Grateful Gobbling: Finding God in Thanksgiving

Grateful Gobbling: Finding God in Thanksgiving, design by Adobe SparkNo question, Thanksgiving Day stirs up thoughts of pilgrims, turkey, and pumpkin pie. But is it possible to find God in the holiday?

The pilgrims came here seeking freedom of you know what. 

When they landed, they gave thanks to you know who. 

Because of them, we can worship each Sunday you know where.

A fourth grader’s report on the first Thanksgiving when the classroom teacher requested students make no reference to God (source unknown).

While believers remain disturbed about Christmas devoid of God, what about the holiday before the birth of Christ?

How Do We Find and Keep God in Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving celebrates more than pilgrims and gobbling up turkey.

First, review this summary of definitions for gobble:

1) The sound a male turkey makes.

2) To eat, devour, grab, or use something up in a speedy or greedy way.

And some definitions also cite to eat noisily. That’s another article on etiquette but try not to do this at the Thanksgiving table.

“To gobble” suggests:

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November 16, 2017 at 9:32 am | Uncategorized