5 Ways to Keep Integrity on Social Media

5 Ways to Keep Integrity on Social Media, Adobe SparkIs integrity possible on social media?

I absolutely get the whole First Amendment right to express our thoughts and opinion. And everyone seems to voice opinions these days.

Whether we’re putting our best foot forward for a career or looking to engage with friends. Or maybe we value true integrity and character in the midst of a culture that’s gone half mad.

Social media stands as one of the best platforms to showcase who we are.

Integrity and Jesus

But for Christ-followers, shouldn’t we make every effort to conduct our lives based on the example of Jesus?

Everything? Every heart motive—the deepest nook and cranny. And every jot and tittle of our written words.

“A jot is the name of the least letter of an alphabet or the smallest part of a piece of writing. A tittle, rather appropriately for a word which sounds like a combination of tiny and little, is smaller still. It refers to a small stroke or point in writing or printing.” (More origin at the Phrase Finder.)

And the Bible mentions the phrase.

“For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” Matthew 5:18 NKJV.

The New Living Translation says it this way, “I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not even the smallest detail of God’s law will disappear until its purpose is achieved.”

The Lord cares about even the small details of His law and purposes. As His representatives, this includes our online presence.

Social Media is the Place for…

Oh, we love to see family photos. Those cute pictures of kids and pets? Keep them coming.

What about posts for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, trips, awards, and new jobs? Life’s happy events? Social media’s boring without them.

Celebrating with each other for milestones reached shows our support. Yay! Bravo! Way to go! Love this!

Still, life’s-not-so-happy-right-now posts are a reality for all of us. Sad news, illness, loss of loved ones, and dark days. All times we reach out to our social media friends for prayer and words of encouragement.

And humor is wonderful. Ha ha! I love to laugh out loud. Perhaps, so do you. Funny pictures with captions or hilarious videos put a smile on my face. Who doesn’t need to smile more often these days or laugh until your tummy hurts? 🙂

5 Ways to Keep Integrity on Social Media, Adobe Spark photoSocial Media is not the Place for…

But what about those posts with twisted and perverted humor? Words that inflict more harm than good? If they poke fun in a degrading way, then they’re unhealthy.

Sadly, with all the good the digital age brought, it’s also used for posting disturbing content. Such as videos and images that degrade women. I never tolerate porn, nudity, or sexual content. It’s unhealthy in every way, even spiritually.

I block followers with this kind of content every week on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. So keep this childhood rule in mind.

If someone isn’t playing nice in the sandbox, get out of the sandbox. #socialmedia #questions Click To Tweet

Also, I grow weary of relentless political antics of the same song and dance act. But for me…

The most troubling posts on social media deface the name of my #Lord and #Savior Jesus Christ. Click To Tweet

Brothers and sisters, these things ought not to be.

Social Media and My Integrity

I cannot control the words and actions of others or what rolls through the newsfeed.

But I control my own behavior, words, and reactions.

Only through the power of the Holy Spirit can I hope to resemble Christ. #Jesus #Socialmedia Click To Tweet

So, before we hit “share,” let’s evaluate our motives on social media with these 5 ways…questions to ask ourselves.

5 Questions:

  1. Uplifting: Is this post encouraging or will it bring others down in a demeaning way?
  2. Self-focused: Am I too self-focused? Are my posts always about me or do I regularly share about friends and great content from others?
  3. Authentic: Do my posts capture the real me or the me I pretend to be?
  4. Love balanced with truth: Do I portray God’s love and truth? Do I balance the love of Jesus with the truth of Who He is? Am I compromising God’s truth in any way to be popular or accepted?
  5. Wise: Am I a drama queen who’s always ranting and raving about something? Or am I wise to choose my battles deciding what’s appropriate for online and what’s best left offline?

5 Ways to Keep Integrity on Social Media, Adobe SparkIntegrity on social media? Yes, it’s possible.

Photos and design courtesy of Adobe Spark.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups: Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.

© 2018 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved



March 1, 2018 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized

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Becky Smith says:

Excellent, well-thought-out, thought-provoking post! “Every jot and tittle!”

This verse came to mind while reading your post: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit!”

And I also thought of this verse: “Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth, but only such a word as is good for edification ACCORDING TO THE NEED OF THE MOMENT, so that it will give grace to those who hear.”

Amen! GREAT guidelines to keep in our mind at all times!! Thank you, Karen!

Karen says:

Becky, thanks for the additional Scriptures…I love them as well. Words carry power whether they roll off our tongues or our fingertips. 🙂 Thanks so much for commenting and sharing your wise thoughts too!

Amen sister, amen!

Karen says:

Thanks for commenting, Marla. The most troubling posts on social media deface the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. But I concentrate on how I post. Praying to walk in the spirit and resemble Christ in real life and online.

Rob Moore says:

Great wisdom and checklist for social media! And, it’s applicable for not just what we post and share, but for how we respond to other’s posts. My goals in social media; represent Christ, spread kindness and encouragement, be a good friend/follower. If you can see my smile, my heart, and mostly my Savior in what I post, I have accomplished this. 🙂

Karen says:

Rob, thanks and for sharing your thoughts as well. Love your goals…Amen. And, yes, our response is of utmost importance. Even how we respond to others showcases God’s glory in us. The best response isn’t a knee-jerk response, but a response on our knees. Blessings! Thanks for being a good friend/follower online. 🙂

Thank you, Karen for the message in this timely article. Applying the questions you set forth here are eye-opening. You have beautifully expressed the need for discretion in what we do on social media. The thing I try to keep in mind, in addition to the things you mentioned in your article, is that this site is intended to be a social media. A place where we can express ourselves as long as we don’t offend or degrade. You have a very good and sensible approach toward achieving that goal.

Karen says:

Yes, Nells, that’s true about this blog and website. With my theme, “Hope is Among Us,” I desire to offer real hope only found in Christ, expressing scriptural truths as life happens. Well, life certainly happens and how we portray that on social media across the board, says a lot about who we are and what we believe. It’s my desire to be authentic here and on other online venues. Thanks for commenting and sharing your thoughts! Amen!

Karen, thank you for doing this. The five questions you propose are perfect. As Christians, we have the opportunity to either shine a light on social media or join in with some of the ungodly (some are very subtle) posts. May we use social media as a platform to showcase the love of Christ. Amen, sister!

Karen says:

Beckie, I so appreciate your encouragement and comment. And you make a good point, we choose to shine a light or join in with the ungodly when it comes to social media. I never want to compromise God’s truth for popularity. If that’s what it takes to get “likes” then it’s not for me. 🙂 Blessings!

Joanne Viola says:

Excellent post! And yes, social media can be used with integrity if we hold ourselves accountable before the One who sees and knows every word.

Karen says:

Amen, Joanne! In the end, we’ll answer to God for every idle word and jot and tittle. Thanks so much! Blessings!

Brittany says:

This is great Karen. Definitely pinning this. We have to be so careful as Christians not only of our posts but of our reactions to the posts of others. Thanks so much for this eye-opening reality.

Karen says:

Brittany, thanks so much for commenting and pinning. Yes, integrity is possible across all venues of our online activity if we take the time to evaluate our motives. Agree wholeheartedly with your thoughts about our careful intention in both posting and reactions to other posts. Blessings!

What great suggestions and wisdom! Imagine the powerful impact of social media if these 5 areas were used … just among Christians! Talk about furthering His kingdom!

Karen says:

Thank you, Esther. I love how you stated your comment. After all, Jesus said to pray for God’s Kingdom to come to earth. 🙂 Amen! Blessings!

Bettie G says:

Thank you for these thoughts that help to bring goodness to Social Media! And I love this: “Only through the power of the Holy Spirit can I hope to resemble Christ.” Great foundation for all of our moments, really!

Karen says:

Bettie, thanks for stopping by and commenting. And so true about a foundation for all our moments. That online and off, for life in general…to call upon the Holy Spirit to resemble Christ. Blessings!

Great post and all good reminders. Funny my word of the year is Incognito – wanting people to forget me and know Him – but doing it on social media. It’s a fun twist and challenge. Thanks, Karen.

Karen says:

What an awesome word and challenge (incognito) for social media, Sue. Love that! Yes, it really is all about Jesus. Thanks!

Boma says:

Yes, it possible! And as Christians, especially, we’ve been called to a higher standard. May God continually help us honour Him.

Karen says:

Yes! Amen! We’ve been called to set the bar high in all of our conduct online or off. Words matter whether they roll off our tongues or our fingertips. And if our words match God’s Word…even better. Thanks for commenting! Blessings!

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