5 Breakup Letters to Send for Intimacy With Christ

5 Breakup Letters to Send for Intimacy With Christ

Have you ever received or sent a breakup letter? 

Is there anything holding you back from intimacy with Christ?

He slid the note across a neighboring student’s desk, motioning to pass to the intended recipient—me. My name visible along the top fold of paper.

Feeling as though the world came to an end that day and I would never survive breaking up. The quirkiness of seventh grade.

When did I decide boys didn’t have cooties? This should be re-evaluated.

Still, sobering breakups thundered in my young life. I made it out alive.

Yet, as with most hurting hearts, my heart lacked resilience.

Breakups are hard and heartbreaking. The larger the investment of time, the harder we fall.

A Necessary Breakup

But although painful, some breakups are in my best interest. Therefore, I composed 5 notes to send, specifying the exact reasons I want out to each intended recipient.

Dear Insecurity,

We’ve spent a lot of time together. I have grown comfortable with you these many years. You’re a loyal companion, but not a trustworthy one. Instead, you always deny the truth and believe a lie. It’s been just the two of us in this love affair. But I’m tired of the on-again, off-again charade. It’s off. We’re done.

Sincerely, Secure in Christ.

Dear Perfectionism,

I opened my heart to you and let you in. Masquerading as a heart-throb, yet you are a heart-rob—stealing my joy. This isn’t working out. We are breaking up and never making up again. I’m saying, “goodbye.” I don’t love you anymore.

From, My Heart Belongs to Christ.

Dear Pride,

I know you’ve been seeing other people on the side and never wiped one tear I cried. You dazzle with false hope of greatness. You thought I was never leaving, but I’m giving up on us. Get it? Got it? Good!

Signed, Christ above all.

Dear Pride, I know you’ve been seeing other people on the side and never wiped one tear I cried. You dazzle with false hope of greatness. You thought I was never leaving, but I’m giving up on us. Signed, Christ above all. Click To Tweet
5 Breakup Letters to Send for Intimacy With Christ

Dear Acceptance,

Once a restless heart, I needed you. But I’ve grown weary with what people think of me, no longer needing their approval and acceptance of who I am. There’s a new guy in my life. One who will always be the lover of my soul. I’m over you and moving on. No longer hopelessly devoted to you. The end.

Don’t call or write, Chosen by Christ.

Dear Me,

You’ve changed since we first met. Like two strangers now, you’re someone I used to know. It’s time to walk away. I’m not living the same way. Spiritual death has parted us.

No longer at your service, Christ Lives in Me.

Dear Me, You’ve changed since we first met. Like two strangers now, you’re someone I used to know. It’s time to walk away. I’m not living the same way. Spiritual death has parted us. No longer at your service, Christ Lives in Me. Click To Tweet

Breakup/Never Make Up

Exits out of these relationships will not happen overnight, even after sending my breakup letters. I may find myself on a blind date with any one of them offering enough pampering to warrant weak moments.

Still, my standards remain high. Breakups are usually heartbreaking because of the loss. In these breakups, it’s about gain.

“Whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ.” Philippians 3:7-8 (NASB, emphasis added)

"Whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord…." Philippians 3:7-8 NASB Click To Tweet

Breakup for Intimacy With Christ

These breakup letters help us grow closer in intimacy with Christ.

Another note has been passed on through the ages by neighboring students of the Word. A letter declaring unconditional love from a loyal and trustworthy companion. A relationship with Jesus worth our greatest investment of time and highest devotion.

The intended recipient? Me. And you.

5 Breakup Letters to Send for Intimacy With Christ

Have you read God’s love letter written to you? You can find it in the Bible.

Which of these do you need to breakup with? Anything you would add?

Last week’s post: How to Manifest Moments of Heaven on Earth.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

Join us on our podcast to discuss these letters and our recent YouTube Channel adventures.

© 2022 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


September 1, 2022 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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For me, the most necessary “love-rival” to ditch has been perfectionism. What a soul stealer that is! As if any of us can ever be “perfect” in meeting the needs of others. No, we definitely need to confess our sins of pride and arrogance, and surrender to Jesus to truly live the “perfect” life.
Blessings, Karen!

Karen says:

Powerfully said, Martha! Perfectionism is definitely robs us of real joy in life. God bless!

I’m so glad I broke up with all of my insecure habits and decisions and walls, but it took a while to shed all of this. Christ in me and public baptism and surrounding myself with older Christians — these were required before I could begin to move forward as a Christian back in 1977.

Karen says:

Good for you, Melinda. My favorite love letter is the one God wrote to us, His Word.

Love this clever perspective on removing thoughts and attitudes that interfere with my intimacy with Christ. And these breakup letters have one thing in common – WE initiate them. WE have the power to end those relationships!

Karen says:

We do initiate the breakups. We really do have a choice in staying chained to these unhealthy things or giving our highest allegiance to Christ!

Jessica Brodie says:

It always hurts when we feel rejected by the world and rejected by the people in it, but I take great comfort that Jesus NEVER rejects me, even when I push Him away. He chases after me, and I am His. He loves us all, too. It’s not just me! How blessed we are.

Karen says:

Yes, Jessica. We are loved and accepted and choosen by Christ.

Lisa Blair says:

What a creative idea, Karen! I’m passing these along to my daughters.

Karen says:

Lisa, appreciate you sharing these letters with your daughters. I wish I had known at a young age how unhealthy these things are in my life.

I love this approach.

I wish you had a reblog button so that I could share it.

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Barb. My paid version of WordPress with a site host does not allow a reblog button. But I would gladly send to you in a Word file if you want to share it on your blog site as a guest post, be happy to. Just let me know or I will email you about this.

Yvonne Morgan says:

What an amazing idea for these kind of letters to God. Great post Karen. I loved it

Karen says:

Thank you, Yvonne. May we pursue Christ above any other person or thing!

How creative of you, Karen. We love that which we should not. Well done. God bless!

Karen says:

Appreciate your kind words, Nancy. I continue to pray to not return to any of these distractions that take away from the true lover of my soul. Jesus. Blessings!

Linda says:

What a clever way to make your point!

Karen says:

Glad you enjoyed this, Linda! Breaking up and praying to never make up again. Thanks for visiting and commenting!

J.D. Wininger says:

So enjoyed your post Ms. Karen. I can look back at life and think, “Now there’s one relationship that should’ve broken off before it started” in more than a few cases. I loved how you weaved that into our worldly habits and insecurities. Time to write a few letters here.

Karen says:

Thanks so much, J.D. The struggle is real. But the Lord will not take second place for any other lovers in our heart. We’ve learned the false and negative effects of their relationships on who we are in Christ! God bless!

I LOVED this. First, thank you for the good laugh — yes, boys having cooties needs to be re-evaluated lol. I’ve written very similar “break-up” letters. It looks like Insecurity, Perfectionism, Pride, and Acceptance really get around. I’ve learned, without God’s help, I’m unable to keep these pesky “suitors” at bay. They have a sneaky way of wiggling back into my life when I let my guard down. I love the line, “There’s a new man in my life.” Amen! He is the only one who can truly make the break-ups permanent. Great post!
Bev xx

Karen says:

Hey Bev, thank you. And this made me smile, “It looks like Insecurity, Perfectionism, Pride, and Acceptance really get around.” Haha! I’m forever grateful Jesus stepped in and took the place of these horrible suitors. God bless!

Joanne Viola says:

Karen, I think a few letters need some writing. It’s funny how some “relationships” try to resurrect themselves from time to time. Wonderful reminder and idea!

Karen says:

Joanne, like how you said some of these try to resurrect themselves at times. That’s been my experience particularly with insecurity and perfectionism over the years. But not much anymore, I’ve made great strides and have settled the breakup for the most part for both.

[…] Last week’s article, 5 Breakup Letters to Send for Intimacy with Christ. […]

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