Need Wisdom? Ask Google or Ask God

Need Wisdom? Ask Google or Ask GodWhat situation in our life needs God’s wisdom and divine discernment?

But, is it just me or do you search for answers from a number of places, especially on the internet?

“Just Google it.”

With a wealth of information at our fingertips, it’s easy to look for all the answers we need.

Maybe we complete educational webinars on various subjects. Perhaps we watch online videos with step-by-step instructions for a home improvement project.

And there’s no shortage of how-to knowledge at our disposal. Like how to diagnose our health symptoms or discover the right medicines to take. Or tips for fixing a clogged sink or dealing with a difficult child.

Our Need for God’s Wisdom

In 1 Kings 3:9, Solomon realizes his need for wisdom. Asking, he desired God’s how-to instructions and asked for a discerning mind to distinguish between right and wrong.

The NIV says, “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong. For who is able to govern this great people of yours?”

You see, Solomon not only asked for a discerning mind, but he also asked for a discerning heart. We tend to believe wise thinking originates in our minds, the control center for learning. Yet we see in the Scripture how true discernment begins in the heart.

The Lord not only grants the request, God also promises Solomon a long life if he walks in obedience to His commands. So, when Solomon justly settles a dispute between two mothers each claiming a baby as her own, the people held him in awe. They “perceived that the wisdom of God was in him” (1 Kings 3:28 ESV).

“In him” points to a wise heart trusting in God’s ways.

God’s Insight Guides Our Decisions

Google will never give us a wise heart, spiritual insight, or divine discernment for life. Instead, we ask for a wise heart from the God of the universe.

James 1:5 says, “If any of you lacks Need Wisdom? Ask Google or Ask Godwisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you” (NIV).

Solomon served God with an upright heart and showed his love for the Lord by following God’s instructions. When we ask for wisdom and meditate on Scripture, a discerning heart guides our decisions and steps.

Oh we hear human opinions shouted on every street corner, they roll through the news feed on social media. Culture’s megaphone announces: “This is the right path, come this way. We have all the answers.”

But what if we learned to rely on God’s wisdom and not wisdom from Google or the world? How can we put less confidence in our own insight and place more certainty in divine insight?

God’s how-to manual, the Bible, is a godly knowledge base at our disposal. The Holy Scriptures bring a wealth of spiritual knowledge to our fingertips. Click To Tweet

God’s Wisdom Changes Our Heart

The direct effects of seeking God’s wisdom changes our heart. It relieves the pressure we put on ourselves to “get it right” by asking God for discernment between right and wrong.

We relieve the pressure to “get it right” by asking God for discernment between right and wrong. Click To Tweet

Even when we google “God,” there’s wrong or missing information.

Still, consider these amazing truths about God as our number one source of wisdom:

  • God formed the earth and the heavens.
  • The Lord exists in all space.
  • Information systems and digital space can’t contain God’s being.
  • His wisdom has no boundaries.
  • God never had to sign up for classes or webinars on running the universe or our lives.

So, how would our lives look different if we asked God for wisdom each day?

Walking in obedience to God’s commands is always for our good and His glory. Click To Tweet

The direct effects of seeking God’s wisdom changes our heart. It relieves the pressure we put on ourselves to “get it right” by asking God for discernment between right and wrong. #wisdom #bloggerAnd the people around us will be in awe of the King of Kings.

A Wise Prayer

Heavenly Father, sometimes I forget the highest source of wisdom comes from You. I often seek insight from other resources without first consulting You.

Your wisdom helps me walk in obedience to Your commands, discern between right and wrong, and brings glory to Your name. Remind me how Your Word not only changes my heart but also directs my steps. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.

© 2018 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


September 20, 2018 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Heather Hart says:

I am guilty of this. It seems like it’s so much easier to Google something than it is to look it up in the Bible or even to pray about it and wait for an answer. God has been convicting me about it lately, so this blog post really hit home. Thanks, Karen.

Karen says:

Hey Heather, so many of us are in the same boat…forgetting our highest source of wisdom comes directly from God himself. He simply wants us to ask Him for it. 🙂 Thanks for commenting.

Oh this is so good, Karen. I am so prone to seeking wisdom from people first. And it seems okay to my mind because my brain is saying, “hey, they’re Christians.” But first, wisdom comes from God. He needs always to be my first go-to. That’s something I’ve been working through recently. Thank you!

I especially love this line: How can we put less confidence in our own insight and place more certainty in divine insight?

Karen says:

It’s easy to do, Stephanie. I mean, we know what Scripture says about God’s wisdom and how He directs our steps and how His Word lights our path. I guess we aren’t taking God at His Word or to the next level by that day-to-day application.

My husband and I were trying to organize and plan out the next few years of our life. We started to get really stressed, and then at the same time we both stopped and realized that we don’t have to make any decisions, we just ask God for the wisdom, and we go with His decision. It takes a lot of the stress off too! Thank you for writing this!

Your Story Matters.

Karen says:

Exactly, Jessie. When depend on God’s wisdom to see us through. The direct effects of seeking God’s wisdom changes our heart. It relieves the pressure we put on ourselves to “get it right” by asking God for discernment between right and wrong.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I am guilty of turning to other sources, like Google, instead of going to the source of all knowledge. Thank you for reminding me to seek out God’s heart first and to always ask Him for a discerning heart and mind.

Karen says:

You’re welcome, Yvonne. I’m reminding myself that God’s how-to manual, the Bible, is a godly knowledge base at our disposal. The Holy Scriptures bring a wealth of spiritual knowledge to our fingertips.

My post tomorrow is about the folly of thinking we could forge ahead without relying on the Lord. I am often guilty of this. Day by day the Lord strips that self reliance out of me and turns me toward him to seek him first and to rely on him to renew my mind. You present these beautiful truths in such an encouraging and accessible way. I always look forward to your posts and to tweeting them out as I read! God bless you, sister.

Karen says:

Great, Melinda. Looking forward to your post tomorrow and always love to read your words too. And I like how you said God strips that “self-reliance” because that’s what we are doing when we rely our our own insight. Trusting in our own wisdom and direction…a dangerous place to be. 🙂

Great point that seeking wisdom takes the pressure off of us to get something right. I have encouraged people that if they have choices in front of them, seek God first. If there isn’t a direct answer and any choice will glorify God, then simply choose one. Sometimes there isn’t necessarily only one “right” choice!

Karen says:

I agree, Emily. In some situations, there are options and when we just walk forward in what we know to be a good decision and expect God to intervene if we step outside of His purpose in any way. Good thoughts!

Praying and asking God for wisdom, discernment and revelation in any situation is key to life. I am thankful to know I can ask God for help at any moment. Google does provide answers for some things but the ultimate answer giver is God. 🙂

Karen says:

Yes, Melissa, for those clogged sinks or basic information, there’s often good information online. We do have to be careful when we google medical things to make sure the information is reputable. But when it comes to big things, important decisions, spiritual discernment, we do ourselves a favor if we go to the best source available. God.

Hi Karen.

I really like your bullet about God forming the earth and heavens, and He simply knows how to run it. There is so much to that – how infinite it is in both directions. And how everything can be spinning so fast, yet we can be still on this earth and know that He is God.

Also very cool is that I wrote about Solomon’s wisdom a couple weeks ago on Liz Petruzzi’s blog, and your post is very complimentary. God must have a special message about wisdom for me. I hope I can cherish and seek it as much as Solomon did.

Thank you for keeping your eyes on God’s truth and writing about it.

Karen says:

Hey Stephen,

It’s like we forget as Creator, God owns it all, knows how to manage everything, and is CEO, so why don’t we start with Him. I like to say, God is CEO, am I in His seat? 🙂

Your article at Liz’s blog sounds great. Not sure I caught that one. I’ll go over and search for it.

I hope that just like Solomon, others will perceive the wisdom of God is in me and they will be in awe of the King of kings.

Thanks for your input.

Nail on the head, Karen! I’m so quick to go running to the phone or the laptop to ask a friend or Google an answer! How wise to go running to God FIRST!

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Michele. If we think of God as our number one source of wisdom, especially about spiritual and godly things, and other important decisions, I believe our lives would be more peaceful.

Dear Karen!

I Google a lot of things 🙂

Your blog post dwells on an interesting question and discussion. I’m a huge Google-FAN, and I’d never bash Google in any way (not that you do, don’t get me wrong). Some people do.

Without Google, I would be out of a job, and I would also not know you to make a long story short 🙂

In these Internet times, it’s essential to take time off to listen to what God has to tell us.

Thank you for all that you do!

With love!
Edna Davidsen

Karen says:

Hey Edna,

Yes, I agree 100 percent. Google is good for a “wealth of information” as I mentioned. It’s a wonderful tool. There are some general guidelines though on making sure the information we find is cited and reputable. Some sites we may find in a google search have false information as I mentioned to another commenter like bogus deals or wrong things about medical conditions.

And I did google “God” just to see what came up in my research as I wrote this post and the majority was wrong information, especially disturbing information on Wikipedia. With that said, we just have to gage the sources we are relying on to give us the correct information.

True, I wasn’t bashing Google, it’s a fantastic tool for “some” things. But not for spiritual wisdom and insight and discernment about godly things. That can only come from the Creator who knows best how to manage the universe and our lives. Honestly, God wants us to go to Him for important decisions we make in life. True and the highest wisdom comes from Him.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and joining the conversation. Karen

Kristi Ann says:

( Revelation 1:8 KJV ) “I AM Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the Ending, Saith the LORD, which IS, and which Was, and which IS to Come, the Almighty.”!!

Amen-Amein Sister in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Karen!!

GOD BLESS ALL my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and my Messianic Jewish Sisters and Brothers in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua and Your Families and Friends!!

I am Pro-Israel-Yisrael / Pro-Christian and Jewish People who STAND with the Holy Land of Israel-Yisrael and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America / Pro-Zionism / PRO-LIFE!!

Please Pray for Israel-Yisrael / Christian Nation United States of America, and our Christian Earth Everyday “Pray Without Ceasing.” ( 1 Thessalonians 5:17 KJV )!!

( Psalms 33:12 KJV ) “Blessed is the Nation whose GOD is the LORD; and the People whom HE hath Chosen for HIS Own Inheritance.”!!

Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕💜 is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore!!

I Love you all Everyone through Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua, because HE LOVED 💜💕 EVERYONE FIRST!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Karen says:

Amen, Kristi Ann. 🙂

You are most welcome, Karen 🙂

Karen says:

Always great to be in conversation with you, Edna.

debbie says:

Karen, love this. Ask Google or ask God. Want to remember that next time I summon Siri.

Karen says:

That’s a great example, Debbie, “Summon Siri.” 🙂 Made me think of how we need to summon God and his divine insight. “God, what do you say?”

Rachel says:

Oh this is SO good, and SO true!! Guilty, right here. 😉 How easy it is to just “google” it, but NOTHING can replace the wisdom of God! Such truth here, Karen!
Thanks for slapping me with conviction this morning! 😉

Karen says:

Anytime, Rachel. Lol. I only write about my own convicting issues so I’m with you. I know my life looks different when I ask God for His wisdom daily. Thanks for commenting!

Alynda Long says:

This is so good, Karen! The Lord has been peeling away the layers of “other” in my life over the past few years. I used to turn to ALL the things/people other than Him and His word. I’m finding such an amazing peace by turning to Him first! Blessings to you!

Karen says:

Wonderful, Alynda! It seems so easy to turn to tangible things and people first. But, you are right about the peace in running to God first. I like that not only is He our most reliable source of spiritual wisdom and insight, but how His wisdom brings along those other needed intangible things like peace! 🙂

Rebecca Jones says:

I found this amusing, if it’s on the web it’s true, right? I wouldn’t count on it. Better to walk with the wise and call wisdom your sister.

Karen says:

Funny, Becky. That seems to be a going thought of anything I find online must be true. And, yes, let’s walk with wise people, the ultimate Wise One, and join forces with true wisdom.

What a great post, Karen! I loved all your points about why we should go to God. I also love that He gives us wisdom and discernment when we seek Him. I’m going to remember this the next time I want to go to google first. Hugs!

Karen says:

Hi, Valerie! And thank you. God’s wisdom helps us walk in obedience to His commands, discern between right and wrong, and brings glory to His name. His Word changes our heart and directs our steps. What great blessings and reasons for going to Him for divine insight!

Chip Mattis says:

This is spot on, Karen. Our culture prizes information above wisdom, knowledge above discernment, and reaction above prudence. We have tremendous resources at our fingers, but you speak the truth. Google cannot teach us wisdom or how to walk in right paths.
I am a learner, so I struggle with this some. I want to know the right way to do something. But the larger, more important question is how do I live the right way and do it consistently. Those only come from God. Great post!

Karen says:

Thanks, Chip. I agree with your thoughts too. As a life-long student, we are in danger of seeking only information and not that practical application. I pray to model Solomon and ask God for a discerning heart to be able to not only know the difference between right and wrong, but also distinguish wisdom of man versus wisdom of an all-knowing God. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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