how to connect with Jesus? I know you do, Karen, but I have been meeting some people who just don’t get it. They don’t know how to “be still and know that I am God,” or to know God’s voice, as He whispers to their soul. I think many have become too saturated in media outlets (especially the younger generation), and are disconnected from the spiritual aspect of being human. People are too connected to the material aspects of existence, as you mentioned the worldly pleasures. How do we help people connect to Jesus, as He says “my sheep know my voice.” How do we help people know His voice? I realize reading the Bible is the first place to start, but how do we teach them to discern how God “speaks” to us this way? I really sense we need to get back to the basics of teaching people these things. I would love to see you address this in a future blog post!

My mom just got out of the hospital and is recovering from Covid. She shared with me that the worst part of Covid is suffering it alone. She also said that she didn’t know how people got through the loneliness without Jesus. He was her only hope and her only comfort. You are right, Karen, what the world needs is Jesus. Nothing one fabricates to soothe themselves can compare to the great and eternal comfort that Christ offers. Great post!

This is so true, Karen! Yet, we so easily get focused on other things. As you said, even as believers. It’s as if it Jesus plus the right president, Jesus plus success in life, Jesus plus … but it’s just JESUS!

Pam Morrison says:

Beautifully and succinctly said. Our only real need is Jesus. The only thing that meets our needs is Jesus. Thank you, Karen

Paula Short says:

Karen, such a blessed post. I love your insights, truths, and encouraging words. Blessings.

Hey, Karen,
First of all here comes my heartiest congratulations on the 7 the year celebration 🥳🥳
I really appreciate your hardwork and sharing the Word in and around the internet in different modes.
Thank God for your life in spreading the Great Word about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Yes, I fully agree with you, the need of the hour is “Jesus Christ” alone! I need Him you need Him and all three people of this world need Him.
Well presented thoughts and a timely one.
Keep up the good work for the Lord.
May God Help.
~ Phil.

[…] Also see, If the World Needs Anything Now It’s Jesus […]

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