Some Things in Life are Overrated But Not This

Overrated, image text courtesy of Adobe Spark

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about. That movie’s overrated.”

My words became a frustrated howl as my friend and I left the theater.

We’d watched a new film with four and five star reviews. And over the short weeks since its debut, everywhere I turned people raved, applauded even, as the movie to go see.

I know these things can be subjective. Still, I didn’t understand the fanfare or hoopla for this one. At first, my friend defended the movie’s awesome-ness.

But finally a confession about the lead actor. “I’m his number one fan.” Then my friend admitted she’d seen better movies. But when we’re smitten and awestruck, our affections remain rock-solid.

Life offers a plethora of stuff to go crazy over. Misplaced affections steer us to overrate people and things. Besides movies, I’ll mention a few more scenarios perhaps you’ll relate to.

Overrated Things

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October 27, 2016 at 12:10 pm | Uncategorized