25 Soul-stirring Journal Entries During Covid-19

25 Soul-stirring Journal Entries During Covid-19

Earlier this year, I shared life-giving thoughts from my journal. But many of the entries came from my own personal crisis, penned before Covid-19. 

Whether it’s a personal or world crisis, suffering, loss, or the unknown, journal entries stir our souls.

Journaling pens messages on our hearts.

So, I’m opening my journal again with entries for such a time as this.

Home and Church Entries

(1.) Staying home more reacquaints us with “home.” Such as, There’s no place like home. Or, Home is where your heart is. It’s an opportunity to spend quality time with people under our roof. And a reminder our eternal home is where our spiritual heart is.

(2.) While churches are not allowed to gather, Scripture tells us people are the church. Men have constructed breath-taking churches and cathedrals. But what if I asked the Lord to make my life a breath-taking sanctuary for Him? 

(3.) The Holy Spirit is moving among us, using our present situation to draw people to God. He’s calling the church out of complacency to a spiritual awakening. An opportune time to pray for revival. Rise up, church!

(4.) Social distancing is a must right now. But I’m keeping Jesus near through walking closely with Him. Christ is in me, with me, and for me!  

(5.) People are searching for real hope. Hope found at Calvary’s cross and an empty tomb. Because Hope has a name. Jesus. Am I pointing others to Him, the cornerstone of the church?

Suffering and God Notes

(6.) Suffering surrounds any crisis. Yet, consider Job who innocently suffered loss of wealth, family, and health. Even though Job never saw the big picture or knew restoration of all things was coming. Still, he trusted the faithful God he knew. The Lord sees the big picture and knows what’s coming. Lord, restore us. Heal our hearts, our lives, and our land. Turn our hearts back to You.

(7.) During the waiting, there’s no point in being impatient or running ahead of God. That never turns out well and often hinders His work. 

(8.) God continues to remind me that His timing really is perfect. And His plans for me are always for my good and His glory.

(9.) I’m not invisible. God sees me. I’m not alone. God’s with me. I’m not hopeless. God’s hope-filled. 

I’m not invisible. God sees me. I’m not alone. God’s with me. I’m not hopeless. God’s hope-filled. #journaling #COVID19 Click To Tweet

(10.) Karen, whatever is true, noble, pure, lovely, and commendable. If there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. (Philippians 4:8 ESV)

Jobs And Battle Entries

(11.) Jobs are lost, put on hold, or unstable. In times like this, my job is to trust God’s power, ways, and purposes. And God’s job is everything else. He does the heavy lifting. 

Jobs are lost, put on hold, or unstable. In times like this, my job is to trust God’s power, ways, and purposes. And God’s job is everything else. He does the heavy lifting. #journaling #COVID19 Click To Tweet
25 Soul-stirring Journal Entries During Covid-19

(12.) When I’m in a battle, the enemy holds no power over me. Satan is not God’s equal, he is powerless before the Almighty who fights for me. 

(13.) I always lose ground when I fight my own battles. But I gain ground if I let God fight for me.

(14.) Serving and ministering to my family and neighbors in the simplest and smallest ways is some of the greatest parts of God’s Kingdom. And one of the best jobs on the planet.

(15.) I often underestimate where God places me. A life-season, community, family, work, or online presence. Perhaps all strategic to His plan.

Sacred and Life Notes

(16.) If the world needs anything right now, it’s Jesus. Am I spreading the good news of the gospel in creative ways online, texts, and more?

(17.) Lord, perform Your sanctifying work in my life, refine me like precious gold, and transform me into the image of Christ. All for Your glory!

(18.) Lord, stir our hearts for sacred things in life: godly marriages, strong families, and a holy people who worship a holy God.

Lord, stir our hearts for sacred things in life: godly marriages, strong families, and a holy people who worship a holy God. #journaling #COVID19 Click To Tweet

(19.) Karen, let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ (Philippians 1:27). As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him (Colossians 2:6).

(20.) Lord, lead me through the wilderness until the promised land is in sight and mine again. 

Crisis and Trust Entries

(21.) Whether a personal or world crisis, none of us signed up. Yet, none of it caught God by surprise. But because He allowed it in His sovereignty, He shows us how to make it a powerful part of our story, bring Him glory, and help others. 

(22.) I heard a minister say not to waste time awake in the night. God may have us up for a reason. So during sleepless hours, I pray for my loved ones, the sick, the grieving, first responders, medical workers, for the end of this.

(23.) The current pandemic showed me how I spend years building my own kingdom, only for it to crumble. Father, help me lay down my agenda for Your will. And give up my kingdom for Your Kingdom.

(24.) “Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” Jeremiah 17:7 NIV. During these scary times of virus outbreaks and quarantines, I’m blessed when I confidently trust the Lord.

(25.) I made it to the last page of this journal (time for a new one). Yet, I’m thankful this is not the last page of my journey or the last spiritual lesson. And not the end of the story. When we find our voice to tell our story, we discover God’s goodness and mercy are written on every page. 

25 Soul-stirring Journal Entries During Covid-19

*All images are from a recent day trip with my husband to the Foothills Parkway in the Smoky Mountains.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


April 23, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Andy Friday says:

Thank you for sharing. These two points below really stood out to me personally as great reminders I need each day:

(12.) When I’m in a battle, the enemy holds no power over me. Satan is not God’s equal, he is powerless before the Almighty who fights for me.

(13.) I always lose ground when I fight my own battles. But I gain ground if I let God fight for me.

Karen says:

Andy, so glad this encouraged you and reminded you (and me) the spiritual truths about the battles we face in life! So thankful we are victorious because Christ was victor!

God. Fights. For. Andy.

The words you’ve shared here, Karen, inspired and uplifted me, reminding me that God sees everything from beginning to end, and we know, as believers, He is working all things for the good. We will get through this together, and I’m praying that many, many people will come to Jesus during this time, committing their lives to Him.

Karen says:

Glad this inspired you, Martha.

Martha’s not invisible. God sees her. Martha’s not alone. God’s with her. Martha’s not hopeless. God’s hope-filled.

Some good thoughts for sure Ms. Karen. I don’t know how all this is going to end up, but I do know I’m ready for God’s end. I’m praying He helps me to guide more people to Him. I’m betting that’s your hope too my friend.

Karen says:

That is my hope! And speaking of hope: People are searching for real hope. Hope found at Calvary’s cross and an empty tomb. Because Hope has a name. Jesus. Am I pointing others to Him, the cornerstone of the church? It’s my desire!

Karen, thank you for sharing from your journal. We write to clarify. We may write again what we already know, but the act of writing reinforces it again. And we need to re-read it to be reminded, AGAIN. Thanks for the reminder. I was particularly touched by: “(15.) I often underestimate where God places me. A life-season, community, family, work, or online presence. Perhaps all strategic to His plan.” Oh yes! I needed that reminder, for sure. The Lord bless you.

Karen says:

Dottie, so well said. Writing and journaling is therapy for me and helps me process thoughts and what’s happening in real-time. And I love looking back at former journals and the dates to see what the Lord taught me and what He worked out through me. Grateful entry (15.) touched you! God bless!

Nancy E Head says:

I love the personal photos. Such great encouragement for this time–and to carry with us beyond it. God bless!

Karen says:

Thank you, Nancy. That trip was such a blessing to admire God’s creation. The current pandemic showed me how I spend years building my own kingdom, only for it to crumble. Father, help me lay down my agenda for Your will. And give up my kingdom for Your Kingdom.

Thank you for sharing your journal entries. Love the photos. I always enjoy reading and sharing your messages.

Karen says:

I’m so grateful for your encouragement and kind words, Melissa. I always enjoy your inspirational pieces as well.

“Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him” Jeremiah 17:7. During these scary times of virus outbreaks and quarantines, I’m blessed when I confidently trust the Lord.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I love the beautiful reminders but especially knowing I am not alone through all of this pandemic or ever. The one who created the heavens and the earth is just a prayer away.

Karen says:

So true, Yvonne. He is just a prayer away!

The Lord is with you, in you, and for you!

Powerful entries that point us back to Christ again and again.
Thank you.

Karen says:

Thanks, Ava. I hope and pray we also point others to Christ. Am I spreading the good news of the gospel in creative ways online, texts, and more?

Susan Shipe says:

Great post. Thanks Karen.

Karen says:

Appreciate you commenting, Susan. If the world needs anything right now, it’s Jesus.

This spoke to me:
Father, Help me lay down my agenda for yours.
Thanks for pointing us to God during these uncertain times.

Karen says:

Beckie, thank you, friend. That thought and obedience to it, is sometimes a hard pill to swallow. But it absolutely shows us how our efforts to build our own kingdoms are really in vain. And might as well tear up those agendas too. 🙂

My favorite post is this one, as is any reflection on Job (one of the most important books in the Bible in my opinion, for we all suffer, and we all end up contemplating the whys): “Consider Job who innocently suffered loss of wealth, family, and health. Even though Job never saw the big picture or knew restoration of all things was coming. Still, he trusted the faithful God he knew. The Lord sees the big picture and knows what’s coming. Lord, restore us. Heal our hearts, our lives, and our land. Turn our hearts back to You.” This is where we must end up –trusting our faithful God, waiting on the Lord for restoration and for healing. All of this requires hearts that turn back and then back again to the Lord. Well said.

Karen says:

It is where we must end up, Melinda, full trust in a faithful God who proves His faithfulness and care for us over and over. I pray we turn our hearts back to Him during any suffering, personal or world-wide, and others seeing this kind of heart in us, turns their hearts to the Almighty! During the waiting, there’s no point in being impatient or running ahead of God. That never turns out well and often hinders His work.

Lynn says:

What a lovely park you were walking in. Trusting, doing His work even in the small things (although no serving is small with God), and waiting on His timing, I too am growing deeper in. Thank you for sharing your journal thoughts Karen. It’s made me look to God during this day!

Karen says:

Lynn, thankful this helped you look to God. That blessed me. And yes, your comment about serving related to this journal entry. Serving and ministering to my family and neighbors in the simplest and smallest ways is some of the greatest parts of God’s Kingdom. And one of the best jobs on the planet.

Eric Cicero says:

Great post Karen, thank you. Your pictures are stunning as well!

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Eric, appreciate you visiting and taking time to comment. Whether it’s a personal or world crisis, suffering, loss, or the unknown, journal entries stir our souls. Journaling (and writing) pens messages on our hearts.

Karen, what a beautiful glimpse into your heart and journal. Thank you for sharing these golden God-sent nuggets. I especially liked:
(21.) Whether a personal or world crisis, none of us signed up. Yet, none of it caught God by surprise. But because He allowed it in His sovereignty, He shows us how to make it a powerful part of our story, bring Him glory, and help others.

(23.) The current pandemic showed me how I spend years building my own kingdom, only for it to crumble. Father, help me lay down my agenda for Your will. And give up my kingdom for Your Kingdom.

We never willingly sign up for hardships or sorrows, but you are right, when they come, if we yield more and more to God, He can use every tear that falls for His glory, our ultimate good and yes, to help others. Thank you, dear sister, for these hope filled thoughts!

Karen says:

Melissa, thank you sweet lady. “…if we yield more and more to God, He can use every tear that falls for His glory, our ultimate good, and yes, to help others.” Well said. I often tell the Lord I would never have asked for any suffering to become a new part of my story and testimony. I feel like I already have plenty of suffering and heartache I’ve overcome to help others. But because He DID allow it, I will let Him refine and transform me more into the image of His Son. That’s the only way it will be the most effective to redeem my story and help others in the middle of their suffering.

I loved your point about how being impatient and running ahead of God leads us nowhere. We so desire to know all the answers or get past the trials that we can miss out on so much of what God wants us to learn!

Karen says:

So true, Emily. It’s like we want to make our way to the end of a chapter in our story without reading all the pages. Thanks for commenting.

Karen, thanks for sharing your journal entries. As we walk through this experience and process it through activities like writing, journalling, talking, going for counselling, engaging in art, etc it has the potential to help us discover new insights about how God is present and working in our lives. Such insights can help lead to our transformation. But only if we turn to Jesus and surrender.

Karen says:

Anne, I like how you also brought in engaging in art. That definitely helps our creative side and proves to be therapy like some of the other activities. I keep asking the Lord to show me those new insights so I won’t be taking this same class again. It might be different circumstances, but I want to steward any season well.

Kristi Ann says:

Amen-Amein, I wear N95 Masks outside my home when I go Shopping, because I get Pneumonia very easy because of my birth defect “Pectus Excavatum”!!

I was born disabled with my Sternum Bone Fused to my Backbone!! In 1965 doctors operated on me and Rebuilt my Ribcage and moved my heart and lungs and kidneys too their right places!! Read more here Please ~> ( https://kristiann1.com/2013/10/15/mydisa/ )!!

Our ONE True GOD’S LOVE 💕 is ETERNAL THROUGH HIS SON Christ-MESSIAH Jesus-Yeshua for Today and Everyday Forevermore Everyone!!

I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! 💕 Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!

“Happiness keeps You Sweet, Trials keep You Strong, Sorrows keep You Human, Failures keeps You Humble, Success keeps You Glowing, But Only GOD keeps You Going.”!! Amen-Amein Praise Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Hallelujah!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing part of your story. Amazing at what the Lord has seen you through. Glad you are wearing a necessary mask for protection. God bless!

Social distancing is a must right now. But I’m keeping Jesus near through walking closely with Him. Christ is in me, with me, and for me!

Jessica Brodie says:

It can be so hard to relinquish any semblance of control and trust in God, but that is exactly what we need to do. There is freedom and peace in this.

Karen says:

So true, Jessica. The Lord has shown me over the last few years how I never really had control. It’s only a false sense of thinking I do. It’s important to place our trust and confidence in Him.

emilymgalvan says:

I needed this encouragement this morning, Karen. Thank you for sharing this wisdom and truth. #7 gave me pause. I feel myself already rushing ahead to when this is over and feeling a bit of anxiety about having to go back to “normal” but this reminder not to rush ahead allowed me to just be here for today in this moment without looking too far ahead into the future. And I loved #25…there’s something about finishing a journal and starting a new one that makes me feel accomplished but expectant as to what God will show me in the pages of the next journal. Love that feeling!

Karen says:

Hey Emily, so glad this encouraged you. Yes, the Lord continues to teach me about waiting and not being impatient. That’s why I followed number 7 with number 8. God continues to remind me that His timing really is perfect. And His plans for me are always for my good and His glory.

And I agree, like finishing and starting a new journal because I love to look back and see what God accomplished and taught me.

These are great reminders. Thanks for opening your journal and sharing your heart!

Karen says:

Appreciate your comment, Donna. Journaling is a release for my soul and good for my heart. Love sharing it with others.

This is so beautiful, Karen. I can’t tell you how many times I stop by this space and encounter the heart of Jesus. Thank you for writing from your heart – and his! Be blessed as you continue to minister near and far! Sending love your way from western PA!

Karen says:

Awe, thanks so much, Stacey. That’s a great encouragement coming from you sweet friend. I feel the same way about your corner of the blogosphere…all for God’s glory.

Karen, these journal entries are beautiful. You have such a wonderful way of expressing how you feel. I was touched by every thought. Thank you for sharing.

Karen says:

Thanks so much Wendy, glad this ministered to you. God bless!

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