Remember 6 Words: Keep Going Back to the Source

Remember 6 Words: Keep Going Back to the Source, Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash

Whether our current days of uncertainty rob our joy. Or, we scramble for resources we fear are not available. And even in times of abundance, when life seems good and our source secure. The Lord wants us to remember…

He is our true source

Our battle cry in this world: “Lord, fill me.” 

But how do we:

Remember to go to the true source of everlasting joy and peace?

Discover the Lord fills us with good and true things?

Know God’s fullness seeps into every corner and crevice of our empty places?

To answer these questions, let’s look at 3 points to keep us going back to the real Source. 

(1.) Remember our cup’s not half-empty or half-full but overflowing in God.

We realize we no longer need to live with the perspective of the half-empty or half-full cup. And we no longer do just enough to get by until more is required to fill our own cup. Instead, we ask the Lord to give us the strength to run to Him for everything we need. Because these are promises found in His Word.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5).

“For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9 NIV).

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it” (Psalm 81:10).

We no longer need to live with the perspective of the half-empty or half-full cup. Because our cup in God is overflowing. #filledup #cup Click To Tweet

(2.) Remember to choose the best resource.

Being a twin, people always saw me as one of two. One of two babies, one of two girls, and one of two teens. And now, one of two women who are similar, more alike than most siblings, yet still unique. 

Remember 6 Words: Keep Going Back to the Source, Photo by Carly Jayne on Unsplash

But God is one of One. There has never been another god like our God. And there never will. So, what I’m about to say next makes perfect sense. God’s fullness and the way He fills us is one of One. 

Maybe we think it’s appropriate to compare the filling we receive from others or our own efforts to God. We are comparing the incomparable. Every filling besides God is one of many, compared to one of One. 

Do I want to keep grasping at all the many choices out there? Or, do I want to rest in the One who gets it right the first time and every time? Because these are promises found in His Word.

“Those who seek the Lord lack no good thing” (Psalm 34:10b).

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope” (Romans 15:13).

(3.) Remember to go to the right place.

If we want the right stuff, we go to the right place, we go to God. When we keep going back to Him as source, then we are filled with every spiritual blessing. And we are filled with Him. Therefore, our lives are full of Almighty God. There’s no better filling!

Also, we think about the Almighty in light of this truth. God is not 99% holy, 99% love, 99% merciful, and so on. So God is not 99% God. He is never one percent under what we need. He is never not quite up to par as God. The Lord is never right below His own fill-line. And neither are we when we reclaim our rights as daughters and sons of the One who offers more than 100%. 

God is not 99% holy, 99% love, 99% merciful, and so on. So God is not 99% God. He is never one percent under what we need. He is never not quite up to par as God. #filledup #Source Click To Tweet

God never does just enough in our lives for us to get by. It’s always more. Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) says, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Yet, it’s our job to go to God for our infinitely more…for our everything. That’s our only job. Because these are promises found in His Word.

“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (1 Peter 1:8).

“Then our mouth was filled with laughter, and our tongue with shouts of joy; then they said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them’” (Psalm 126:2).

Keep Going Back to the Source

Going back to the Source changes our position from hustling to resting, from working to trusting, and from worrying to worshipping the One who has a space for us in his heart, in his eternal home. 

Remember 6 Words: Keep Going Back to the Source, Photo by Adobe Spark

Now that’s worth checking off in the places in our mind: hourly, daily, and eternally. 

Which point do you need to remember most? 

Scripture ESV unless noted.

If you missed it, last week’s post, 4 Things God’s Most Interested in From Us

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


March 26, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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In these crazy, uncertain times, we need to return to the Source, knowing we will be filled completely by His love and grace. Such great inspiration today, Karen, and boy, do I need that!

Karen says:

Glad this inspired you, Martha. Still thinking about you and praying for you as you and Danny are away from your girls. And I hope to remember the Lord IS my true Source of all the good things and spiritual blessings that fill up my soul and make a difference in my life unlike the things the world has to offer. Appreciate you commenting. God bless!

Love this message! Our cup in God is overflowing. Amen

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Melissa. We no longer need to live with the perspective of the half-empty or half-full cup. And we no longer do just enough to get by until more is required to fill our own cup. So thankful our cup is overflowing in the Lord!

How many ways can I love this message Ms. Karen! So true, timely, and needed right now ma’am. Great post! So many of us seem to have forgotten that what we need is not found in this world, but in God’s. Well said author.

Karen says:

J.D. Thank you. I like how you reminded us that what we need is not found in this world. Nope. Not at all. None of those surface subsitutes for the Lord can bring long-lasting satisfaction and filling to our thirsty souls!

“For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9 NIV).

Cathy Baker says:

I especially liked:
God never does just enough in our lives for us to get by. It’s always more. Ephesians 3:20 (NLT) says, “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.” Amen! I think also about He gives us wisdom when we ask (James 1) — not barely enough — but generously! Thanks, Karen!

Karen says:

So true, Cathy. Whatever it is, wisdom, peace, joy, love, mercy, grace, and on and on, the Lord lavishes on us what we need in an abundance out of His great compassion and kindnesss.

“Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him and rejoice with joy that is inexpressible and filled with glory” (1 Peter 1:8, ESV).

Karen, Love all the points you’ve made. However, my big takeaway is this:
“Our cup’s not half-empty or half-full but overflowing in God.”
Yes, He is all I need.

Karen says:

Thank you, Beckie. I pray the Lord gives us the strength and desire to run to Him for everything we need…to fill our cup. “You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5).

Thankful we have a source that is a rock and not moved by the crisis surrounded us.

Karen says:

Amen, Betty. He is stable, secure, and a firm foundation. And His filling satisfies more than anything else out there.

Karen, what a beautiful message! So good for the heart to remember, God is our source. And He is MORE than enough! Thank you for anchoring us in our Creator, Savior and God. He is our source of life and eternal life. Where else can we really go? Praying we all rest in Him. God bless you and your powerful ministry!

Karen says:

Appreciate your kind encouragement, Melissa. I’m blessed by your words and ministry too, sister. If we want the right stuff, we go to the right place, we go to God. When we keep going back to Him as source, then we are filled with every spiritual blessing. And we are filled with Him. Therefore, our lives are full of Almighty God. There’s no better filling!

Good reminders of the 100% adequacy and availability and preciousness and kindness and loving support of our God! I love this: “Do I want to keep grasping at all the many choices out there? Or, do I want to rest in the One who gets it right the first time and every time? Because these are promises found in His Word.” Usually, we do some grasping before we do the forehead slap and turn to God, thinking why did I try to solve this on my own first. Good reminders all! Great post, Karen.

Karen says:

Melinda, I smiled with this, “Usually, we do some grasping before we do the forehead slap and turn to God, thinking why did I try to solve this on my own first.” 🙂 He is never one percent under what we need. He is never not quite up to par as God. The Lord is never right below His own fill-line. And neither are we when we reclaim our rights as daughters and sons of the One who offers more than 100%.

Your second point reminds me of the quote by Jim Elliot:
“God always gives His best to those who leave the choice to Him.”

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing that quote, Ava. While I love and hold dear so many quotes by Jim and Elizabeth Elliot, I was not familiar with this particular one. It’s perfect!

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful encouragement of where the Source of all of our provision, strength, comfort and joy come from – the one and only God, Creator and Sustainer.


Karen says:

You’re welcome, Karen. And, Amen! He is the one and only God and love how you not only reminded us He is Creator, but also Sustainer of all things! Hallelujah!

Jessica Brodie says:

I love this! God really does fill us. We need nothing else when we are in perfect relationship with Him.

Karen says:

Yes, He does, Jessica! “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things” (Psalm 107:9 NIV).

Ahhh, Karen. You brought forth such rich truths in this post. I especially loved this:

“Going back to the Source changes our position from hustling to resting, from working to trusting, and from worrying to worshipping the One who has a space for us in his heart, in his eternal home.”

There are many times when I need my position changed and my perspective renewed. Thanks for the reminder that it’s not too hard to do this: I just need to turn to my Source. Saying a prayer for you today.

Karen says:

Jeanne, I’m with you friend on this: “There are many times when I need my position changed and my perspective renewed.” Me too! Pray we both learn to turn to our true Source daily and every moment.

God is not 99%…. Thanks for your powerful reminder. This is a truth he has been pounding into my heart lately.

Karen says:

Appreciate your comment, Candice. God is not 99% holy, 99% love, 99% merciful, and so on. So God is not 99% God.

He is never one percent under what we need. He is never not quite up to par as God. The Lord is never right below His own fill-line. And neither are we when we reclaim our rights as daughters and sons of the One who offers more than 100%. Praise the Lord!

Wow, Karen! So many golden nuggets of truth here today! I especially like #1. I’ve never quite thought of it that way, though I’ve known God fills our cup to overflowing. It’s just so important to put it in that context–our cup is more than full with God! Yay, God!

Pinning and tweeting this post. Also praying over you too, dear friend! xxoo

Karen says:

Thank you, Beth. Yes, I’ve stopped living with that perspective of the half-empty or half-full cup. He tells us in Psalm 23:5, our cup is overflowing in Him. Hallelujah!

I love your points about going to God as our source and resource! It’s so easy to read all day long about covid right now, however all those articles and news briefings will only add stress. What a great reminder to make sure God is our resource, and that our cups are overflowing!

Karen says:

Yes, Emily. It’s the perfect time for us to remind ourselves God is more than enough for us in daily life and in a crisis.

Yvonne Morgan says:

Our cup really does overflow even during these stressful times. God provides. Such a simple message that offers us a chance to turn over our worries to Him. Great message and reminder.

Karen says:

Yvonne, thanks, friend. Now is the perfect time to pause and remember who is our true Source of all things and what matters most.

Bethany McIlrath says:

100% and an overflowing cup and One perfect source! Amen!!!

Karen says:

Oh, yes, Bethany! Our Good Shepherd is making sure we won’t lack for the things that are really meaningful. Psalm 23

I love the fact that our God is not a 99% God! What a great way to put it. And I know that He is and will continue to show Himself in many ways.

Karen says:

Donna, it is a powerful thought and reminder God is never below His own fill-line and never not quite up to par as God. Thanks for commenting.

Karen, I love that God is 100%, not a 99% God. Thanks so much!

Karen says:

Appreciate your comment, Debbie. It is such a powerful thought to see God as our all in all.

I love this!! I love when you said He is never 1% less than what we need and that is so true! He is fully God and fully in control!! Thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies today!!

Karen says:

Thanks, Diane. Love linking up with you. Grateful God is always up to par as God!

[…] to continue our theme from last week, Keep Going Back to the Source, we transform our thinking about long-lasting […]

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