Top 10 Countdown of Reasons to Choose Team Jesus 

Top 10 Countdown of Reasons to Choose Team Jesus, Adobe Spark designWe live in a time of ample opportunity for choosing a team to represent. Sports and reality shows afford us a team choice.

But life also boils down to teams on spiritual matters.

Yet, we hold the decision to pick the world’s team or God’s team, to stay loyal to Jesus or other gods.

Choose Team Jesus

10) Jesus wrote the playbook. In Christ dwells truth and knowledge of all things.

This makes Jesus best suited to call all the plays in my life. “For in him we live and move and have our being” Acts 17:28 a, ESV.

Aligning my every move with #Jesus becomes a game changer. #teamJesus Click To Tweet

9) Jesus embodies perfection. Whether in sports, music, talents, or career, the old adage says, “Practice makes perfect.” But practice never made anyone perfect, only better. The bottom line?

Nobody bats a thousand except Jesus. His ways and Word are perfect (see Psalm 18:30).

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February 1, 2018 at 10:39 am | Uncategorized