Never Get Over Jesus and the Resurrection

Never Get Over Jesus and the Resurrection

I never, ever want to get over Jesus Christ and that He rose from the dead.

Do these phrases sound familiar? “Just get over it!” Or, “I’m so over it!” Maybe we tell others to “Get over it!” if they don’t agree with us on a matter. And we personalize the phrase when we walk through taxing circumstances or mundane daily routines, “I’m over it!”

But I’m not minimizing deep hurt and trauma. Telling each other to just get over significant loss or illness, for example, identifies us as insensitve and cruel.

Yet, in the same way, we often minimize the power of the resurrection and Jesus Himself in our lives.

We Get Over Salvation

Sometimes we get over Jesus saving us.

How? We grow complacent in our Christian walk and celebrating God’s redemption story. Still not convinced?

On December 26, are we already over the true meaning of Christmas and why Jesus came to earth? Further, whether one day, one week, or one month passes after celebrating the resurrection, are we over the epic and supernatural power of the Easter story?

Let’s remind our hearts of these truths:

  • Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace.
  • God canceled our former life. The resurrection gave us new life.
  • Our Father canceled the enemy’s bondage. The resurrection gave us freedom.
  • The triune God canceled our eternal punishment and death. The resurrection gave us everlasting life.
Jesus’ blood canceled our sin debt. The resurrection gave us grace. #Easter #Resurrection Click To Tweet

Never Get Over Jesus Christ

Admittedly, it’s not easy to stay superfocused on Jesus with all the distractions in life that come at us from every side. The world and its pleasures cause us to downplay the awe of salvation and the person of Jesus Christ. Also, we think more about this life than the next life. Perhaps godly things play a secondary role in our lives to earthly goals.

Or, we’re miracle-chasers. We only need Jesus when we need a miracle. Still, at the center of the Christian life is Jesus, Him alone, not just His miracles and His stuff. You see, lost is lost is lost. And, saved is saved is saved. True rescued people never get over Jesus.

Lost is lost is lost. Saved is saved is saved. True rescued people never get over Jesus. #Easter #Resurrection Click To Tweet
Never Get Over Jesus and the Resurrection

3 Steps to Focus on Jesus and the Resurrection

(1.) Insert your name in John 3:16 (read it out loud).

For God so loved ____________, that He gave his only Son, that if I believe in him, I will not perish but have eternal life. (ESV)

(2.) Remember all of God’s benefits and bless the Lord (Psalm 103:1-5).

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not ALL his benefits, who forgives ALL MY iniquity, who heals ALL MY diseases, who REDEEMS MY LIFE from the pit, who CROWNS ME with steadfast love and mercy, who SATISFIES ME with good so that my youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (Emphasis mine, ESV)

(3.) Proclaim your redemption story.

My name is ____________ and this is my redemption story. I was lost, now I’m found. I was blind, but now I see. Jesus rescued me from myself, other gods, sin, spiritual death, and the enemy.

The blood of Christ covers me. God saved me. I’m redeemed. The heavenly Father gave me eternal and everlasting life. I’m a new creation. I walk in freedom and victory over the power of darkness.

Abundant life is mine. Jesus is mine. The Holy Spirit lives in me. There’s an empty tomb and a risen Savior center stage in my story. Because God is alive and well, it is well with my soul.

There’s an empty tomb and a risen Savior center stage in my story. Because God is alive and well, it is well with my soul. And I never want to get over it…get over Jesus. #Easter #Resurrection Click To Tweet
Never Get Over Jesus and the Resurrection

And I never want to get over it! I never want to get over Jesus!

Featured images courtesy of Adobe Express.

Also see, How We Find Living Hope in an Empty Tomb.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


April 6, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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A beautiful post about Jesus and the beauty of the Gospel, that He laid down His life for us, and then welcomed us in as His own when we confess our sins, ask for His forgiveness, and give our lives over to Him as our Savior.

Karen says:

Thank you, Melinda. The gospel lies at the center of our faith story. Why would our hearts ever forget or get over Jesus and what He has done. God bless.

Jessica Brodie says:

Amen. We are given such an amazing gift! May we NEVER ever forget how blessed we are that God loves us enough to offer us salvation and a place in his home.

Karen says:

It’s something to celebrate for sure, Jessica. Because God is alive and well, it is well with my soul.

Yvonne Morgan says:

I don’t ever want to forget either. What an incredible gift and may I always be thankful for His sacrifice. Thanks Karen.

Karen says:

Yvoone, thankful we walk in freedom and victory over the power of darkness.

Amen. I pray I always remember the love of the Father.

Karen says:

May we never, ever forget.

Lisa Harper says:

Love Won…HE loved us first. Easter reminds us so strongly that Jesus shed his blood for our sins. Amen.

Karen says:

Lisa, it’s the foundation of our faith, isn’t it? We have a living hope.

Jody Pugh says:

Thank you for sharing this message for today Karen!In a time when we seem to be too busy to stay focused on what Jesus done for us….dying on the cross for our sins so we could be saved and I truly never want to “get over it” or forget what God has done for me!Without Him there would be no hope!

Karen says:

Hey Jody, your comment is encouraging to me. The enemy and the things of the world distract us from what matters most. God bless.

J.D. Wininger says:

You have me singing, “You ask me how I know He lives… ” this morning Ms. Karen. May I too never get over His gift to me. His gift for each of us, if we’ll only freely accept it. Thank you for this encouraging post. May I never “get over it.”

Karen says:

Hallelujah! Thankful He lives in me. True rescued people never get over Jesus. God bless.

May we never get over the understanding of what God has done for us and in us. Happy Easter, Karen. Thanks and God bless!

Karen says:

Thanks, Nancy. There are things we hope to get over in life, Jesus should never be one. Blessings!

I love this reminder, Karen. Sometimes it’s easy to just not “feel” it, and I’ve struggled with that this Easter. Your advice here is wonderful. Thank you!

Karen says:

Appreciate your thoughts, Ashley. I pray we remember the power of the resurrection all year long.

Joanne Viola says:

Karen, we can become so familiar with certain stories and aspects of our faith; and familiarity can be a thief. It robs us of gratitude for all that has been done. It distracts us and causes us to lose our focus on what Christ is doing in our lives each day. You are right – I never want to get over all He has done for me. May I remember so that my faith and love for Him remains vibrant. Blessings!

Karen says:

Joanne, this is powerful insight, “familiarity can be a thief. It robs us of gratitude for all that has been done.” Yes! May we remind our hearts of the truth and basics of our faith as we grown in our daily relationship with our Christ.

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