Rescued Misfits and Life After Christmas

Rescued Misfits and Life After Christmas, Adobe Spark imageThe hoopla of Christmas is over.

A celebration’s end often leaves us falling off the edge of a holiday high.

Do you know the feeling? Days spent in hustle and bustle. Gifts chosen and wrapped. Food prepared and devoured. Decorations glittered and dazzled.

Like a cup of tea, family gatherings filled us to the brim with glee.

But the celebrating, the hope-infused wishes, and the giving don’t have to go away. The true meaning of the Christmas story continues on to eternity.

I love stories—heart-felt stories, Christmas stories, both make-believe and real. Storylines stirring our long-awaited dreams.

So I’m a fan of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Because in the core message we find rescued misfits.

The book and movie’s storyline melts the heart of every boy and girl. Still further, adults escape the real world of heartache for moments of happy endings and “hoorays!”

Misfits Wanted, Therefore Chosen

Rudolph’s the poster-child for reindeer misfits.

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December 28, 2017 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized


Christmas Baby: A Holy Night for a Holy Knight

Christmas Baby: A Holy Night for a Holy Knight, Adobe Spark imageThe first Christmas was a silent and holy night.

I’m familiar with silent nights, they track me down and schedule dates on my calendar. Because I lose my voice about once a year, unable to squeak out a single word.

Laryngitis sets up residence in my vocal cords. But it’s never a good time.

A few years ago, silence struck with a job interview the next day.

And it happened recently with three speaking events coming up, the first in only three short days. Still, I was rendered silent against my will. My voice takes short vacations without even asking me for permission to leave. The nerve!

Silent Night

Late into silent nights, I try every known home remedy. I sip on herbal tea with honey and fresh lemon. Under the canopy of a bath towel, my face hovers over steam rising up from the sink. Also, I pop throat drops in copious amounts.

It’s no secret, I’m fond of talking. Me and words are BFF’S. “Verbose” should be inscribed on my forehead or near my mouth. Rest assured of my family’s reaction to periods of silence: “Praise God!”

Yet, words in considerable number usually adhere to my wishes whenever I need them. But on silent nights, words fail me.

Have you ever fallen silent, unable to speak? Or, maybe something or someone left you speechless.

Holy Knight

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December 21, 2017 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized


Free Worldwide Delivery: Letter From Santa Vs. God 

Free Worldwide Delivery: Letter From Santa Vs. God, Adobe SparkA letter from Santa keeps the Christmas magic alive!

Scrolling through email, a subject line caught my attention. “Great Christmas Gift Idea: Letters from Santa.” It piqued my interest enough to take a further look.

Instead of our kiddos writing out a wish-list for Santa, then begging us to make sure it arrives at the North Pole before Christmas, Santa sends a personalized letter to our children.

The company’s website, complete with sample ideas and pictures, promises an authentic-looking letter from Santa. It arrives at our front door in an envelope stamped from the North Pole.

So, we send the company whatever information we choose, but they suggest: name, age, relatives, name of best friend, hometown, etc. And a parent can add special achievements, acts of kindness, or good behavior for Santa to mention. I guess a confirmation the child made Santa’s Nice List.

The site assures this gift will keep the magic alive for Christmas.

Yet, this gift idea caused me to reflect. As God’s child, I hope to keep Christmas alive in another way.

Letter Stamped From Heavenly Places

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December 14, 2017 at 9:03 am | Uncategorized


4 Ways to Paint the Town Red This Christmas

4 Ways to Paint the Town Red This Christmas, By Adobe SparkJoy marked the occasion. So we painted the town red.

Born the first day of December, I enjoy celebrating my birthday in the same month as Christmas.

Every year my special day proves fun-filled and momentous.

But where did the expression “Let’s paint the town red!” originate? And how exactly does one go about it?

Painting the Town Red

I found a plethora of answers for painting the town red. Here’s a few:

  • From Google, “go out and enjoy oneself flamboyantly.” Synonyms: “celebrate, have a party, live it up, have a ball.”
  • “Go on a drinking bout; get drunk. Some believe it refers to setting something on fire” (The Free Dictionary).
  • Violence. Dating back to the 1800’s, an article in The Phrase Finder, “The allusion is to the kind of unruly behavior that results in much blood being spilt.”

It’s sad a phrase of merriment is associated with drunkenness and violence.

Still, there’s no unruly behavior going on when the Friday’s celebrate. For my birthday, keep in mind the glitter and sparkle of painting the town red.

Entourage of Red Painters

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December 7, 2017 at 9:29 am | Uncategorized