Valley Promises From God Himself

Valley Promises From God Himself

What if we knew God had valley promises just waiting for us to claim and cling to?

Because sometimes we travel on a journey we never chose. A valley experience.

And we never made reservations, packed our bags, or headed off in that direction. 

Besides, my heart’s GPS is wired to stay on the mountain top. Isn’t that what we secretly or openly wish the Christian life promised? 

Still, we often forget God’s glory and presence dwells wherever we are, and in whatever we go through. Further, the Bible says we will have trouble in this world, valleys to walk through. It’s not “if” but “when.

Perhaps, you relate to valleys of emotional suffering, physical pain, heartbreak, tragedy, grief, spiritual warfare, or other.

During one of my valley experiences, the Lord revealed a comforting message of truth for any and all valleys. 

And it comes from two phrases and two passages in the Bible. These are valley promises.

(1.) Even though. Psalm 23.

“Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (ESV)

David, a shepherd, led, rescued, and cared for sheep. In Psalm 23, he relates the job description to God’s care of us.

The provision of green pastures and still waters showcases the Lord’s goodness (verse 2). Restoring souls and leading in righteousness spotlight the Shepherd’s mercy (verse 3). So, we won’t lack anything on the spiritual journey, including in the valleys (verse 1).

But David mentions less-than-pleasant moments and hard days. The valley of the shadow of death, evil, and the presence of enemies. Since we live in a fallen world, there’s no guarantee of valley-free living.

Yet, the Lord guarantees He is with me “even though” I find myself in the valley (verse 4). And He’s with you.

Since we live in a fallen world, there’s no guarantee of valley-free living. Yet, the Lord guarantees He is with us 'even though' we find ourselves in the valley. #PROMISE Click To Tweet

Maybe you are walking in a present “even though.” Keep walking forward knowing green pastures and still waters await you on the other side. 

Even though we walk through the valley, God’s with us and comforts us.

Although my path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow me with certainty.

Because verse 6 promises goodness and mercy follow us all the days of our lives, that means they follow us into the valley. Throughout the valley, we look behind us and see their footprints. 

Although my path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow me with certainty. Throughout the valley, I look behind me and see their footprints. #PROMISE Click To Tweet

(2.) God Himself. 1 Peter 5.

Valley Promises From God Himself

“And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10 (ESV)

So chapter 5 is talking to those who shepherd the flock of God; pastors, ministers, and elders (another shepherd theme). 

Also, this passage reminds us the enemy prowls around looking for someone to devour, and all kinds of suffering experienced by Christians throughout the world (verses 8-9). 

During “even though” situations, we must constantly remind our heart to remember the enemy’s plan against us and place our heart and thoughts on God.

But when we’re in the middle of our “even though” (our valley, our suffering, our trial, and the enemy trying to devour us) look again at what 1 Peter 5:10 says. 

God Himself does four things:

  • Restore- “Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position” (Google).
  • Confirm- “Establish the truth or correctness of something” (Google). “Strengthening of the mind, purpose, and conviction” (Blue Letter Bible).
  • Strengthen- “Make to become stronger” (Google). “Give ability, power, might” (Vine’s Expository Dictionary).
  • Establish- “To make firm or stable. To put into a favorable position” (Merriam-Webster). “Fixed, stayed upon” (Vine’s).

Valley Promises: Even Though, God Himself.

And we need all those things in our even-though-valley.

Here’s my problem. Karen herself tries to fix it, not God Himself. I try to do each of these four things: fix it, bring out the truth/correct it, make myself stronger, or make myself stable. But I can’t do any of these things, not like God.

Think about it this way, if we could fix ourselves, restore ourselves, fix our “even though,” we wouldn’t ever need God! All those things only come from Him and through Him.

My next problem is timing (impatience), or God not fixing it my way (you didn’t realize I have so many problems). 

Yet, I have a heart problem when I run to anything or anyone (myself included) besides the Lord, when I’m in the valley or on the mountain top.

Valley Promises

Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.

Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit.

Let’s trust God to see us through from the valley’s entrance—even if we’re just crawling—until we’re dancing out the exit. #PROMISES Click To Tweet
Valley Promises From God Himself

Are you currently in a valley, an “even though” experience?

How do these promises bring you comfort and peace?

Last week’s article, 22 Truths About God to Embrace in 2022.

Featured images taken while filming for our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.

© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


January 13, 2022 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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His promises bring peace and comfort. Thank you for this encouraging message. We all will experience tough times and times of uncertainty. But, we can be certain of His love.

Karen says:

Yes, Melissa, we have certainty of God’s love and promises. And He is the ultimate promise-keeper. “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you.” 1 Peter 5:10 (ESV)

A truly encouraging post, Karen! Thank you! I’m sending this to my momma as she cares for my Daddy. A timely message! Thank you!

Karen says:

Oh, Melinda, I’ll continue to pray for your sweet momma as she is your dad’s caregiver. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for her physically, emotionally, mentally, and even spiritually. It is a valley experience they are both walking through. Praying the message blesses her and the Lord uses it to remind her how He is right there with her every step of the way, fulfilling every valley promise from His Word and His heart.

J.D. Wininger says:

Love, love, love this post Ms. Karen. Sometimes when we’re “in a valley” it’s difficult to even recognize we’re in one. Oh sure, we know something has changed, but seldom recognize where we are for a while. When I find myself in a descent, I remember my favorite stanza from a favorite poem by Ms. Jane Eggleston, “It’s In the Valleys I Grow”.

“Thank you for valleys, Lord
For this one thing I know.
The mountain tops are glorious
But it’s in the valleys I grow!”

Karen says:

Thank you kindly, J.D. And that’s a powerful poem and oh so true. Appreciate you sharing it. I learn and grow spiritually in the middle of my valley journeys much more than on the mountain top. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (ESV)

This reminds me the “even if” in Daniel that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego said–even if God doesn’t deliver us, we’ll worship and obey Him alone. And even though we find ourselves in such circumstances, God is with us in the midst of it just like He was with them.

Karen says:

Barbara, I love that. It’s something I haven’t thought of, glad you made the connection. “Even if” and “even though” we find ourselves in a valley, hard circumstances, God is absolutley with us-a promise He will never break!

Karen, I’m so blessed by this post. The Lord used it as another confirmation of my word and Scripture of the year:
RESTORATION from 1Peter 5:10. He is emphazing how the word “rest” is part of His restoring process for me. After last year’s battle with stage 4 cancer, I’m delighted! Interestingly, last year’s word was “delight”. Oh, how I delighted in His Word like never before as I faced the valley of the shadow of death.

Blessings on you, sweet sister!

Karen says:

Beckie, your comment blessed ME! You are such a light in the darkness. Your journey with cancer reached so many because of your heart for the Lord and your trust that He continued to work behind the scenes on your behalf, even when you didn’t see it. I love that your word is restoration. How so appropriate from your experience and this definition. “Return (someone or something) to a former condition, place, or position” (Google).

A thousand Hallelujahs!

Jessica Brodie says:

Amen to this, Karen. God is there in the valley whether we can tell God is or not… God is ALWAYS with us and always in control. We are never alone. We can trust that He will take care of us and use even bad times for the greater good and His glory.

Karen says:

Yes, Jessica, agree 100%. So thankful that even though we walk through the valley, God’s with us and comforts us.

Although our path seems uncertain, God’s goodness and mercy still follow us with certainty.

I’ve always viewed these as promises, but never thought of them as “valley” promises. Such a fitting way to view them, given their context. Thank you helping me see familiar passages with a fresh perspective!

Karen says:

Ava, I pray in the middle of our “even though” we walk through the valley, we trust God to faithfully walk with us and restore us as only He can.

Wonderful post. You’re so right when you say that we are wired to want those mountain top experiences and sometimes don’t understand why we find ourselves in a valley over and over. But He has given us everything we need to persevere and grow through them. What great promises you have shared. Blessings!

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Donna. I like how you said, “He has given us everything we need to persevere and grow through them.” True, God has bestowed on us every spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ! (Ephesians 1:3)

Hi Karen,

This is an absolutely beautiful post… Thank you for sending writings of encouragement!

It reminds me of a few words I penned in a prayer-poem: Like You, Lord…


Sustain me, Lord. Make me tough and bold, unwavering, in your likeness, unswerving in my resolve. Secure me, dear Father, to slumber, sweet, in your presence, as day descends or as morning mists. Bestow your power upon me.

Lord, hold me steadfast, unfaltering in your fixed grip and-tender embraces…

Thank you for sharing with us in writing, your commitment to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Carol Castagna

Karen says:

What a powerful poem, Carol Ann. Thanks for sharing your timely words and message here. I hope they encourage other readers as much as they encouraged me.

Yes, Lord, “hold me steadfast….”

Oh Karen, I loved this message of comfort in the Lord! I love how you remind us of how to apply the scriptures to REAL LIFE. Even though, God Himself. Yes, indeed, we will all walk through the valleys, even the valleys of the shadow of death. But He is with us. And to think it is God, not me, not my family, not anyone else, but God who restores me. Thank you for this powerful teaching!

Karen says:

Glad this encouraged you, Melissa. You bring up a wonderful and powerful point, God is with us, regardless of whether friends or family walk shoulder-to-shoulder with us or not. What counts is that HE IS THERE. And He does the restoring. God bless.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I love all these promises. They do offer us so much hope when we are the valley of life. Thank Karen for the great post.

Karen says:

Thank you, Yvonne. Let’s cling to valley promises like never before.

Life is a series of hills and valleys. Thanks for encouraging us, Karen.

Karen says:

Nancy, they are certain to come our way. But not only do we expect them, we also expect the Lord’s promises to be fulfilled in valley moments.

Mary J Lines says:

Hi Karen, thank you for sharing God’s words with us. I feel like we are all sheep walking in the valley’s (trial and tribulations of life). We become shepards, when we accept Jesus Christ as our savior, and follow him. When we go into the valley’s we are reminded that we were once sheep and are now (children of God) he will always carry us through the valley’s no matter what. Your message was a wonderful reminder that he will never forsake us or leave us as long as we follow him. I love your messages. My husband and I love watching Fridays Forever too. May God bless you both! Thanks again for sharing God’s word!

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Mary. Appreciate your comment, thanks for sharing your words. And thanks for faithfully watching Friday’s Forever videos. We are very grateful for our YouTube community including you and your husband. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” Psalm 23:4 (ESV)

Lisa Blair says:

I appreciate this truth, Karen! Even though…God is with us and all else fades. Thank you for the encouragement.

Karen says:

Thank you, Lisa. Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.

Anita Ojeda says:

It’s so easy to confuse bootstrapping ideas with Christian ideas! WE don’t have to do those four things you mentioned (yet we want to be seen as capable and taking charge). Learning to wait for God to work IN us takes spiritual discipline.

Karen says:

I like your insight, Anita. We do often look at pulling ourselves up by our own bootstrapes instead of letting God do his job as God. Even though we walk in the valley, God Himself will restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish us.

Suzette K. says:

Ps.23 is one of my go-to’s. It isn’t only for funerals but lifts me up every time I read it. And isn’t it such a comfort to know that God’s promises are true and waiting for us, even in our valleys? Thanks for an inspiring post.

Karen says:

Hi Suzette, I’ve often said the same thing about Psalm 23 being for times other than reading at funerals. The imagery David paints in this Psalm is comforting since we all know what walking through the valley is like. Thanks for adding your insight.

Jan says:

this is a beautiful uplifting post. As a senior when I look back over my life I thank God for the valleys and the storms. They taught me well and I know I would never have learned these lessons any other way. The poem from J.D. Wininger was spot on. My small group just last night began a study of Psalm 23-“Don’t give the enemy a seat at your table!”

Karen says:

Hey Jan, that study sounds wonderful. Psalm 23 is full of truths when need for Christian living in this world.

Jeanne says:

Karen, I so appreciate the way you find God’s promises in His word and share them with us. I tend to be one who tries to be enough to fix and restore myself. That whole desire to control blinds me to all God wants to do to restore and draw me closer to Himself.
Even though
God Himself
Loved this!

Karen says:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Jeanne. We sound like kindred spirits. Like you, so thankful the Lord Himself does the restoring, fixing, establishing, strengthening, and so on.

Lois Flowers says:

Karen, both of these passages have been extremely comforting to me during some of the darkest seasons of my life. “Valley promises” is a great name for them! I’m so glad that God goes before us and is with us through every one.

Karen says:

Hey Lois, they are both such powerful promises for the valleys that we walk through. Thanks for sharing.

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