Gentle On My Mind

Gentle on my mindThe message is evident. God’s gentle on my mind.

It’s everywhere. In our world. In past history and present day.

Giving thanks falls short when God is forgotten.

God’s people have a history of waning. They remembered. They forgot. They cried out to God. The cycle repeated.

The Lord’s blessings were gentle on their mind. Excitement pacified. Thanking God for His abundant provision went missing when life was going off without a hitch.

How could this be? He had proven His great power. His miracles. Going to endless lengths and heights to show His faithfulness. He rescued and came through for them countless times. His love surpassed anything on earth.

But they soon forgot all of it.

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April 28, 2016 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized


News Release: I’m a Publisher!


First published article, 10/2014

I hate to brag, but I’m a publisher for the famous. When people name-drop of who they know or when they praise their own efforts, it’s not attractive. However, I hope you’ll read more and make allowances in my case. Just this once.

This publisher story has a beginning, the ending is still being written. As far as my character in the story, it hasn’t gone to print.

It all started early in 2014. Looking back, I’m not sure how my heart’s voice synced with God’s voice.

A calling to write words with a message of hope. Similar words I’d shared with audiences via public speaking for decades. To share my voice in black and white on paper or an online venue. I had no idea where to begin or how to move forward.

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April 21, 2016 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized



Hide-and-seek, Image courtesy of Pixabay.comI found you.

Secret places lingered in my mind. Childhood memories of hide-and-seek in a park or neighborhood. The dynamic of playing the game outdoors was thrilling.

Hiders scattered with high hopes of the perfect spot. Stumbling upon a nook or refuge offering the ultimate in concealment were rare treasures. It brought a calm assurance. A certainty to be declared the hide-and-seek winner. To make it safely back to home base.

Frozen in Place

As the seeker came near, I made efforts to curtail my breathing, not moving a single muscle as if frozen in place.

Come out. You’ve been found. I see you. You can’t hide from me.

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April 14, 2016 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized


5 Ways to Never Give Up on Marriage

Wow! My husband and I celebrated 31 years of marriage this week. I. Stand. Amazed. I can’t help but share hope for marriage in Christ. I’m reposting this article from a year ago, praying it brings hope near to you.  And it all started with a greeting card that stirred my heart.

5 ways to never give up on marriage

Christmas 2015

“Thank you both for always loving and never giving up on each other! We are so thankful!”

Powerful words tucked inside a greeting card. The author is not a clever Hallmark writer. This is a personal view of struggles—in the midst of love—from a front-row-seat-ticket-holder.

Words penetrating my soul from our daughter and son-in-law, Megan and Tyler, for our 30th Wedding Anniversary. Why thankful? We have not parted ways when the going gets tough. And it does get tough. Our children have seen our fight for love . . . for staying together.

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April 7, 2016 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized