A Peek Into My Journal for 25 Life-giving Thoughts

A Peek Into My Journal for 25 Life-giving Thoughts, Photo by João Silas on Unsplash

To journal is therapy for me…for my soul. I’ve always loved to journal, and during this season I’m currently walking through, I daily journal pages and pages.

Some thoughts the Lord reminded me He gave me in the past, but are helpful now. While others are fresh inspiration from the Lord.

So I’m letting you peek into my personal journal for 25 thoughts I hope encourage you and bring life to your soul.

Wholeness And Forgiveness

(1.) When life’s disappointments attempt to become my unwelcome friend, I remember Jesus calls me friend. Because He’s my best friend (John 15:5).

(2.) If people add injury to my pain, they are broken people in need of wholeness from Christ. Broke people break people. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” Psalm 147:3 ESV.

If people add injury to my pain, they are broken people in need of wholeness from Christ. Broke people break people. “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” Psalm 147:3. #journal Click To Tweet

(3.) I must cling to the only sure hope in the darkness. Jesus. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it” John 1:5 ESV.

(4.) Lord, place the cross and the blood of Jesus between me and the enemy, and between me and difficult people and circumstances. There’s nothing Your redemptive blood doesn’t cover. And there’s nothing it can’t redeem. 

(5.) When I can’t forgive others or if we can’t forgive ourselves, we are limiting God. We are saying He’s not able to give us supernatural ability to forgive. We are putting ourselves as a god above the God who is so loving, so merciful, and so kind that every time we repent, He gladly forgives. 

New Mercies And Promises

(6.) I’m so thankful for the power of prayer: that mountains still move, seas still part, mana still rains from heaven, and because God can raise the dead, ashes turn to beauty again. 

(7.) Even if the world seems to stop spinning. Even if dark clouds seem to hijack sunny days. And even if life seems void of another sunrise or sunset. The Son holds the world and me in His hands (Psalm 95:4). The Son shines His face on me and gives me peace (Numbers 6:25:-26). And the Son rises with healing in His wings and with new mercies every morning (Malachi 4:4, Lamentations 3:22-23).

(8.) Lord, I know all your promises are “Yes” and “Amen” in Christ. So help me trust that there are countless and hearty yeses and the loudest Amens at the end of this path. As I continue to raise a hope-filled Hallelujah (last week’s post), I’m claiming a thousand Hallelujahs in my future! (2 Corinthians 1:20).

(9.) God IS a good, good Father and I am confident goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life (Psalm 23:6). Lord, as I walk through a valley, help me to turn and see the footprints of goodness and mercy behind me every step of the way. 

(10.) I trust You, Lord, to write and rewrite my story for Your glory. Even from the valleys, one day there will be a story of praise to share…a song of victory to sing!

I trust You, Lord, to write and rewrite my story for Your glory. Even from the valleys, one day there will be a story of praise to share…a song of victory to sing! #journal Click To Tweet

Strength And Restoration

A Peek Into My Journal for 25 Life-giving Thoughts, Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

(11.) The Lord is my strength, my song, my salvation. The LORD is a Warrior! MY warrior! (Exodus 15:2-3).

(12.) Lord, I’m claiming a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit, that You may be glorified (Isaiah 61:3).

(13.) I have been chosen by God as a temple for His glory and His name to dwell. 

(14.) In Joel 2:25, the Lord promised to restore the years the locusts had eaten. And if you know the total, devastating damage caused by locusts. And how they consume everything in their path…any form of life and vegetation. If God can restore that kind of damage and death and nothingness back to life and wholeness…He can do it in my life.

(15.) I am loved. I am chosen. And I am redeemed. I am free.

Grace And Open Arms

(16.) Romans 12:1-2 calls for me not to be conformed to this world. Instead, I’m called to offer myself as a living sacrifice. But it’s hard to be a living sacrifice when I keep crawling off the altar of God’s holiness.

(17.) Sometimes I’m holding onto everything but Jesus. When I release the hurt, the pain, the fear, and what-ifs, then my hands and heart are open and free to hold onto the only One who matters.

(18.)  Whether it’s hard circumstances, unfulfilled dreams, strength for new things, or hope for the future: God is faithful as God. God is faithful to His callings on my life. God is faithful to me. “Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

(19.) Rules never saved anyone. Rule-keeping never provided grace. But the blood of Jesus covers my sins and provides amazing grace…saving grace! It’s not about rule-keeping, but obeying the Almighty God and His Word.

(20.) God’s always waiting with open arms. There’s no better, safer, or stronger arms than the arms of the Almighty. 

Victor And Forever

(21.) The Christian life isn’t about “arriving” as if there’s nothing more to learn or overcome. It’s about arriving to a better place—a stronger place as a believer.

(22.) God steps into my mess as soon as I decide to step out.

(23.)  I stand as victor because Christ was victorious. 

(24.) In a spiritual battle, the enemy holds no power over me. Satan is not God’s equal, he is powerless before the Almighty who fights for me. 

(25.) Does anyone promise “forever” and really own up to it? Yes, Jesus! 

Does anyone promise “forever” and really own up to it? Yes, Jesus! #journal Click To Tweet
A Peek Into My Journal for 25 Life-giving Thoughts, Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

Do you journal? Do you have an encouraging thought from a journal entry to share?

*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Kingdom Bloggers/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Abounding Grace/Welcome Heart/Recharge Wednesday/Porch Stories/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Sitting Among Friends/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Fresh Market Friday/Faith On Fire/Dance With Jesus and Faith and Friends.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


January 23, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Jann says:

Thank you for sharing. I keep trying to journal and do well for a couple of days, then it falls by the wayside. I have a small desktop labyrinth that I use most days. I start with the Lord’s prayer and wait for His guidance for the day. Somedays are fruitful with guidance others are quiet reflective.

Karen says:

Your efforts sound great, Jann. I’ve gone months and years before without keeping a written journal (I like to buy the hard copy kind and actually write the entries.) Sometimes, I’m started a new journal during a particual season or even for a book idea (this came from John Eldredge). Where you just fill up the pages with quotes, thoughts, things the Lord shows you. I started this new journ recently as a form of therapy during a hard season. Because like with former journals (dated) I can look back over my reflections and praise the Lord what He has done, how He provided.

Journaling can be so helpful. Thank you for sharing with us.

Karen says:

Melissa, I love it when the Lord partners with me to journal thoughts from my heart that not only help my soul, but with the hopes to help others in my writing and speaking one day. God bless!

Valerie says:

These are excellent nuggets for the soul to keep us from bitterness and understanding better God’s supreme power working in our lives. So glad He restores and redeems the time! I appreciate these wisdom markers Karen😀❤️🌹👍🙏

Karen says:

Thanks for your wording “wisdom markers.” I love that. God promises to speak to us and often asked His people in the O.T. to set up a banner or markers to show God had been there or worked on their behalf. Journals are kind of spiritual markers for me. Blessings sister!

These are such gems of encouragement, Karen! No, although I take notes here and there, I don’t purposefully journal. Think I might just give it a go!

Karen says:

Hey Martha, I’ve had seasons where I journaled more than others, and the best part is pulling one off the shelf and looking through it. The last time I kept a journal was a few years ago, so this new journal is bringing me such insight and therapy in a really hard situation in life right now. It’s a great release, it’s a great way to talk to the Lord with real and raw emotions, jot down thoughts He shows you from His Word, and untimately provides the history to look back on the situation with hindsight.

Haven’t begun to journal yet; have in the past. Please know that whatever the journey, wherever God leads you, I’m praying you through every step my friend. God’s blessings along your journey Ms. Karen.

Karen says:

J.D. I’m trusting the Lord, to write and rewrite my story for His glory. Even from the valleys, one day there will be a story of praise to share…a song of victory to sing! I’m claiming it now! God bless!

Julie Dibble says:

Good afternoon, Karen,

Your journal is a gift straight from God. Thank you for sharing. I do journal, but my thoughts and inspirations from Him are in several places not just one journal. This I know: I like writing thoughts down with a pen versus typing on a computer. I have LOTS to sift through as I journey through writing this first book. I appreciate our connection, our sisterhood across the miles. May God bless you abundantly today.

Karen says:

Thank you, Julie. I prefer to buy journals (hard copies) to pen my words old-school style. That’s how I started in college and on mission trips with dates and years and that’s how I prefer to do it now. So they are like books I’ve written to myself and to the Lord that also help others if I decide to use any of the writings in that way. You mentioned writing a book, on a webinar with John Eldredge once, he said he always buys a hard copy journal for every book idea, jots down thoughts, reflections, quotes he sees or hears, illustrtations that can be used, Scripture, stoires etc… then organizes it on notecards or sticky notes on a big board or the wall on what chapters they may fall in. I think it’s a great idea.

Lori Hatcher says:

My journals, especially during the dark nights of the soul, become treasured repositories for the truth and promises God speaks to my heart. It is a physical, tangible way of speaking truth to myself when the enemy is screaming lies.

Karen says:

…”a physical, tangible way of speaking truth to myself when the enemy is screaming lies.” So good and so true, Lori. I agree, even if I’m crying out to the Lord because I don’t understand or see how He’s working (real faith), I know others in the Bible and the Psalmists often did the same. It helps us come to a place eventually of trusting the Lord when there’s nothing else to put our hope and trust in.

Kathy Little says:

These could be your chapters for a devotional book! Good daily reminders for us all! Thanks for your faithfulness in sharing your faith, sharing your struggles, sharing Jesus!

Karen says:

Thank you, Kathy. Someone else said that on social media. We will see what the Lord does with it. But for now, it’s my voice, my heartcries, my soul longing to be heard, for answers, for comfort and for truth to take hold in the core of who I am. God bless!

Mandy Farmer says:

I trust You, Lord, to write and rewrite my story for Your glory. Even from the valleys, one day there will be a story of praise to share…a song of victory to sing!

This one was for me today.

Karen says:

So thankful this was for you, Mandy! Thank you, Lord, for using what you whisper to our hearts to encourage each other. I praying for my “one day” and yours too, friend!

Jerry D Hill says:

HE keeps loading me every day as I awake, sometimes even before as I dream. I barely have time to unload each days blessings. This process starts new every day, [24×7]

Karen says:

Thanks wonderful, Jerry. It’s amazing howw the Lord speaks to us when we are willing to listen to His voice, discern His will, and obey His commandments. God bless!

Oh Karen, what a fountain of God’s peace, joy and love is bubbling up from these journal snatches! Thank you for sharing your heart with us. This Godly encouragement is exactly the kind of self-prayer/self-talk I will use when I am hurting or struggling. It is so powerful to remember that those who hurt us are hurting and in need of Christ. I also try to remember they are not the enemy, they have fallen prey to the enemy. May we rest in God’s power to create and re-create all things – even the ashes of our broken lives and broken relationships. He is able! He is mighty to save!

Karen says:

Melissa, I agree, it’s hard with people hurt us to remember our fight is not with flesh and blood. The enemy sure uses them to want to bring harm to us, but we know that what satan meant for evil…to harm us, the Lord will turn for our good…somehow and someway. I’ve heard it said, hurt people hurt people and since that’s true, it’s also true that broke people break people. When we realize them adding to our injury or pain is because of their sheer brokenness, we can pray for our journey to wholeness as well as their’s. And we know the one who heals the brokenhearted and makes people whole again! Jesus!

Cathy Baker says:

Thank you for allowing us to take a peek into your journaling process. I’ve journaled for decades. One of the sweetest rewards was during our son’s rehearsal dinner. They showed pics of both kids from infants to college and their engagement picture. Immediately following this slide, her mom’s prayer journal popped up showing where she’d prayed for our DIL’s future son — and on the other side of the slide, a picture of my journal showing the same for my future DIL. It was a moment I’ll never forget. God’s faithfulness overwhelms me.

Karen says:

Cathy, I love this story. Thanks so much for sharing it.I’ve read author’s journal entries in their books, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of this kind of entry praying for future mates being used at a wedding! It’s beautiful and priceless!

Lisa notes says:

I keep a Bible journal for my daily Bible reading. Sometimes it’s just a sentence or two, sometimes it’s more. It’s beneficial in the moment to help center my thoughts but I also love being able to return to it later, looking back on God’s faithfulness through the years.

Karen says:

Lisa, yes, I like both those points…centering our thoughts and especially returning to it and looking back at God’s faithfulness and seeing answered prayer, God’s faithfulness, the Lord’s strenght sustaining us, and His Word remaining the truth throughout it all!

SO encouraging. Thank you so much.

Karen says:

Thank you, Lauren. Remember you stand as victor because Christ was victorious.

I’m praying for you and yours, Karen, as you go through this devastating heartache. The Lord is mighty with you! He walks by your side. He holds your hand! This is a powerful list of truth. Read it daily. Add to it. God bless you, sister!

Karen says:

Oh, thanks so much for your continued prayers and concern. Your words mean more than you know. I”m so thankful for (24.) In a spiritual battle, the enemy holds no power over me. Satan is not God’s equal, he is powerless before the Almighty who fights for me. Hallelujah! God bless!

So much truth and hope in this post. Thank you for sharing your journal with us, Karen. Continuing to pray for you…

Karen says:

Appreciate your kind words, Valerie, and your prayers.

(15.) Valerie is loved, chosen, redeemed, and free.

I have been journaling since I was in high school…and am 72 now! I find it to be soothing and lesson-building and lesson-learning. I have written poetry, written lists, documented events and just journaled every-which-way! All have been right for whatever season I am in. Yes, during those hard seasons, journaling has been especially good. One thing I am still learning is not to be mad at myself when I am still and not writing. It is just another season.
Of this list, #3 is vital to me…remembering that the darkness cannot stay that way when the Light of Jesus shines in. I am so grateful.
Thanks for sharing.

Karen says:

Wow, Linda, thanks for sharing. You certainly have lived a life of journaling. And I like how you journal all different aspects and seasons in life. Yes, I too love to depend on the hope and light of Jesus when all seems dark and hopeless. Thanks for sharing. God bless!

Maree Dee says:

I need to get back to my journaling. Sometimes I feel like a journal when I write, but it isn’t the same thing. When I am walking through dark times, I tend to journal. You have encouraged me to get back to it no matter what my circumstances are. As I am typing this, I realize I do journal a letter to God at least 3 – 4 times a week. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and verses with us and over at Grace & Truth Link-Up.

You are in my prayers,



Karen says:

Maree Dee, yes, writing letters to God is part of a journaling process. Writing in any form, does seem like I’m spilling my thoughts out and what the writing industry calls “bleeding on the page.” (Or the computer.) But journaling is different for me, different writing that God may very well used to be published, or at least parts of it, but first, it’s for me and my soul and wellness. Thanks for adding to the conversation.

I don’t journal, but I do prayer journal, Karen. Which is what it sounds like you are doing here too. What a wealth of wisdom the Lord has brought to the surface through the vehicle of your journal pages! And I love how you’ve categorized them too! This is such an encouragement, my friend! I’ll be tweeting and pinning for sure!

Karen says:

Hey Beth, I have kept a prayer journal for the last few years. It’s so faith-building to look back and see how God answered or worked in a situation even if it looked different than I thought. This particular journal I started a month ago, as a new journal, during a season of pain and suffering. My family is walking through a very dark valley and this has been therapy for me. One day, I’ll look back through it and see all my cries to the Lord, my prayers to Him and things He taught me along the way.

Karen,I have kept journals for many years.I look back over the pages when my daughter was fighting breast cancer and see the lovely ways he ministered to us both. Thank you for letting us share your words and your heart.

Karen says:

Wow, Dee Dee, I bet that was something to look back on and how the Lord was sustaining you at the time, no matter how hard it was. I’ve come to learn the Lord’s will and timing and understanding are always for my good and His glory. Thanks for sharing your journal story.

I have a journal but, I admit I am not good at keeping it up on a regular basis. In some ways, I like that because when I do go to write in it I can see how things have changed pretty quickly. But at the same time, I miss out on recording many other things God does in my life. So you have inspired me to pick up my journal and try to do it on a regular basis, even if once a week!
Thank you for sharing this and thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies this week!!

Karen says:

You’re welcome, Diane. Enjoy your articles and link-up. Yes, there have been seasons I didn’t journal. Yet, I have journals from mission trips on my shelf (like Africa in college) during difficult marriage times, and during new seasons and ministries. And I’ve kept prayer journals for years, how great to look back and see how the Lord answered specific prayers or a work He did in my life from one of my other journals during a dark valley like I’m walking through right now.

[…] this year, I shared life-giving thoughts from my journal. But many of the entries came from my own personal crisis, penned before […]

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