Fiercely His: Fighter Journal and Challenge

Fiercely His: Fighter Journal and Challenge, Adobe SparkTransform your life by being Fiercely His. I know you’ll enjoy my guest blogger, Shannon Geurin, as she has a challenge for us and a new journal. Welcome, Shannon.

Fiercely His

I should have been happy. My husband made a more than decent income which allowed me to quit my nursing job to stay home with our two rambunctious, spirited daughters. Our life seemed perfect, Instagram worthy even. Back then, if #familygoals would’ve been a thing, it certainly would have been our hashtag. So, why was I in such a funk?

Yet the humdrum of my day to day was starting to suffocate me and I couldn’t see the fruits of my labor. Isn’t that just like motherhood sometimes? Wake, change diaper, eat, nap, play, eat, nap, change diaper, eat, bedtime. Repeat.

I was literally shaping the young lives of two humans. A monumental role at best. But my life had become mundane. I was so wrapped up in being the good mother, making sure their every need was met that I failed to remember my first love. And I failed to remember that I was His daughter first, and that being His daughter meant that I had every tool necessary to be the Godly mom I was meant to be. It was something I couldn’t do on my own. I needed His identity in order to do it right.

Maybe You Can Relate

Maybe you feel overwhelmed as a Mom. You’re not sure if you were cut out for this role.

Maybe you’re not a Mom but feel you’re not good enough.

Or, maybe you’ve made mistakes and wonder if you’re loved much less forgiven.

Maybe you fear that what someone did to you in the past stole your value and identity.

And maybe you wonder if you’re good enough to be a wife, mom, employee, volunteer, sister, daughter, friend, or woman in general.

So many questions. Is this it? Is this all my life is now?

I don’t know your story, but we share a common theme. We are driven by the search for true identity, a desire to be understood and appreciated for who we are. We have an innate longing to seek out something more. The problem is, we look in the wrong places.

  • Our something more isn’t in being a Mother.
  • Our something more isn’t in being a Wife.
  • And our something more isn’t in being an employee.
  • You see, our something more isn’t in being a (fill in the blank).

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life’”(John 8:12 NIV).

Fiercely His: Fighter Journal and ChallengeJesus knew who He was. People tried to beat his identity out of Him. They tried to kill it away. They failed. He’s our ultimate example!

The only way you can counterbalance outside external pressures is to have an internal sense of satisfaction about who you are and who God made you to be. You discover who you are by knowing whose you are.” -Rick Warren

Remember Whose You Are

When I learned WHOSE I was, I found my true identity. It was only then that I knew who I was. But there’s more.

How much better would our lives be if we actually lived out whose we are?

But to all who believed him and accepted him, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 (NLT)

You’re His, friend. And as His beloved daughter, you need to know that your identity is not found in what you do, what role you play, or even your outward appearance.

I mean think about it: how much better would our lives be if we confidently knew the truth that we are His? Would it change the way we mother? Would it change the way we wife? The way we work? The way we volunteer? And the way we (fill in the blank)?

When we walk in the truth that we’re His, everything changes. And when we stop at nothing to pursue that truth, we become bold, courageous, fierce. @shannongeurin Click To Tweet

Fiercely His Challenge

And this is where the Fiercely His Challenge comes in.

The 6 Day Fiercely His Challenge will help you:

  • Discover that it’s not really about who you are, but WHOSE you are.
  • Stop believing what the enemy says about you, and start believing the truth about God’s word
  • Gain a new perspective on navigating being a mom, wife, and woman.
  • Learn how being real with God breeds healing, growth, and connection
  • Recognize the enemy’s schemes before he pounces and learn to fight back with truth.
  • Get rid of what is holding you back and start living with the fullness of life that Christ offers.
The 6 Day Fiercely His Challenge. Discover that it's not really about who you are but WHOSE you are. @shannongeurin Click To Tweet

Not only that, sign up today and you’ll receive a beautiful Fiercely His Fighter Journal that accompanies the challenge.

NOTE: when you sign up, you’ll receive a welcome note plus the journal immediately. The challenge will start on July 29.

Sign up for the challenge here https://www.subscribepage.com/FHemailchallenge

Fiercely His: Fighter Journal and ChallengeAbout Shannon

Shannon Geurin is a writer and speaker who thrives at being authentic.  She loves big and fierce, and at the top of that love list is Jesus, her husband John and her two daughters, Alex and Averee. She’s a woman who has been rescued and restored and knows how to fight for her marriage and family. Shannon empowers women to rise up through their circumstances in order to their God-given calling. When she’s not writing, you can typically find her watching movie trailers, reading the latest mystery/drama bestseller, or simply sipping on coffee from a chipped mug. Although a book is in her future, you can currently read her blog and her story at www.shannongeurin.com.

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© 2018 by Shannon Geurin, All rights reserved


July 26, 2018 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized

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Kristi Ann says:

Amen-Amein!! God Bless You All Everyone!!

Karen says:

Thanks for commenting, Kristi Ann. As Shannon so powerfully states, “When we walk in the truth that we’re His, everything changes. And when we stop at nothing to pursue that truth, we become bold, courageous, fierce.”

Beckie Lindsey says:

Thanks for sharing Shannon’s affirming post. I love the 6-day challenge.

Karen says:

It is a great challenge, Beckie. And the fighter journal is awesome. Appreciate your comment.

Brittany says:

Yes ma’am. Yes to all of this – start to finish. God always reminds us who He is and who we are in Him.

Karen says:

True, Brittany. Love these thoughts by Shannon,”We are driven by the search for true identity, a desire to be understood and appreciated for who we are. We have an innate longing to seek out something more. The problem is, we look in the wrong places.”

Chip Mattis says:

I don’t think this topic is exclusive to women, so I’m jumping in 😀 I really relate to these feelings too. First, I see it in my wife, so I get that perspective. She’s a stay at home mom, I work the daily grind in the marketplace. But I also understand the feeling of needing something more. Tom Brady, the GOAT, has expressed this idea. As a man, I met all my work goals by 30. I constantly have to up the ante to feel like I’m making progress. But this is a sobering reminder that those pursuits are in vain unless I strive for God’s purpose and presence. So, for what it’s worth, thanks for the timely encouragement for guys as well!

Karen says:

So glad you chimed in, Chip. I’m sure guys relate. Love how Shannon expressed it, “How much better would our lives be if we actually lived out whose we are?” That’s the key to unlock our daily battles with identity. Especially during the mundane parts of life and continual pursuits of trying to fill ourselves or find satisfaction in any thing other than God’s purpose.

I love seeing Shannon here, Karen. And yes,when we remember WHOSE we are, somehow that gives new vision when life seems humdrum. I love hearing Shannon’s story; she is so transparent, and it touches lives.

Karen says:

Thanks, Betsy. I agree and love what Shannon said, “…your identity is not found in what you do, what role you play, or even your outward appearance.” Praise Jesus!

Lisa notes says:

“When I learned WHOSE I was, I found my true identity.” So grateful that we belong to the One who made us! No greater identity can we have than to know we are children of the King. Thanks, Shannon.

Karen says:

Yes! Love that, Lisa. “Children of the King” is where our true identity lies. Thanks for commenting!

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