When Christians Resemble Eggshells

I’m excited to introduce a guest writer today. I know you’ll enjoy Lori’s words and heart. 


By Lori Roeleveld

No one should have to walk on eggshells around people who can walk on water. That’s what I think.

There are Christians who are sensitive to the Holy Spirit and then there are touchy religious people who take offense at every turn. Which we are, is largely up to us.

I once met with a group of writers who love writing but don’t follow Jesus. I learned from them and we enjoyed one another’s work. One night, we discussed a scene from one of my novels. An older writer asked why I didn’t have the veteran detective swear. I summarized the standards of Christian publishers for fiction. When I concluded, she looked at me with honest concern and asked, “Wow, exactly how fragile are you people?”

I agree with many of the standards we have for Christian writing – not for fear of offending anyone – but because I believe excellent writers can transcend trashy words, gratuitous gore, and blatant sex scenes. Christian writers, made in the image of God who is THE Word, should be the most excellent of all writers. No doubt.

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September 29, 2016 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Longing for Fairy Tales to Come True

Fairy, courtesy of Adobe SparkI spent the first fifteen years of my life wondering why the world didn’t make sense. So, I wished for fairy tales.

Surely everyone was mistaken. Adults, teachers, and story books—maybe they’re all wrong. Maybe fairy tales do exist. Oh, I wanted it be true.

Looking back, a state of emergency should have been declared on my young soul.

I wrestled with the daunting thought that true love and goodness would never make an appearance except in my dreams. Every fiber in me wanted to believe that one day they would show up and show up big.

But circumstances continued to relay contrary and sobering thoughts. It’s all a myth. 

When good memories tear away like pieces plucked from your heart, you’re apprehensive.

I could not open myself up to be let down any longer. So, I constructed towering walls to protect my heart and affections. A fortress no one could penetrate. Committed to never be fooled again by hope in people who don’t deliver.

Dreaming of Fairy Tales 

A handsome prince and a princess—a maiden lovely in form and beauty. The knight in shining armor. And a magical kingdom where wishes really do come true.

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September 22, 2016 at 6:21 pm | Uncategorized


Integrity on Social Media: 5 Tough Questions to Ask

Social Media

My grandson, Foster.

Is integrity possible on social media?

I absolutely get the whole First Amendment right to express our thoughts and opinion. And, we all have one—an opinion, that is, about most issues.

Whether you’re looking to put your best foot forward for prospective employers or find quality friends. Or maybe you value true integrity and character in the midst of a culture that’s gone half mad.

Social media is the biggest platform to showcase you. 

But for Christ-followers, shouldn’t we make every effort to conduct our lives based on the example of Jesus?

Everything? Every heart motive—the deepest nook and cranny. And every jot and tittle of our written words.

“A jot is the name of the least letter of an alphabet or the smallest part of a piece of writing. A tittle, rather appropriately for a word which sounds like a combination of tiny and little, is smaller still. It refers to a small stroke or point in writing or printing.” (More origin at the Phrase Finder.)

The phrase is found in Scripture.

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September 15, 2016 at 10:45 am | Uncategorized


Are You Carrying Grief and Sorrow? This is for You.

Grief, courtesy of Adobe SparkGrief is not a state but a process—like a walk in a winding valley with a new prospect at every bend. ~ C. S. Lewis

I’m not an expert on grief.

Instead, I relay my personal experience in walking through the process of utter sorrow. A path of darkness I have trod. Or maybe it’s more truthful to say I kicked and screamed the whole way.

You see, I never wanted to learn how to deal with sorrow or grief. No one sets out to intentionally sign up for the class.

Still, sooner or later, we’re all enrolled. Sometimes sitting side by side trying to figure out how we go on. Wondering if there’s any hope that lies on the other side of the path. And do we really ever graduate with flying colors?

Today, I had another topic prepared to publish. A lighter and less dark topic. But in the early morning hours, I sensed God’s leading to change my plans.

Grief, a part of life.

A conversation. “But Lord. Just a few weeks ago I wrote about loss in my own life.” (God’s Love and Mercy Will Cease When Pigs Fly.)

He reminded me. That was then, this is now. There are new burdens My children carry. 

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September 8, 2016 at 2:26 pm | Uncategorized


6 Takeaways on Marriage from My Husband’s Sermon


By Mike and Karen Friday

Is marriage a mystery?

Mike, my husband and pastor, recently taught a series, My Happy Family. It included one of the most powerful messages I’ve ever heard on marriage.

And unless you have the marriage thing totally figured out—which is doubtful. I hope my favorite takeaways from the series and some of my own thoughts provide you with helpful insight.

Takeaway #1. Look for someone who is running to God.

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September 1, 2016 at 9:39 am | Uncategorized