The Voice of Hope: 6 Mic-drop Messages

The Voice of Hope: 6 Mic-drop Messages, Photo by Matt Botsford on Unsplash

Maybe you are familiar with the voice of reason. The adage means a person’s communication toward a particular issue is level-headed and reasonable. 

Or, the voice of truth. Also a song title for the Christian band, Casting Crowns.

For believers, the voice of truth comes directly from God and His Word.

So let me introduce you to the Voice of Hope.  

Like every other guest who’s shared a message here, I pray we listen carefully to her words.

And we welcome Hope’s message into our heart to live forever.

Finally, let Hope’s voice override every hopeless thought.

Without further ado, here’s the Voice of Hope.

Unwavering Hope

God’s child, 

The heavenly Father gave me to you as a gift; a stable, certain, and secure hope. I never waver based on circumstances, people, or opinions. You see, in an uncertain world, I’m an undeniable hope, an unshakable anchor for your soul. 

But you possess the choice to hold fast to the confession of your hope without wavering, for God who promised is faithful (Hebrews 10:23). Because Christ lives in you, a glorious hope also resides in you (Colossians 1:27).

Sincerely, the Voice of Hope

Hope’s Voice of Identity

Disciple of Christ,

When Jesus lives in you through the Holy Spirit, He brings me near. So hope’s not around the corner, off in the distance, on the other side of glory, or something you muster up in your own power. Jesus’ followers hope in Him—the hope above all hopes.

Hope describes your identity in Christ. Therefore, your Christian ID card contains descriptive terms: Beloved, heir, saint, chosen, forgiven, and free. You are the picture of hope.

Know who you are, Hope’s Voice

Hope describes your identity in Christ. Therefore, your Christian ID card contains descriptive terms: Beloved, heir, saint, chosen, forgiven, and free. You are the picture of hope. #voice #hope Click To Tweet

Hope for the In-between 

Dear Sheep, 

No matter how many valleys you walk through. Or, how far life takes you away from green pastures or the promised land. I’m with you every step of the way. So in the in-between times, never give up hope. 

Instead, walk in authentic faith and hope believing the Good Shepherd cares for you. He works behind the scenes and brings His Word to pass at the right time. Even it it doesn’t match the way you hoped it would all turn out. And although your fears and doubts try to haunt you at times. God often works in ways you cannot understand on this side of heaven.

Yours truly, faith-filled Hope

The Voice of Hope: 6 Mic-drop Messages, Photo by Bogomil Mihaylov on Unsplash

Living Hope

Greetings Saint,

Though you suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed when you honor Christ as holy and Lord in your heart. Yet, stay prepared to give the reason for your hope to anyone who asks (1 Peter 3:13-14). 

Prepare your mind for action by setting your hope fully on Jesus, a living hope, the grace brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3,13). 

Because one day you will see; hope was always coming.

Hopeful in Christ

Hope in the Waiting

Faithful one, 

Even if the world falls apart and dark clouds hijack sunny days. When you wait on life to start looking up, you wait forever. Instead, look up to the Lord, your hope lies in Him (Psalm 39:9).

The drive-through window of life remains understocked with real hope. But the only hope worth waiting on rests in the Lord—straight from the ample, fully-stocked windows of heaven. 

Because those who hope in the LORD and wait on Him renew their strength, soar like eagles, run without growing weary, and walk without being faint (Isaiah 40:31).

Divinely waiting, the Voice of Hope

The drive-through window of life remains understocked with real hope. But the only hope worth waiting on rests in the Lord—straight from the ample, fully-stocked windows of heaven. #voice #hope Click To Tweet

Hope’s Voice of Comfort

Dear Grieving Soul,

You never grieve as those without hope. You will see loved ones in Christ who went to heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13).

Pain, grief, loss, hurt, and brokenness. There’s hope in every one. So, let go of every hurt, every loss, and every painful experience and memory. Then, lay it at the feet of Jesus.

You are never far from hope. In tragedy, hope’s there. During dark moments, hope covers with light. And hope soars above despair.

Signed, Comforting Hope

You are never far from hope. In tragedy, hope's there. During dark moments, hope covers with light. And hope soars above despair. #voice #hope Click To Tweet

Applause And Standing Ovation

The Voice of Hope: 6 Mic-drop Messages, Photo by Michal Czyz on Unsplash

Perhaps applause and a standing ovation are in order.

Because it’s a mic-drop moment. 

Which message from Hope resonated most with you? 

Read my blog post: How to Raise a Hope-filled Hallelujah. 

Not a subscriber? Subscribe to receive Thursday’s articles in your email inbox and an e-devotional, “4 Ways Hope Changes Your Life Forever.”

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Literacy Musings/Tell His Story/Purposeful Faith/Recharge Wednesday/Worth Beyond Rubies/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected and Faith On Fire.

© 2020 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


April 30, 2020 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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I needed all these messages of hope today, Karen. I must confess that I’ve begun to let things get me down a bit as of late, so you’ve reminded me here to look up to the Lord, knowing He is the source of all my hope, and to be grateful to God for all His many blessings.
May your day be blessed!

Karen says:

Yes, Martha, I needed to hear from the Voice of Hope, too. Glad this encouraged you.

Martha, even if the world falls apart and dark clouds hijack sunny days. When you wait on life to start looking up, you wait forever. Instead, look up to the Lord, your hope lies in Him (Psalm 39:9). ~The Voice of Hope

Yvonne Morgan says:

I love this encouraging word. Hope is so beautiful and so overlooked in our society. I am not sure how some people carry on without it. And, we find our hope in Christ our Savior. Thanks Karen.

Karen says:

Yvonne, so grateful we never grieve any loss as those without hope in Jesus Christ.

Because Christ lives in you, a glorious hope also resides in you (Colossians 1:27).

Sincerely, the Voice of Hope

Valerie Caraotta says:

Amen Karen! The Good Shepherd cares and works behind the scenes bringing to pass His word at the right time. His hope in waiting – not in a drive-through window – but His fully stocked windows of heaven. Hope in waiting resonated with me most because my timing impulsively wants things now and can lose sight of His working when things don’t happen right away in the natural. Great words of hope to hang onto in life’s challenges.

Karen says:

Thank you, Valerie. Glad this resonated with you. And I’m often an impatient child in God’s waiting room. Thankful Hope’s voice and message gave you words of hope today!

Because those who hope in the LORD and wait on Him renew their strength, soar like eagles, run without growing weary, and walk without being faint (Isaiah 40:31).

Divinely waiting, the Voice of Hope

Amen. We are never far from hope. What a comfort to know God is with us at all times. His comfort is the best. 🙂

Karen says:

We are never far from hope. The cross of Calvary and an empty tomb brought hope near. We already possess God’s comforting hope, we just need to access it!

I can’t choose, because each of them hold a special meaning in my life Ms. Karen. Hope is not something for myself, but something that I must share with others. That’s what the overflow of God’s blessings is all about isn’t it? Sharing His hope in the world around us. Thank you so much for this inspiring message ma’am. You and your words make this world a better place indeed.

Karen says:

True, J.D. Just like the Voice of Hope, I like to join her in reminding others of God’s hope and these hope-filled messages from Scripture. Especailly when so many people are hopeless right now. Thanks for your encouragement.

Penny Cooke says:

As always, beautifully said, Karen. A much needed message of hope in these days. “Hope” you are well!

Karen says:

Appreciate your kindness, Penny. We are well and pray you are also.

Let’s walk in authentic faith and hope believing the Good Shepherd cares for us. He works behind the scenes and brings His Word to pass at the right time. Even it it doesn’t match the way we hoped it would all turn out.

Yours truly, faith-filled Hope

Andy Friday says:

Such great reminders! This line hit me the most: “Because one day you will see; hope was always coming.” Thank you for sharing!

Karen says:

That’s a comforting and powerful line to me, Andy. Appreciate your support and encouragement.

When we set our hope fully on the Hope-giver.
One day we’ll see.
Hope was always coming.
Jesus. Is. Our. Living. Hope.
He’s the certainty of hope in an uncertain world.
No drive-through service needed.

Karen, what a beautiful post. Hope is such a powerful thing. I love how you personified it and made it real. Whom we put our hope in makes all the difference.

This here spoke to my heart: “Pain, grief, loss, hurt, and brokenness. There’s hope in every one. So, let go of every hurt, every loss, and every painful experience and memory. Then, lay it at the feet of Jesus.”

Thank you for sharing from your deep well, friend.

Karen says:

Thanks so much, Jeanne. I’ve heard about those voices of reason and truth, but never hope’s voice. I thought it was time she had a voice, since I knew she had some important reminders and truths for us.

Hope for the In-Between resonated with me…I’m still waiting on God to direct my future in writing–if there is one.
This was a wonderful post and I absolutely love the different “voices” of Hope. Thank you for hope!

Karen says:

I relate to those in-between times, Stephanie. And besides a few others, I’m also in the same in-between time as you, especially about a book proposal. Leaving it in God’s hands because that’s the best place for things to be.

Hope’s voice of comfort spoke to me. Even though it’s been a few months since their deaths, I miss my brother and sister-in-law.

But honestly, I could relate to each one. What a clever post, Karen.

Karen says:

Yes, Beckie. I still think about you and your loss when I write about grief or read something about it. I know you miss them, terribly. My dad passed away 9 years ago and I still miss him so much. Thankful for hope in Christ. Love and hugs!

Great encouragement from each of these hope-filled mic-drop moments. What would we do without the comfort we have from the Savior in all of these times that feel hopeless?! Thanks be to the Lord! He is with us in these, bringing the comfort that only he can give!

Karen says:

Truth, Melinda! In every hope-less situation, God shows us we are hope-full or hope-filled.

All of Hope’s messages spoke to my heart in such an uplifting way. This line, in particular, really jumped out at me: “When you wait on life to start looking up, you wait forever. Instead, look up to the Lord, your hope lies in Him (Psalm 39:9).” Too many times I just want things to get better and I miss the Living Hope that lies in the moment. I can grasp it if only I just look up to the Lord. Beautiful post!
Bev xx

Karen says:

“I miss the Living Hope that lies in the moment.” Love this line, Bev. I’m trying to be more intentional to look up where my help and hope come from instead of looking around at my circumstances. Love and hugs!

Thank you for sharing these comforting Truths from Scripture that remind us in Whom our hope is found for EVERY circumstance in life.

Karen says:

Hey Karen, thanks for reading and commenting. Scripture says to prepare our mind for action by setting our hope fully on Jesus, a living hope, the grace brought to us at the revelation of Jesus Christ (1 Peter 1:3,13).

Because one day we will see; hope was always coming.

Jessica Brodie says:

The voice of hope is the BEST!!!! Thanks for this comfort and encouragement!

Karen says:

It really is, Jessica. It rises above the voice of the enemy and is full of truth!

Lori Hatcher says:

My favorite quote about hope that’s not from the Bible is from Emily Dickerson: “Hope is the thing with feathers, that sings a tune and never stops at all.” Thanks for sharing powerful words of hope with us today.

Karen says:

Love that quote, Lori. Thanks for sharing it with us!

Beautiful, beautiful messages of hope in God! He is the God of all hope and comfort and truth! Where else can we go for the words of life. May we turn off the world’s messages of confusion, fear and deception. And instead turn ON God’s messages which give us life abundantly today and everlasting joy in eternity. God bless you!

Karen says:

Yes, Melissa, agree…hope for “life abundantly today and everlasting joy in eternity.” Jesus. Is. Our. Living. Hope.

Which message resonated the most? All of them!
Love the solid biblical grounding for each one!

Karen says:

Ava, glad Hope’s messages encouraged you today. Because Hope has a name. It’s Jesus. He’s our certain hope in an uncertain world.

I always love the encouragement that Scriptures about our identity in Christ bring, Karen! If we don’t know who and whose we are, we are bound to be discouraged in times like these. But there is so much Hope for the grasping, if we will simply remember these truths and live them out in our lives! Thanks for sharing! And I’ll be pinning and tweeting! I hope you are staying safe and well during this time of crisis, my friend! Prayers for you and your fam!

Karen says:

I love the hopeful messages contained in Scripture too, Beth. It’s the only hope that offers solid footing when we find our hope in the solid rock of Christ. We are staying safe. Thanks for the prayers. I will pray for you and your family as well!

Maree dee says:

Thank you for this hope-filled post. I love reading and learning about hope. Thank you for sharing with Grace & Truth Link-Up. Maree

Karen says:

You’re welcome, Maree. Love joining your link-up every week. While the world only offers us the kinds of hope that fizzle and fade away. Jesus and His hope is stable and a firm foundation for our faith.

Anita Ojeda says:

Beautiful, Karen! My favorite message of hope is the one about waiting. I’m not very good at waiting, and this message always calms me down and reminds me to wait.

Karen says:

Thanks, Anita. No one enjoys being in God’s waiting room. It’s often a hard place. Yet, when I remember His timing really is perfect, it frees me to wait well.

Lisa notes says:

I need this, Karen. Thanks for sharing relevant news about hope. This speaks loudly to me: “So hope’s not around the corner, off in the distance, on the other side of glory, or something you muster up in your own power.” Hope is today, because Jesus is today.

Karen says:

Happy this resonated with you, Lisa. Love how hope is past, present, and furture tense!

I love these mic-drop moments, Karen! Jesus said it so it’s solid truth. We can count on it. I think for me, the “Voice of Identity” resonated most, though it was hard to pick just one. Because of the hope in us, we can demonstrate Jesus and hope to others. And I remember that drive-thru window reference from one of your posts a couple years ago!

Karen says:

Thank you, Stephen. Yes, rest assured of your identity: Beloved, heir, saint, chosen, forgiven, and free. You are the picture of hope.

[…] This week we talked about faces. But last week we discussed voices. Namely, the Voice of Hope, if you missed her 6 Mic-drop Messages. […]

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