10 Truths for the Atheist Who Said I’m Brainwashed

Brainwashed“You are brainwashed, Love.” #atheist

The blistering comment caught me off-guard. Tweets of Christians publicly mocked by the Twitter account, Brainwashed.

Are Christians brainwashed?

The tweeter’s cover photo, “Religion was invented when the first con man met the first fool.” Atheists attribute the statement to Mark Twain. But, research doesn’t confirm they’re Mark Twain’s words. Whereas, several sources note it as one of the quotes he didn’t say.

Regardless, I wouldn’t argue the meaning as falsehood. Religion, my atheist friend, and Christianity are dissimilar. The first, puts confidence in man and religious rites. Christians hold confidence in One man, Jesus Christ, God incarnate who came to abolish religion. His death and resurrection overcame sin and provided freedom from the bondage of religion.

One definition for brainwashed“to effect a radical change in the ideas and beliefs of a person.” (dictionary.com.)

Do I desire to be radical for God? Yes. Have my ideas and beliefs changed since coming to Christ? Yes.

So, please call me brainwashed by God. Label me a Jesus freak. You see, it’s a compliment.

My father, an avid atheist for years, was blind to truth until he met The Truth. Jesus Christ.

10 retweets by our atheist friend and God’s truth.

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June 23, 2016 at 1:59 pm | Uncategorized