Free Worldwide Delivery: Letter From Santa Vs. God 

Free Worldwide Delivery: Letter From Santa Vs. God, Adobe SparkA letter from Santa keeps the Christmas magic alive!

Scrolling through email, a subject line caught my attention. “Great Christmas Gift Idea: Letters from Santa.” It piqued my interest enough to take a further look.

Instead of our kiddos writing out a wish-list for Santa, then begging us to make sure it arrives at the North Pole before Christmas, Santa sends a personalized letter to our children.

The company’s website, complete with sample ideas and pictures, promises an authentic-looking letter from Santa. It arrives at our front door in an envelope stamped from the North Pole.

So, we send the company whatever information we choose, but they suggest: name, age, relatives, name of best friend, hometown, etc. And a parent can add special achievements, acts of kindness, or good behavior for Santa to mention. I guess a confirmation the child made Santa’s Nice List.

The site assures this gift will keep the magic alive for Christmas.

Yet, this gift idea caused me to reflect. As God’s child, I hope to keep Christmas alive in another way.

Letter Stamped From Heavenly Places

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December 14, 2017 at 9:03 am | Uncategorized