Treasure Hunt in the Bible: Jewels of Hebrews

Treasure Hunt in the Bible: Jewels of Hebrews

Who wants to go on a treasure hunt in the Bible? It’s my pleasure to introduce a writer friend for today’s guest post, Stephanie Pavlantos. I had the honor to read through her Bible study, Jewels of Hebrews, and happily endorsed it.

By Stephanie Pavlantos

The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Matthew 13:44 ESV

I’m a scientist and a researcher. I have always loved science—biology and anatomy, mainly. I worked in cancer and AIDS research, and later I worked as a histotechnologist in a hospital pathology lab. Researching comes naturally to me, as does teaching. 

Teaching is my first love. I taught biology, chemistry, and anatomy in homeschool co-ops, and the Lord called me to teach Bible studies over twenty years ago. Researching the biblical languages, culture, and history are exciting to me. 

Treasure Hunt

However, when the Lord told me He wanted me to write my own Bible studies, I was not a fan. I had no desire to write. Science people write about science, and I didn’t even care to do that. 

As I was wrestling with the Lord about writing, the Lord reminded me of the parable of the man who found a treasure in a field and sold all he had to buy the field. The Holy Spirit impressed me with an understanding of myself; I was a treasure hunter when it came to the Bible. I read scripture like someone who is searching for gems and when I find one I want to show it to everyone who will stop and look.

After I had written half of my Bible study on the book of Hebrews, the Lord reminded me of that parable again. He gave me the theme of the jewels for each chapter—a treasure hunt through Hebrews.

Are we searching for treasure when it comes to the Bible? When we read Scripture, we find gems for ourselves and others. Jewels of Hebrews study by @DPavlantos  Click To Tweet

Treasure of Gems

Treasure Hunt in the Bible: Jewels of Hebrews

To introduce each chapter, I tell a story of a famous gem or piece of jewelry. I base each chapter on a specific stone like the amethyst, ruby, emerald, topaz, pink diamond, or other colored precious gem. Each color stands for a characteristic of Jesus, i.e. ruby stands for blood, salvation, redemption, or sacrifice.

Your job as you read, and work through that chapter of Hebrews is to find the verses which deal with those characteristics. All the while you are learning about the Old and New Testament, Hebrew language, culture, and the Jewishness of Jesus.

In this study, you will see Jesus, or Yeshua as I call Him, as the High Priest, Savior, and Jewish rabbi He was and still is.

Jewels of Hebrews

Jewels of Hebrews is an expositional thirteen-week study for individual or group study. Within the study there is teaching, fill-in-the-blank, and reflection.

Exceprts from chapter one:

  • Reading Scripture is more than a ritual to check off our list. It should be an exploration. The Father wants us to experience his Word. Like a treasure map where X marks the spot, the Bible is our map to find the hidden secrets….
  • Imagine God guiding us along His path of love, encouragement, and wisdom every time we open His Word. He is eager to show us his Son’s heart, love, and selflessness, so we will treasure Yeshua as God does.
  • God spoke and still speaks; His words will never pass away (Matt. 24:35). His Word is power, and his words are powerful. God spoke and created all things. He spoke by the prophets, and he spoke by his Son.
The Father wants us to experience his Word. Like a treasure map where X marks the spot, the Bible is our map to find hidden secrets. Jewels of Hebrews study by @DPavlantos  Click To Tweet

About Stephanie: 

Treasure Hunt in the Bible: Jewels of Hebrews

Stephanie Pavlantos is passionate about getting people into God’s Word. She has taught Bible studies for fifteen years and has spoken at ladies’ retreats.She is ordained with Messenger Fellowship in Nashville, TN. Stephanie works for Besorah Institute for Judeo-Christian Studies in the Student Services department as well as teaching online classes.

She is published in Refresh Bible study magazine, Charisma magazine, and CBN.com. She is also a contributor to www.VineWords.net, Feed Your Soul with the Word of God compilation by Lighthouse Bible Studies, and Love Knots compilation by VineWords Publishing. Visit her blog, Twitter, and Facebook.

Treasure Hunt in the Bible: Jewels of Hebrews

Her Bible study, Jewels of Hebrews, won third place at Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (2018), an Honorable Mention at the Florida Christian Writers Conference (2019) and is a finalist in the Selah Awards at the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (2021). Find Jewels of Hebrews on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Walmart.

Married for twenty-nine years, she and Mike have three children, Matthew, Alexandria, and Michael. Stephanie loves animals and has dogs, ducks, sheep, and chickens.

Soul Search/Link ups

*Read 7 Things Our Souls Search For, all treasures found in the Bible.

Sometimes I participate in these link-ups:

Legacy Linkup/Inspire Me Monday/Tell His Story/Recharge Wednesday/Let’s Have Coffee/Tune in Thursday/Heart Encouragement/Embracing the Unexpected/Candidly Christian and Faith On Fire.

© 2021 by Karen Friday, All rights reserved


May 20, 2021 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized

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Stephanie, I honor your perseverance in writing a study on Hebrews! What a challenging book!

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Yes, Michele, God had to do a little convincing to get me to write this study, but I have learned so much from Him by doing it. It is my prayer that Jesus is glorified by it.

Sounds like an interesting Bible study!

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Thank you, Ava! If you enjoy deep studies of God’s Word you will like Jewels of Hebrews.

Stephanie, thank you for sharing with us your analogy of hunting for the jewels in God’s Word. Hebrews is definitely full of them! Your Hebrews Bible study sounds intriguing.

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Thank you, Melinda! I hope you get the chance to check out Jewels of Hebrews.

J.D. Wininger says:

So much to learn. I’m glad we have an eternity in which to do so.

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

You’re right, J.D. we will have an eternity to learn about God, His Word, and His ways.

Cathy Baker says:

I’m delighted to see you here, Stephanie. I definitely need to pick up a copy of your book. Hebrews is one of my favorite books and your approach is downright intriguing! Look forward to seeing you at Blue Ridge. 🙂

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Thank you, Cathy! I hope you check out Jewels of Hebrews and I look forward to seeing you at Blue Ridge, too.

Yvonne Morgan says:

Hi Stephanie, I love this post. The Bible is a true treasure hunt with gems hidden throughout. And the gems never run out. I can read a verse many times and find a different jewel each time. Thanks for sharing your wisdom.

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

You’re welcome and thank you! Yes, the Bible is filled with precious gems God is wanting to reveal to us if we take the time to study and search. Proverbs 25:2: “It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out.”

Looks like a great study. Thank you for sharing about the study and about Stephanie. 🙂

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Thank you, Melissa. Karen was very kind and supportive of my study. I appreciate her.

I’m so glad that Karen introduced you to us, Stephanie! Your book sounds wonderful for anyone who truly wants to dig for God’s treasures in His word. I’ll definitely add this to my wish list.
Blessings to you and Karen!

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Thank you so much, Martha. I hope you enjoy the study when you are able to do it. I know God will use it for His Glory.

Scientist and author Hugh Ross influenced my decision to turn from atheism to faith in Christ. I am interested in checking out this study on Hebrews; will check it out. Thank you for your obedience!

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Wow! So thrilled for you. God uses all of us when we are willing. Let me know if you work through the study, I would love to know what you think and how God uses it in your life.

Jessica Brodie says:

This is exactly why I enjoy reading the BIble! Every time I pick it up I uncover something new… some secret, some truth, some powerful theme. It is indeed like treasure hunting!

Stephanie Pavlantos says:

Jessica, I totally agree with you! God’s Word is living and is always teaching us something new. Thank you!

The Father wants us to experience his Word.

Wonderful. God loves us so and wants to lead and guide us in that love.

Thank you, Nancy! Yes, the Father loves us so much and His Word is our guide. Thank you!

Kristi Ann says:

I am a Devout Conservative Christian✝ Republican in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America 🇺🇸🇺🇸 USA and I STAND with the HOLY LAND of Israel-Yisrael🇮🇱 🇮🇱of Israel!! “Pray Without Ceasing” ( I Thessalonians 5:17 KJV ) For USA and Israel-Yisrael and our Christian Earth Forevermore!!

GOD BLESS ALL my Sisters and Brothers in Christ Jesus-Yeshua and my Messianic Jewish Sisters and Brothers in Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua and my Devout Jewish Sisters and Brothers and Your Families and Friends!!

I Love <3 you all Everyone through Jesus-Yeshua Christ, because HE LOVED EVERYONE FIRST!! Praise Jesus-Yeshua Christ for Today and Everyday!!

Mazel Tov Everyone Forevermore!!


Love ❤ Always and Shalom, YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Karen says:

God bless you for your wonderful testimony, Kristi Ann!

Joanne Viola says:

Every few years I get a new Bible just so I can start all over again 🙂 This is my year in a new one and this study sounds like a wonderful way to dig into Hebrews. It continually amazes me when I make a new discovery. Thank you both for sharing your gifts with us all! Blessings!

Karen says:

Wow, Joanne. I didn’t know about your new Bibles. That’s a great practice to get us out of the rut of leaning on a certain Bible and what we have marked, dogeared, and highlighted. Thanks for sharing that!

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