Why God always Keeps His Word

Why God always Keeps His Word

God always keeps His Word. Always.

This is not the case with people.

Whether or not we are known as someone who keeps our word defines our character and showcases our integrity or its lack.

Birthed in a flesh suit, we often fail to follow through. Or we bail.

And people break promises to us—even repeat offenders.

While humans struggle in this department, not the Lord.

God keeps His word and never contradicts His character. Never.

We gain valuable insight about God’s word-keeping ability in Numbers 22-24.

God Always Keeps Promises

A little of the storyline. Balaam and Balak serve as the key players (names not found in today’s books of baby names). Balaam, a diviner of oracles, spoke God’s words to others. Balak, the son of Moab’s king, who also reigned as king, sent for Balaam’s “services” with an intriguing offer.

Because here’s the situation. On the way to Canaan, the Israelites camped in the land of Moab. Troubled that the Israelites outnumbered his people, and how God helped them defeat other nations, the king devised a plan.

Balak offered Balaam a nice reward if he spoke a curse over the children of Israel. “…for I know that he whom you bless is blessed and he whom you curse is cursed.” Numbers 22:6b (ESV)

But Balak soon realized a sobering truth. Balaam responded, “…I will bring back word to you, as the Lord speaks to me.” Numbers 22:8b (ESV) 

You see, it was never about Balaam keeping his word, but about keeping God’s words. Though Balaam adheres to God’s instructions to bless and not curse, he later instigated a scheme that caused the Israelites to bring a curse on themselves.*

Still, Balak persisted and requested three times for Balaam to curse the children of Israel. Instead, Balaam blessed the people. “Must I not take care to speak what the Lord puts in my mouth?” Numbers 23:12 (ESV)

God Always Keeps His Word

So Balak asked what the Lord had spoken which brings us to this verse.

“God is not a man that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19 (ESV)

“God is not a man that he should lie, or a son of man that he should change his mind. Has he said, and will he not do it? Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?” Numbers 23:19 (ESV) Click To Tweet
Why God always Keeps His Word

1.) Not a Man, God Never Lies

Although humans sometimes renege on their words, even lie; clothed in the supernatural, God never goes back on His words. God never lies. This is completely outside of His wheelhouse. 

2.) Not the Son of Man to Change His Mind

Again, the problem stems from “flesh and bones.” We start one thing, then change our mind for another thing. Or, we neglect to make up our mind. 

Even though the Bible recounts a few instances where God “relented,” it’s not comparable to people. For instance, we are sometimes careless in declarations, not considering our words. And we demand the prerogative to change our mind at every whim. 

But God takes great care in considering His declarations and in the how and why any of His declarations are modified.

3.) What God Said, He Will Do

God always confirms His word by His works. We often act contrary to our words.

God always confirms His word by His works. Click To Tweet

4.) God Has Spoken, He Fulfills It

Perhaps we question whether a family member or a friend implements their part of an agreement. Listen, what God has spoken, He fulfills—without question.

Spoken and Written Word

God not only promises to keep His word and act on our behalf, but He also reminds us we have His holy Word (Scripture). God kept His spoken and written Word in biblical stories. And He keeps them in the present, within our stories.

God kept His spoken and written Word in biblical stories. And He keeps them in the present, within our stories. Click To Tweet

*Even though Balaam never cursed the people, he devised a plan to gain his reward. Balaam advised the Moabites to entice God’s people with idols and prostitutes. Because the children of Israel committed fornication and worshipped Baal, they brought a curse on themselves—24,000 men died from a plague (Numbers 25).

Why God always Keeps His Word

Do you struggle with believing God keeps His promises?

Last week we discussed, Living God’s Word as it Lives in Me.

Featured images from our YouTube Channel, Friday’s Forever.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth) and Faith On Fire.

© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


March 31, 2022 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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God is worthy of our trust and worship. He alone is truth and only speaks truth. Wonderful post, Karen!

Karen says:

Thank you, Nancy. God is certainly the only being who is full of truth and IS truth itself.

Thank goodness that God always keeps His word, Karen! We can place all our faith, hope and trust in Him, and never be disappointed.

Karen says:

Never, ever be disappointed, Martha. For God will always back up His truth. God bless!

Comfort is found in knowing God keeps His promises. This is a wonderful message Karen. Thank you.

Karen says:

Thanks for commenting, Melissa. God not only promises to keep His word and act on our behalf, but He also reminds us we have His holy Word (Scripture).

J.D. Wininger says:

Convicting, yet comforting words my friend. How many times have I, even with the best on intentions, failed to live up to my promises to others. And far worse, my promises to God. Yet, through it all, God has remained faithful and unchangeable toward me. What a blessing it is when I am wont to focus on my failure but God focuses me on my future. Because His is faithful, I can find peace in know that while I may continue to fail Him and others in this world, there is coming a day upon my glorification by God will take that corrupt, weak, carnal human nature from me. Until that day, I must endure and finish the race! God’s blessings gentle lady.

Karen says:

“God has remained faithful and unchangeable toward me.” Something all of us can attest to. I’m so looking forward to the day God makes all things new, especially our corrupt natures. What a day that will be!

Yvonne Morgan says:

Amen, hallelujah. We are blessed knowing God keeps all His promises. May we find ways to be more like Him.

Karen says:

That’s a good word, Yvonne, thanks for sharing.

What an excellent presentation of this passage, Karen! That sneaky action of Balaam is one of those incidents referred to often, because of the damage it did to the young men of Israel. The combined idolatry and sexuality was NOT a norm of Jewish worship, and yet now, after that experience, the temptation of it was planted within them. History and the Bible tell us afterwards how often the Jewish people turned to idolatry and making sacrifices on the “high places.” It was bad, bad, bad for Balaam to do this. His inability to curse them was in obedience to God, and yet this action was a spit in your face action toward God, for it was a curse that produced harm among their people for millennia. That sounds like a curse to me.

Karen says:

Thank you, Melinda. And always appreciate your added insight to biblical passages. Yes, in the end, Balaam caused more harm than good. This is an example to us that there are no work-arounds to God’s truth or what He asks of us when it comes to obedience. His is a jealous love and we were never created or meant to worship or give adoration to any idol or god but Him. Obedience is always for our good and His glory.

Yes! God cannot lie because His nature is truth and He cannot act contrary to His nature.

Karen says:

A thousand Hallelujahs and the loudest Amens to that!

It is such a comfort to know that we have a friend who will never let us down!

Karen says:

Barb, your comment reminded me of the hymn, “What a friend we have in Jesus.” And so many wonderful Scriptures about Jesus calling us friend. He’s a loyal friend.

Jessica Brodie says:

It is a tremendous comfort that we can truly count on God’s word. He’s not fickle. Great post, Karen!

Karen says:

“Fickle” is a great word to describe humans but thank God, It’s not in His wheelhouse to renege on His word.

Kym says:

Not one of God’s promises has ever failed – what a great foundation to stand on! What he says he will do.

Visiting from IMM#28

Karen says:

It is a sure foundation, never shaky or unstable. Hallelujah! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Kym.

I love how you put that: “God always confirms His word by His works.” He follows through. What a wonderful reminder, Karen.

Karen says:

Ashley, when we realize how God confirms His word by His works, it helps us also know this appliesto the work He’s doing in our lives.

Karen, this is such a great reminder of God’s faithfulness and steadfast character. There used to be a saying people would say that was along the lines of, “God said it. I believe it. That settles it.”

Really though, it should be: “God said it. That settles it.”

I appreciate your words about the truth and consistency of God’s character. He always keeps His word. We can rest secure in that truth. Even it we may not see His hand in this moment, He is working and fulfilling all He’s said.

By the way, I may. have chuckled at your words about Balak and Balaam’s names not being in baby name books. 😉

Karen says:

Jeanne, you reminded me of that saying and I remember thinking our belief has nothing to do with God’s truth. Someone’s belief or unbelief doesn’t change the truth of God’s Word or His Character. Thank you for sharing this here.

Yes, even when we can’t see what God is doing, He is still working behind the scenes on our behalf, keeping His promises.

Karen, such good reminders that God ALWAYS keeps His word. People may fail us (even those who love us),but our God never will!

Karen says:

So comforting God never fails us in keeping His promises, Beckie! Love and hugs to you!

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