Quotes on Heaven: My Favorite from Billy Graham and God

Quotes on Heaven: My Favorite from Billy Graham and God, Adobe Spark“The moment we take our last breath on earth, we take our first in heaven.” ~ Billy Graham

Truer words have never been spoken from a man—and now about him.

A man who made truth and God his life’s passion. The godly evangelist who spent his 99 years on this earth about his Father’s business…the business of eternity.

When the world learned of the Reverend Billy Graham’s death, the news and newsfeed (social media) blew up with his spiritual legacy.

But before we look at more quotes and my favorite from Reverend Graham, reflect on these powerful words from others.

Inspirational Quotes on Heaven

“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now…Come further up, come further in!” ~ C.S. Lewis

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February 22, 2018 at 10:15 am | Uncategorized


Waiting for Hope to Show up and Show up Big

Waiting for Hope to Show up and Show up BigPeeking through the curtain, I scanned the audience and hoped my entire family would show up.

I’d landed my first high-school role in the broadway musical, South Pacific. Thankfully, my character as the island girl, Liat, called for more speaking parts than singing—not my strong suit.

With sweaty palms and a rush of adrenaline, I checked the seats again.

And if my people show up, would I make them proud when I took my final bow?

From side stage during the first scene, my gaze spotted them through the blinding light. All my loved ones occupied the entire third row. They’re here, now break a leg.

Show up for Front-row Seats

I found my groove and remembered my few lines with no blunders. But my glory days as an actress ended soon after.

History also recounts a glory day when hope showed up…big.

Over 2000 years ago, God set the stage for a story of hope to unfold.

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February 15, 2018 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized


The Only Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed

The Only Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed, Adobe Spark Image“We guarantee complete satisfaction.”

I always thought I knew what brought satisfaction in life. More money and resources to accomplish a dream. Like-minded people on my team. A near-perfect marriage and kids.

And a career I enjoyed on any day. Also, for the good parts of life to outweigh the bad—really tip the scale.

Satisfaction 100% Guaranteed?

Here’s the truth. I was wrong on every account. When a wish came true, I only moved on to the next one.

But nothing stayed around for long. None of the ways I tried to conquer my felt-based needs brought long-lasting satisfaction. No so-called guarantees kept up their end of the bargain.

Still, what ushers in a well-spring of satisfaction deep in my soul? What in the world feeds the human soul’s hunger and quenches our spirit’s thirst?

I discovered nothing in the world satisfies long-term. Oh, the god of this world, Satan, promises to satisfy us with many enticing offers. So, let’s look at…

4 False Hopes of Satisfaction 

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February 8, 2018 at 9:00 am | Uncategorized


Top 10 Countdown of Reasons to Choose Team Jesus 

Top 10 Countdown of Reasons to Choose Team Jesus, Adobe Spark designWe live in a time of ample opportunity for choosing a team to represent. Sports and reality shows afford us a team choice.

But life also boils down to teams on spiritual matters.

Yet, we hold the decision to pick the world’s team or God’s team, to stay loyal to Jesus or other gods.

Choose Team Jesus

10) Jesus wrote the playbook. In Christ dwells truth and knowledge of all things.

This makes Jesus best suited to call all the plays in my life. “For in him we live and move and have our being” Acts 17:28 a, ESV.

Aligning my every move with #Jesus becomes a game changer. #teamJesus Click To Tweet

9) Jesus embodies perfection. Whether in sports, music, talents, or career, the old adage says, “Practice makes perfect.” But practice never made anyone perfect, only better. The bottom line?

Nobody bats a thousand except Jesus. His ways and Word are perfect (see Psalm 18:30).

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February 1, 2018 at 10:39 am | Uncategorized