Some Things in Life are Overrated But Not This

Overrated, image text courtesy of Adobe Spark

“I don’t know what all the fuss is about. That movie’s overrated.”

My words became a frustrated howl as my friend and I left the theater.

We’d watched a new film with four and five star reviews. And over the short weeks since its debut, everywhere I turned people raved, applauded even, as the movie to go see.

I know these things can be subjective. Still, I didn’t understand the fanfare or hoopla for this one. At first, my friend defended the movie’s awesome-ness.

But finally a confession about the lead actor. “I’m his number one fan.” Then my friend admitted she’d seen better movies. But when we’re smitten and awestruck, our affections remain rock-solid.

Life offers a plethora of stuff to go crazy over. Misplaced affections steer us to overrate people and things. Besides movies, I’ll mention a few more scenarios perhaps you’ll relate to.

Overrated Things

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October 27, 2016 at 12:10 pm | Uncategorized


Why Gravy Reminds This Southern Girl of Jesus’ Scars

Gravy, courtesy of Adobe Spark

Do you have memories tied to an experience? Accidents, trauma, and even celebration often trigger a mental image and thoughts associated with the event. Here’s one of those events cemented in the recesses of my mind.

By Karen Friday

Southern gals know how to make gravy. It’s one of those unspoken prerequisites for coming of age in the south and getting married to a Southern guy.

Types of gravy come in the boatfuls—you’ve heard of the “gravy boat.” Red-eye gravy. Chocolate gravy. I’m referring to breakfast gravy, usually sausage-flavored, poured over piping-hot Southern biscuits.

For 20 years my husband, Mike, served as a youth pastor. He is now lead pastor of our church. Mike grew up on Southern gravy, as did I. Many of our pastor friends often discuss whether there is food in heaven and if it’s Southern favorites like pinto beans and cornbread . . . and gravy!

As a good Southern gal and pastor’s wife, I learned how to make gravy early on in our marriage. Over the years, I have made Southern gravy countless times, mostly on Saturdays.

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October 20, 2016 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized


Encore: Peace With Super Powers

Peace, courtesy of Adobe SparkReposting this article from last year. With present world events and the disarray in America, my soul aches for peace.

By Karen Friday

“I’m praying for you to have peace which surpasses all understanding.”

My heart meant well. I’d talked and prayed about this kind of peace umpteen times for friends and loved ones.

But it became my go-to thing to say. What a good pastor’s wife should say. For me it turned trite. Yet, I soon discovered it goes deeper and it’s more substantial than I’d imagined.

I stated the peace-words to Cory, a friend who faced surgery the next day.

The Best Available

As I sat in the surgical waiting room, I typed these thoughts on my phone. My husband, Cory’s pastor, was there beside me. While we waited, her family carried a hint of the anxious unknown.

I’ve read about this peace in the Bible. Honestly, I’ve never totally got it. I just knew that if it surpasses all understanding, it must be good. The best peace available.

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October 13, 2016 at 10:44 am | Uncategorized


All Hail The Power of Jesus Over Hell

Hell, courtesy of Adobe SparkWhen our kids were young, teaching opportunities presented themselves around certain words. “Hell” was one of those words.

Like this example.

Megan and I curled up with a book on each end of the couch. Only five-years-old, Megan already loved books. One-year-old Caleb decided he would spend the afternoon exercising his legs. And have a little fun to boot.

Pulling up at my end, Caleb side-stepped the length of the couch and tapped Megan’s book. He made the trip back to me, tapped my book, then on to the other end.

It quickly became a game. Side-step. Tap book. Repeat.

I smiled at Caleb giving him that Momma-sees-you look. Megan continued to ignore her little brother until one too many book taps met her last nerve. And there wasn’t time to exchange greetings.

“Caleb, what the Hades do you want?!” Except she used the word that means the opposite place of heaven.

“Megan, that’s not nice…not at all. Where did you hear that word?”

Megan responded in a frustrated howl as if to make her Sunday School teacher proud. “The preacher says it all the time.”

Sunday School Lessons on Hell

Oh, you better believe another Sunday School lesson took place right there in our living room…on a weekday.

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October 6, 2016 at 11:09 am | Uncategorized