Christmas Through the Eyes of Jesus’ Earthly Parents

parentsThe birth of Jesus lies at the center of the Christmas story. But have you ever wondered how Jesus’ earthly parents would describe the events? Or what we can learn from His parents to apply to our lives today?

A recent two-week Christmas series at our church, The Christmas Story Through the Eyes of a Mother and Father, discussed Joseph and Mary.

My husband, Mike, shared through the eyes of Joseph the first week. I covered Mary for part two.

So, for this week’s blog post, I highlight the main points of each message and provide links to our church website for the video openers (fun to make) and full Scripture passages.

Joseph, the Earthly Father of Jesus

In looking at the overall story, Joseph has no speaking parts…no words quoted in the Bible. Still, we learn valuable lessons from him. Always trust God’s…

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December 22, 2016 at 10:33 am | Uncategorized