Unashamed Jesus Christ is My Lord

Unashamed Jesus Christ is My Lord

How can we be unashamed Jesus Christ is Lord?

Unashamed. Google defines it as “expressed or acting openly and without guilt or embarrassment.”

Embarrassed about my Lord and Savior? Never. 

Oh I’m sure there were instances in the past when I held back or shied away from sharing my spiritual belief, speaking the name of Jesus, and full disclosure of my life in Christ.

But you know what? Not anymore.

Sure, I mess up, fail, and sin. So, I pray for a show-and-tell life. That my words tell others who I worship and my actions show others who I worship. 

Still, sometimes we fall prey to the mindset that only at church and Christian events or missions, are appropriate and even expected places for unashamed worship of Jesus.

Unashamed Jesus is in My Life

Instead, it’s about out there in the real world, on the job, on social media, and among unbelievers—some may even be antagonistic toward Jesus and toward us.

Since I’m a Christian speaker, blogger, and writer, I come under attack. Often, this spiritual warfare brings me to a crossroad where I choose to either stop or keep going.

For example, these attacks often happen on social media. But this is nothing new. You see, the posts are about Jesus. Like a post from this scripture, “On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.” Revelation 19:16 (ESV)

Jesus Christ. 

King of Kings. 

Lord of Lords.

Jesus Christ. King of kings. Lord of lords. Click To Tweet

People accuse me of saying “dumb things,” of “blasphemy,” and “building a platform” for myself. On another post about Christ, a person stated, “Keep your religious bull**** to yourself.” Then he signed it “God.” 

Unashamed Jesus is Who I Worship

Will this stop me from expressing or acting openly without guilt and embarrassment about Jesus Christ? No. 

Because it’s not about building a platform in my name. It’s about the name of Jesus. And not about my glory, but about His glory. Jesus is worthy! 

Unashamed Jesus Christ is My Lord

Worshiping Jesus (across all areas of my life) demonstrates that I trust who He is and what He says. A rightful exchange happens when the worshiper lays down glory and exalts Jesus as the worshiped One.

Christ amazes me. So I’m in awe of Him. The greek word for amazed means flabbergasted or knocked from a standing position.*

So, if I’m knocked from a standing position, I’m low. Falling on my face to worship and adore Jesus, shoved further away from the spotlight.

No matter what we strive for in our life’s pursuit. Or, no matter what hurts or setbacks come our way. And no matter what attacks we endure, we stay unashamed of who we worship. Jesus.

I lift up Jesus and worship Him. Unashamed to lift my hands or voice in private or in public. I’m not ashamed of Jesus Christ.

I lift up Jesus and worship Him. Unashamed to lift my hands or voice in private or in public. Unashamed of Jesus Christ. Click To Tweet

Jesus Christ and His Glory

God never created me for the spotlight. The Lord reminded me of the words He’d stirred in my soul.

If I can’t lay down my own glory, Jesus will never get His.

“Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Psalm 95:6 (NIV)

“Worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness; tremble before him, all the earth.” Psalm 96:9 (NIV)

“Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” Psalm 29:2 (ESV)

Unashamed worship: glory, honor, and holiness belong to Jesus Christ alone. #worship Click To Tweet
Unashamed Jesus Christ is My Lord

Do you come against this kind of warfare in life or on social media?

*Accessed from First 5 App, Amazed by Jesus, Whitney Capps.

Also see, I’m Not Ashamed of the Gospel or My Faith.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


July 13, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Standing up and speaking of Jesus, ignoring negative comments for we love Him above and beyond any human person who might not agree with our beliefs. This becomes increasingly significant as our cultures slides further away from the former roots in Christian faith that used to be a norm. This is a test for us. Will we continue to speak of Jesus, to write of Jesus, and to tell others of Jesus?

Karen says:

It is a test, Melinda. Thank you for that reminder. Lord, help us stand firm on the rock of our salvation, Jesus himself.

May we be bold, wise, and faithful in our speech and testimony. We have not yet suffered in blood. May God strengthen us as we have need to remain strong for His glory. Thanks, Karen, and God bless!

Karen says:

A resounding Amen, Nancy. May we remember the many Christians who suffered in blood and gave all for the sake of the call. Blessings.

It is all about God’s glory, not ours, Karen. There will always be others who can’t or won’t understand, but that should never make us waver from our mission to continually serve and worship Jesus with everything we are and have. May our lives shine for Him!

Karen says:

Martha, I really like how you worded this, “that should never make us waver from our mission to continually serve and worship Jesus with everything we are and have.” That’s key in remaining unashamed and keeping Christ as our first love. God bless.

Sheila Norman says:

What is the meaning of I am not ashamed of the gospel?
The gospel of Jesus Christ provides the path that leads us to peace and happiness in this life and eternal life with our Heavenly Father. Satan, on the other hand, tempts us to follow a path that leads to misery and destruction

Karen says:

You speak glorious truth, Sheila. It reminds us of the Apostle Paul’s powerful words in God’s Word. “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” Romans 1:16 ESV

Thanks for your comment.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I pray that I never feel ashamed of my Savior. I try to always remember to be bold for Him. Thanks for the great message Karen.

Karen says:

That’s my prayer as well, Yvonne. “Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.” Psalm 29:2 (ESV)

J.D. Wininger says:

“Anti-social” media as I call it, is a seething cesspool of evil sometimes, but I remind myself of the words of Luke 6:45. When I fall into a trap of comparison, voicing my opinion (as if it matters), or “joining the crowd”/piling on, these words send me to 1 John 1:9. When I receive criticism about my faith and beliefs, I too try hard not to respond immediately but to let my response be seasoned with grace. That takes prayer and patience.

Even though we (you) are persecuted in ways, we (you) must remember that the darkness is afraid of the light (John 3:20) and we are beacons for Christ, shining His light into the darkened world around us. God put us here, at this time, for His purpose and not our own. Loved the “show-and-tell life” phrase. We must remember that people watch our failures closer than our successes. How we fail says a lot about who we trust when we fall. God’s blessings and keep standing strong my friend. #StandUpForChrist

Karen says:

Anti-social is a good description for it, J.D. And agree with your paused response so as to season your reply with God’s grace. Most of the time, I don’t respond at all. In some instances, I asked the commenter to take our conversation to private messages and they normally cut off the conversation at that point. Why? They want to keep it public and intend to cause harm to the name of Jesus. I learned my lesson several years ago that if I start a converstation with them publicly, it did more harm than good.

Because sometimes it’s best to take the example of Jesus and remain quiet. But asking the Holy Spirit to lead us in each particular situation with a grace-filled reply or to say nothing at all is the best course of action for me.

The darkness is afraid of the light and I will continue to shine the glory and light of Christ into every dark place. God bless.

Amen. I will praise Him anywhere and anytime. Praising God so others will know Him. 🙂

Karen says:

Blessings, Melissa. “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Psalm 95:6 (NIV)

Jessica Brodie says:

Amen! I am unashamed to follow and proclaim the Lord as my God and my priority!

[…] Last week’s article, Unashamed Jesus Christ is My Lord. […]

Jennifer says:

Karen – thank you so much for this post and the encouragement. I am both convicted and challenged. I so want to live boldly. To be both light and salt to those I interact with – in person and even on line. If I’m honest, I often fail…for a variety of reasons. But this is not the time to withdraw or be intimidated. Thank you for that reminder. Blessings to you –

Karen says:

Hey Jennifer, I appreciate your honest and vulnerable comment. We all struggle at times with being salt and light. It’s definitely sobering to consider how often we are timid in our faith. “Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.” Psalm 95:6 (NIV)

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