Fearful in What-ifs or Fearless in Christ

Fearful in What-ifs or Fearless in Christ, Photo by Alexandra Gorn on Unsplash

Fearful or fearless? The choice is ours. 

Fear stalks us. And when we least expect it, fear grabs us in the darkness with a relentless grip, refusing to let go or loosen its hold. Fearful sets in as our uninvited companion. 

Fearful Lives in What-ifs

Fear lives in the what-ifs plaguing our mind. Fear is our worst nightmare, sleepless nights refuse us any rest. 

Instead, fear whispers the worst-case scenarios to our heart. Afraid of the unknown, it wrestles with our spirit pinning us in a position of panic. 

Fear sets in. I know it all too well. And I’m betting so do you. 

Fearful Messes With Our Wellness

Fear always messes with our emotional and spiritual wellness.

It happens when we face surgery like my friend, Laura. Or, when cancer pays a visit to us or a family member. When our child is bullied or a bully in our own path lurks nearby. Or, if our child lost her way and we fear for her well-being. 

Likewise, with job loss, financial woes or fill in the blank with your fear—fearful terrorizes.

Fearful Makes a Terrible Co-pilot

It even rides side-saddle with me when driving in inclement weather. You see, once upon a time an ice-and-snow-covered highway, on top of a mountain, spun me into circles then slid me into a ditch.

That day fear slipped into my passenger seat, buckling in for the long-haul. Ever since I battle anxiety like a dreadful enemy while driving during the least hint of snow or heavy rain.

Yet, fear is a terrible co-pilot in life. One we need to kick to the curb.

Fear is a terrible co-pilot in life. One we need to kick to the curb. #fear Click To Tweet

Fearless Calls Us By Name

Hallelujah, there is hope! In Isaiah 43:1, the Lord reassured Jacob and us.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”

Also, fear wants us to believe God has abandoned us. Yet, the Lord never leaves us as Deuteronomy 31:6 affirms.

Fearful in What-ifs or Fearless in Christ, Photo by Sydney Sims on Unsplash

“It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.”

Fearless Lives in Christ

God is not the source of fear. Instead, it originates from the enemy of our souls. Look at 2 Timothy 1:7,

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.”

So, if God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, then it comes from Satan. The Scripture is clear. 

God gave us a spirit of power and love and self-control. And notice the verb gave is past tense. We already possess power over fear, we just need to access it.

We already possess power over fear, we just need to access it. We are fearless in Christ. Click To Tweet

Fearless in Christ, we always defeat fearful. Always.

Fearless Wins Our Victory

In 2 Timothy 1, Paul reminds us of additional truths confirming our power, love, and self-control from God: a sincere faith (verse 5), the gift of God (verse 6), an unashamed testimony in whom we have believed (verses 8-9), and a deposit entrusted to us through the Holy Spirit (verses 12-14). 

Each of these things in our spiritual arsenal help us overcome fear. We place our faith in Christ. Because fear is shaky ground. And we know who we believe. Because fear is a liar.

We place our faith in Christ. Because fear is shaky ground. And we know who we believe. Because fear is a liar. Click To Tweet

Fearful or Fearless? 

We choose fearful or fearless.

The enemy makes us fearful in the what-ifs or the unknown. But Christ makes us fearless when our faith and hope rest in Him.

The enemy makes us fearful in the what-ifs or the unknown. But Christ makes us fearless when our faith and hope rest in Him. Click To Tweet
Fearful in What-ifs or Fearless in Christ, Photo by Daryn Stumbaugh on Unsplash

Share a time you overcame fear or a Scripture.

All Scripture is ESV.

Photo credits from top to bottom, Unsplash: Alexandra Gorn, Sydney Sims, Daryn Stumbaugh.

*Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Ronja Oksanen/ #AboundingGrace, Rachel Lee/#DestinationInspiration, Debbie Kitterman/#Dare2Hear, Lori Schumaker/#momentsofhope, Jaime Wiebel/#SittingAmongFriends, Crystal Twadell/Fresh Market Friday, Kelly Balarie/Purposeful Faith, Patricia Holbrook/Soaring With Him, Meghan Weyerbacher/TeaandtheWord, Lyli Dunbar/#FaithOnFire & Crystal Storms/Heart Encouragement.

© 2019 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


January 31, 2019 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Joanne Viola says:

Karen, this is such a good reminder as fear can come calling so unexpectantly and on any given day. The funny part is that the “what if’s” don’t even come to pass. Our enemy lies constantly to perpetuate the fear. I am so grateful that we can overcome fear as we place our hope and trust in Jesus!

Karen says:

Hey Joanne, I’m glad you brought up the fact that the what-ifs don’t even come true…it would be a rare thing if they did because the enemy wants to think of some horrible outcome. But, no matter what, Christ is with us through it all, our hope lies in Him. Thank you!

Becky Smith says:

In college I lived in apartment rooms above our church sanctuary. An elderly neighbor told me he was watching me and knew my comings & goings. I don’t know for sure that he did this, but someone broke into the building, leaving muddy footprints on the windowsill, and tried to break into my bedroom, which was locked. To make the story short, the next morning the door know fell off in my hands, so the someone was not able to get in. This verse from Daniel 2:22 was a verse that comforted me and I had to lean on: “”It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, And the light dwells with Him.” God knows who it was, and I rested in that, while praising Him for His protection. Also my husband (before we were even engaged) told me the next morning that he felt that God woke him up at the exact time in the night this was happening, and nudged him to pray for me. God is so good!

Karen says:

Wow, what a story, Becky. Thankful for God’s protection over you. And how amazing the Lord even impressed upon your husband to pray for you at that exact moment. That is a powerful verse in Daniel. So glad that while we may not know what’s taking place in the dark, the Lord does and because of Him, we don’t have to be fearful. We can live and walk and thrive as fearless in Christ.

I try not to cave to those “what-ifs” that love to seep into our minds; being fearful is absolutely paralyzing. But in Christ, we need not be afraid – how many times did Jesus admonish us not to fear? He is looking out for us, and we can trust completely in Him.
Blessings, Karen, and thanks for this inspiration today!

Karen says:

Hi Martha, fearful is paralyzing. God does tell us over and over in Scripture to fear not. He must have known we would need the frequent reminder and how fear would work to grip our lives and heart. Thankful we already have the victory over fear. We possess the power, we just need to access it in Jesus. Thanks for commenting.

Fear does really sneak up on me sometimes. I am caught off guard by it especially when it is an old fear that I thought I already had a victory over. But thank you, Jesus is always there to rescue us and make us fearless once again.

Karen says:

Yes, Yvonne, I agree we keep winning the victory over fear through Jesus. Love that 2 Timothy 1:7 is past tense. “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” Fearless has already won the victory over fearful and continues to overcome it in our lives when we are intentional to believe God and call fear a liar.

Rebecca Jones says:

Fear is not from God at all, not common sense or caution but just that stark terror, the unholy three fear,terror and torment, when I heard that confessing you are the righteousness of God in Jesus activates the no weapon of Isaiah 54:17, I started praying it and tell others, I wish I had heard it a long time ago. Fear might try to come, but it’s not as hard to deal with.

Karen says:

I like that, Rebecca. Claiming no weapon formed against us will prosper…including fear, is a great spiritual truth to keep in our arsenal and send fear running.

Thank you, Karen, for this encouraging piece. We already have what we need in Christ. Wonderful! God bless!

Karen says:

We really do, Nancy. We already possess power over fear, we just need to access it. We are fearless in Christ. Appreciate you stopping by and commenting.

Amen!! I was just discussing this with a friend today. Fear is a liar and we are victorious in Christ! Get that nasty spirit outta here in the Name of Jesus!!!

Karen says:

Amen and Amen, Michelle! “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1) Hallelujah!

The “what if’s?” can truly bring me down if I let them. Today, I will choose not to give in to the “what if’s?” I choose to trust Him. 🙂

Karen says:

Me too, Melissa. It’s a struggle. But….The enemy makes us fearful in the what-ifs or the unknown. But Christ makes us fearless when our faith and hope rest in Him.

Beckie says:

Oh, how those “what-ifs” have haunted me at times! The Lord gives me refuge from Scripture, prayer, worship, and reaching out to others. I love the Scriptures you included. A favorite of mine is Romans 8:38-39.

Karen says:

Beckie, I hear you on haunting what-ifs. Sigh. And it absolutely affects my spiritual and emotional wellness. Thanks for reminding me of the Romans 8 passage. How comforting to know how nothing (not one thing) separates us from the love of God in Christ.

Liz Petruzzi says:

Well done! Fear can be crippling, keep me from God’s best. I’m learning to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ – meaning God is teaching me what it means to live in His Word instead of in my head. I also learned any decision I make out of fear (I have to do this so this doesn’t happen) is always wrong – I can’t tell you how many decisions I have made out of fear which is not of the Lord. Thank you for a helpful post I appreciate. I want to live in love not fear – hugs sister.

Karen says:

Hey Liz, thank you. And I, too, have made decisions out of fear alone. But taking thoughts captive and having the mind of Christ, placing God’s Word in our mind and heart, helps us walk in victory over fear.

“…live in love not fear.” Me too! Blessings!

Lisa notes says:

Being one who deals with fear, I always appreciate reading posts like this, Karen. I know God calls us to action with or without fear, but he wants us to drop the fear as quickly as possible each time. It’s what I want too!

Karen says:

Great point, Lisa. I like how you reminded me God calls us to action no matter if we are fearful or not. I love how being fearless almost always follows obedience to God. The feeling follows the action and not always the other way around. We are more than conquerors in Jesus!

Wow, this is so edifying for me! I know I don’t comment very often, but I subscribe and read your articles all the time. I find that, while mostly women read this blog, more men SHOULD read it. Your words normally apply to men just as well as women.

This one is particular really helps me, because I am so often gripped by fear. But find that the only way to be free, the only way to have true joy, the only way to walk in obedience to God, is to put fearfulness to death by the power of the Spirit! I needed this today Karen, thank you! Keep up the great work!

Karen says:

Jamie, Thanks so much for your kind words and encouragement! I needed that from a man’s perspective. 🙂

I love how you listed it in a nutshell: to be free, for true joy, and to walk in obedience to God is to put fear to death! Yes, yes, yes! Fearless in Christ, we always defeat fearful. Always. Blessings to you and your blog ministry! Which I’m a subscriber and reader of as well.

I love getting God-centered ammunition in the fight against fear!

Karen says:

Having a full arsenal of spiritual weapons is so necessary on the Christian journey, Michele.

“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

I’ve been reading everything I can get my hands on about fear recently as it seems I am moving into new areas in both my ministry and my business. Thank you for this reminder that we just have to remember we already have the power we need to overcome it.

Karen says:

Awesome, Tracey. Glad it encouraged you and that you’re reading about how to overcome fear’s grip. It seems like whenever we start a new venture or ministry as you mentioned, fear sneaks in. Isn’t that just like the enemy? I pray for you to keep your faith and hope in Christ alone as He makes you fearless.

Karen, you nailed it. Your descriptions of fear and how it sneaks up at night, I could relate to every word. I wish I could say I know nothing of this, but I do. I appreciate your scripture-based suggestions for reclaiming the strength that is ours in Christ. For me, my only hope in overcoming these deep emotions is through God’s Word. Blessings to you, whether sun, snow or rain!

Karen says:

Hi Melissa, Thanks and I agree 100%. When we inhale God’s Word, we exhale how to live the Christian life and helps secure our freedom from bondage and fear!

Thanks for the blessings for this warm-weather, sunshine girl. I’m a work in progress. But I pray to never be a warm-weather Jesus girl, but instead, to endure any “weather patterns” in life through the strength of Christ as He makes me fearless!

Karen, you’re so right! Fear is a terrible co-pilot. I still find fear sitting next to me often, whispering (or yelling) lies and fueling emotional reactions. In the past, fear has been a big struggle for me. It’s still there. But God has been moving and teaching me a new way, His way. And I’m so thankful I’m not as fearful as I once was. God isn’t finished with any of us yet, so there is always hope! “Christ makes us fearless when our faith and hope rest in Him.” Thank you!

Karen says:

Elaine, thanks for sharing your experience and thoughts. I remind myself often, if God doesn’t give us a spirit of fear, then it comes from Satan. The Scripture is clear.

God gave us a spirit of power and love and self-control. And notice the verb gave is past tense. We already possess power over fear, we just need to access it.

And inserting our name in God’s Word is powerful. For God gave Elaine a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. (2 Tim. 1:7)

“Perfect love casts out fear.” And who is the only source of perfect love? Our Savior. This post was a great reminder. laurensparks.net

Karen says:

Amen, Lauren. Perfect love from our Savior casts out fear and we are fearless in Christ.

What really hit me here is when you said, “an unashamed testimony in whom we have believed.” I love that. Because, yeah, I’m ashamed of what I’ve done and fearful of the things that have happened in my life but I’m not ashamed of how He has turned it around and how He holds fear captive. Thank you for these words.

Karen says:

True, Stephanie. I relate to that too. Two times Paul mentions “unashamed” in verse 8 of 2 Timothy, “do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord.” And again in verse 12, “I am not ashamed for I know whom I have believed.” That unashamed testimony of who we believe in brings so much power over the fear of the enemy.

I love how you said, He “holds fear captive.” Praise the Lord!

Fear is also my copilot. So many accidents, surgeries, a lifeflight, mysterious illnesses, an assault, danger on the roadway, danger at home. Yet, in each one God rescued miraculously. We don’t know how. Police named them miracles in more than one instance. Yet, broken as I am, the fear can still overtake, rather than the remembrance of the unseen hand of God. This is a lifelong battle of where we will fix our minds, what will we choose to recall, on Whom will we keep our eyes, our hope, our confidence. The battle is often fought in the darkness of the night. Thank you for these words yet again, the life verses of the fearful. God bless you, sister!

Karen says:

Melinda, wow, you do understand the kind of troubling circumstances where fear sets in. Thankful for your miracles. I agree that winning the victory over fear is a daily and life-long battle. The enemy is relentless to cause fear to rise up in our hearts and minds again and again. So thankful in the darkness of night, God’s light breaks through with the power over fear. Thanks so much for sharing your story and thoughts. Blessings!

Fear sucks (sorry for the crudeness of this comment, but I think many feel that way and sometimes we just need to call it what it is…).

Fear holds people back from reaching their God-given potential to be sure. One of the things about it, though, is that often tied with fear is deception. We not only are afraid of stuff, but then we begin to believe the lies about it, too. So, it’s a double-whammy at times.

All the scripture verses you posted are the way to conquer these fears and deceptions. God’s word is truth and with His help, we can conquer those fears.

Karen says:

Lisa, that’s good stuff…the double whammy. We are often deceived and fearful at the same time. Because most of the what-ifs and worst case scenarios we imagine, never even come true. God’s Word and power help us conquer fearful so we come out fearless in Jesus.

Hi Karen. I have spun out in the snow and I know the fear of not having any control behind the wheel. I just came from an extended weekend in the snow with my son and 5 of his friends. Had to take 2 vehicles and he was driving the other one, never having driven in the snow before. I did all of the driving while we were there, as any adult host would do, but on the way home it was snowing and chains were required on the freeway. I had a healthy concern but didn’t really fear because he followed me and I chose the slow lane. We saw aftermath of a couple accidents, one being a spin out into the ditch. My son did well. (I couldn’t convinced these 20 and 21-year-old men to leave the house early enough for church though!) I’m thankful for God’s care and that we can walk our days with confidence in Jesus.

Karen says:

Hey Stephen. It sure sounds like there was plenty of practice driving in snow for your son. This kind of driving takes certain skills which are different than normal driving. Glad you all made it home safe. And thankful for our confidence in Jesus, too, whether it’s walking or driving. 🙂

Carol Round says:

I can so relate about fear. I used to fear so many things, including death. Now, I look forward to “dancing” with Jesus. I can’t wait to see Him face-to-face. Since I surrendered to Him, I see my fears for what they are–the work of the devil. Satan would do anything to distract us from following and trusting our Savior.
Staying in the Word is the best way to stay grounded, reminding us that God is with us, always!!

Karen says:

Hi Carol, thanks for sharing your experience with fear. It is a work of the devil…most likely one of his favorite ways to keep us frozen in place. So glad we are “on to his tactics” and know how to combat him and beat him at his own game. In Jesus, fearful has no choice but to run away and leave us alone.

Laurie says:

Such a valuable reminder, Karen. I tend to be a worrier. I must remember to give my worries to Christ. There are so many verses from Scripture that tell us to not be afraid. Thanks for the gentle nudge to pay attention to them!

Karen says:

Glad this post encouraged you, Laurie. God’s Word tells us to fear not so many times, the Lord must have known it would become an issue for us. Thanks for commenting.

Bethany says:

Fear is a such a bad co-pilot!! Thanks for the encouraging reminders- I love the arsenal for fearlessness in Christ image. He is solid ground. Fear is so shaky!!

Karen says:

Amen, Bethany. Fear is shaky ground, while our foundation of fearlessness is built on Christ himself…the solid rock!

Linda Stoll says:

And after a while, we get so sick and tired of living in fear’s shadow and allowing it to call the shots. And we turn with abandon to Christ once again.

The clouds part and we catch a glimpse of what He longs to do in our lives …

Karen says:

Linda, yes we do! I’m thankful for every time I step out from under fear’s shadow and step in to the shadow of the Almighty. 🙂

[…] Missed last week’s post? Read, Fearful in the What-ifs or Fearless in Christ. […]

Kristi Ann says:

Amen-Amein Sister in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Karen!!

I Love you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! 💕 Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

As always, you share such great truths! I absolutely loved this post as I tend to struggle with fear a lot! Thank you for sharing and thank you for linking up @worthbeyondrubies

Karen says:

Thank you, Diane. Praying we both kick fear to the curb as many times as it takes! Blessings!

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