3 Ways Redeemed People Share Their Story

3 Ways Redeemed People Share Their Story

Tell us a story, Mama.

My kids often requested to hear a story when they were little. Sometimes from a storybook just waiting for us to get lost in the pages of a narrative. They enjoyed everything from classic tales of fictional characters to Bible stories about real people and Jesus. 

But some of my son and daughter’s favorite stories came from my own childhood.

True accounts of my favorite activities, my dog, and things my twin sister and I did when we were little that got us into trouble—double trouble.

As a lover of both the written and spoken word, I’ve always seemed to realize the power of story.

Yet, it took me a bit longer to realize that I have a unique voice and story to share with others, especially my God story.

And so do you, friend.

Look at Psalm 107:2 in the NIV, “Let the redeemed of the LORD tell their story—those he redeemed from the hand of the foe” (emphasis added).

Here are three things to consider as you find your voice to share your story.

Redeemed People: Reflect on your life up to this point.

When we look over the chapters of our lives, there are highlights and lowlights and things we’d rather not remember. But we can see it all as something God uses to grow us into His image, help others, and for His glory.

God uses everything in our story, highlights and lowlights, to grow us into His image, help others, and for His glory. #tellyourstory Click To Tweet

Reflect and pray: Lord, take the ashes from my life and make them into beauty as only You can. Take my rubble and broken places and rebuild them in Your name. Take the highlights and use them to show others how You are the highlight and joy of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Redeemed People: Recount what God has done in your life.

You know those biblical accounts of miracles for God’s people? God has done them for us. 

He not only moved mountains then, He has moved physical, financial, and spiritual mountains in our lives with no other explanation except, “But God.” The Lord has parted seas in our lives when there was no other way around the difficult issue we faced. 

God moved physical, financial, and spiritual mountains in our lives with no other explanation except, “But God.” And He parted seas in our lives when there was no other way around the difficult issue we faced.  Click To Tweet
3 Ways Redeemed People Share Their Story

There was also manna from heaven (provision), healings, His presence, and His faithful promises. And He’ll do them again and again! Nothing is happenstance, it’s God! 

Recount and pray: God, You are great and mighty and You do great things. You part seas and move mountains and send provision and work behind the scenes on my behalf. Even when I can’t see what You’re doing, help me realize how Your footprints and fingerprints are evident in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Redeemed People: Remember God uses your story within His-story. 

We became part of God’s story of creation when He formed us uniquely in our mother’s womb. God’s story of redemption was meant for every one of us when He sent His Son to take our place. 

And the Heavenly Father’s love, grace, mercy, hope, and goodness were written into our story once we were adopted into the family of God as one of His children.

Remember and pray: Heavenly Father, thank You for thinking of me before the world began. And before I was…You were. Help me see myself as Your masterpiece with a story to share about the Master. Thank You for adopting me into Your family. Let my story tell Your bigger story of redemption and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Heavenly Father, help me see myself as Your masterpiece with a story to share about the Master. Thank You for adopting me into Your family. Let my story tell Your bigger story of redemption and love. In Jesus’ name, Amen Click To Tweet

Share Your Story

3 Ways Redeemed People Share Their Story

Reflect, recount, and remember your story is part of God’s bigger story. 

When you find your voice to share your story, you will not only see God’s goodness and mercy written on every page, but you will also see how He uses your life and experiences for His glory and to help others.

Read more about my story and watch a short storyline video.

Featured images from filming for our YouTube channel, Friday’s Forever.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Embracing the Unexpected (Grace & Truth).

© 2023 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


April 13, 2023 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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It’s so crucial to remember that our story is a part of God’s bigger and grander one, and every part played by each of us is one that reflects His grace and glory. Remembering today the wonderful things my Lord has provided for me.
Blessings, Karen!

Karen says:

Martha, love how you said, “every part played by each of us is one that reflects His grace and glory.” I hope and pray to always see my life story as a reflection of Him. God bless.

Amen. Our words and actions can lead us closer to God or pull us away. I pray we all will be alert and ready to share our faith. 🙂

Karen says:

That is scriptural, isn’t it, Melinda. Everyone has a story to share, especially God’s people.

An encouraging reminder of all we have in Christ and all He does to pursue us as we are tempted to pull away, or to coast along, or to forget to prioritize Him as Lord and Savior of our lives. Great content, Karen.

Karen says:

Appreciate your comment, Melinda. I pray we reflect, recount, and remember our story is part of God’s bigger story.

Yvonne Morgan says:

God gives us our stories for a purpose. He wants us to share the good news of our hope and joy. Thanks Karen

Karen says:

Absolutely, Yvonne. He uses our life and experiences for His glory and to help others.

But God… And His good grace. . . Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.

Thanks, Karen. God bless!

Karen says:

Yes, yes, yes, Nancy! Let’s tell our God-story.

Jessica Brodie says:

So so good. I believe we MUST share our story, as it demonstrates the. miracles God works today. He worked a miracle in me, transforming my heart and soul for HIM. Thank you for an excellent reminder!

Karen says:

Thanks for sharing, Jessica. People can argue with us over spiritual things and whether God exists, but they can never take our story from us or disprove how God has changed us and worked in our lives.

I’ve written and published my story.
Can I Tell You My Story
Karen, I would like to send you a copy of my book or you can find it on Amazon.com.

Karen says:

That’s wonderful, Carol. I not only believe sharing our story helps others, but it helps us. There’s something freeing and healing about writing and sharing it.

J.D. Wininger says:

While I don’t think I share “my story”, which I often refer to as “His-tory”, often, I’ve always been amazed to see how God can use it to help another. I think our willingness to share our journey in faith is an important way we can help others to realize that we too face the same challenges, struggles, temptations, etc. as they do. Knowing we are not alone in our journey makes it easier somehow. God’s blessings precious sister.

Karen says:

I agree, J.D. Chapters in our life story absolutely help those who come after us and walk the same path. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so-share our story!

Lux G. says:

I love how our stories are important in giving light to others in the darkness no matter how broken we think we are. God can use us powerfully in our weakness.

Karen says:

Well said. We are to proclaim the excellencies of him who brought us out of the darkness and into his marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)

Even though I’ve been writing in my blog for 6 years, I feel like there is much more of my story I have yet to share. Some of it I will probably never share because there are many details. But how amazing it is to think that God wove every paragraph of every chapter into my story and His story and how He is using it and perfecting me in the process for His glory.

Karen says:

Those are good thoughts, Stephen. When we find our voice to share our story, we discover God’s goodness and mercy on every page.

[…] Last week we discussed 3 Ways Redeemed People Tell Their Story. […]

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