Rescued Misfits and Life After Christmas

Rescued Misfits and Life After Christmas, Adobe Spark imageThe hoopla of Christmas is over.

A celebration’s end often leaves us falling off the edge of a holiday high.

Do you know the feeling? Days spent in hustle and bustle. Gifts chosen and wrapped. Food prepared and devoured. Decorations glittered and dazzled.

Like a cup of tea, family gatherings filled us to the brim with glee.

But the celebrating, the hope-infused wishes, and the giving don’t have to go away. The true meaning of the Christmas story continues on to eternity.

I love stories—heart-felt stories, Christmas stories, both make-believe and real. Storylines stirring our long-awaited dreams.

So I’m a fan of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Because in the core message we find rescued misfits.

The book and movie’s storyline melts the heart of every boy and girl. Still further, adults escape the real world of heartache for moments of happy endings and “hoorays!”

Misfits Wanted, Therefore Chosen

Rudolph’s the poster-child for reindeer misfits.

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December 28, 2017 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized