5 Steps to an Unstoppable Faith

5 Steps to an Unstoppable Faith

I have faith. Until I don’t. Because when the world seems uncertain and hard circumstances come my way, my faith is anything but unstoppable.

As Christians, we often teeter between standing on a firm faith in God and sinking in the quicksand of doubt.  

But the Christian journey necessitates an unstoppable faith.

So I’m learning a firm and unrelenting faith is what God desires for His people. 

Yet, we often hesitate in our confidence in the Lord and His promises. Still, look at how Hebrews describes faith.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1 (NIV)

Faith is not a receive-it-all-at-once deal.

Because the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see, grows and strengthens while we live out our Christian lives on this earth. 

Faith is not a receive-it-all-at-once deal. Because the confidence in what we hope for and the assurance about what we do not see, grows and strengthens while we live out our Christian lives on this earth.  Click To Tweet

Here are 5 steps to an unstoppable F-A-I-T-H:

F – Find God faithful: Unstoppable Faith

We come to God in faith, believing He is Creator and Lord, and accepting His salvation by faith through Jesus Christ. This faith continues in our life as we find God faithful and learn He always fulfills His promises. 

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April 4, 2024 at 8:30 am | Uncategorized